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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Not a product in the world that I would do that for.
  2. Viral Marketing Online =Lameness
  3. Now it at least shows something. http://www.playb3yond.com/
  4. Shouldn't be quite as bad since they limited pre-order numbers per store unlike the 360. The people who get screwed as part of the initial 8-16 units per GS will be likely because of employee "intervention".
  5. If there were another Macross game , odds are probably either PS3 or ...DS.
  6. You knew that was coming.
  7. Again, incorrect.
  8. The "rumor" is Talladega Nights as the pack in. It seems like an odd choice but so far, all the talk has been that this could be it. Some fans want FF VII Advent Children on BD but I seriously don't think that will happen for the PS3's launch. You'd think it would be an action title or something given the guessed demographic but there are no real titles fitting that are "new" enough. The only thing that displaces the rumor is the fact that the PS3 will be released next month and that Tal Nights is a Dec. release so it would give the PS3 owners a movie that has "yet to be released" to the masses.
  9. I still don't see that verified, not even rumored anywhere. I have no Nintendo people to talk to, so I can't verify it either. So far, I can only go on the published specs and they all point to 512MB flash memory with the SD card slot doing duty if you need more.
  10. It's ironic actually, because in the Super NES and Genesis days before the core systems, pepole grumbled about that there should be a cheaper way to buy a system without the game so they could buy one of their choice. At least the Wii gives a pack in. And with the PS3, we'll get a BD movie most likely.
  11. Again display dependant...some sets look better, including 720p native LCD's with 1080i signals set to it.
  12. I sad the exact same thing the same time Claire said it.
  13. I haven't seen the ports for the system for the GC controllers...does it look like they'll take the Wavebird recievers? If so, I'd use the wavebirds I have for the spare GC controls.
  14. Yes, the PS3 is a 2X BD drive. I'm not sure if Sony will make the 2 million by the end of the year..I think maybe 1.5 but two I dunno. By Jan-Feb, they should be able to get production up yo where they say.
  15. Not to mention that Ep I as a DVD is horrible in the pic quality dept. as well. Looks fine on a CRT...looks like ass on a fixed panel.
  16. Yeah, they're like $3.99 or something.
  17. I'm glad that I was in the test phase pre-order area...turned in a buncha crap for a Wii and PS3 pre-order. Number 2 on the list for both with no lines and no waiting. Good luck to those who brave the stores tomorrow.
  18. Congrats! Enjoy the goodness of HDTV (assuming you can get some good stations where you are).
  19. 8 days to Ace Combat X . My PSP will get a workout next week.
  20. 6 hours to go for me.
  21. Yup, I say instant classic!
  22. Anyone see anything wrong with this pic? : It's from the Burger King 360 game Sneak King where, "players can step into the King's royal shoes and use cunning stealth to sneak up behind unsuspecting people and bestow them with a delicious meal." Delicous Meal....creeeeeepy.
  23. I'd like to see a Ken and Eliza white trash domestic marriage with him drinking and her with 4 kids grumbling to him to find work.
  24. Funny you mention that because I too would rather have the Wii in black (and the PS3 in a gloss white) for some reason.
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