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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. PS3's start up sound: Startup intro Some new pics from Japan site: PS3 pics galore This thing has also has amazing audio options. Info courtesy AVS forum post by K. Lee. Dolby Digital 5.1 ch DTS 5.1 ch AAC Linear PCM 2 ch 44.1 Khz Linear PCM 2 ch 88.2 Khz(upscaled redbook audio) Linear PCM 2 ch 48 Khz Linear PCM 2 ch 96 Khz Linear PCM 2 ch 192 Khz( max DVD-Audio 2 channel quality) Linear PCM 5.1 ch 44.1 Khz Linear PCM 5.1 ch 88.2 Khz Linear PCM 5.1 ch 48 Khz Linear PCM 5.1 ch 192 Khz Linear PCM 7.1 ch 44.1 Khz Linear PCM 7.1 ch 88.2 Khz Linear PCM 7.1 ch 48 Khz Linear PCM 7.1 ch 96 Khz Linear PCM 7.1 ch 192 Khz Damn.
  2. I remember that cartoon. My sister loved it.
  3. Last night was great. Love this show.
  4. Wow. A thread got moved. And a thread about that thread being moved. Yup, MW is back to normal.
  5. The commercial seen in some theaters: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HeFdzNPX9c
  6. 360 launched Nov last year...not even a year old...year and a half comment was a bit much...though it feels like the 360 has been around much longer.
  7. Fight Night was released Feb this year. Nice try. And some of us have all systems so....dunno where you're going with this.
  8. PS3 Version of Fight Night Round 3: Pics from a French PS3 site I believe. Edit: Typo
  9. Used mainly in computer displays...never should have entered consumer TV use but oh well, some of them had them for about a year and some cable boxes had DVI outputs before switching to HDMI.
  10. The reason for the seperate audio ports is that some people use DVI toHDMI adapters...and there goes your audio hence having a seperate audio port will come in handy.
  11. I'm still going through Lenneth on PSP (never palyed the original). Picking up Silmeria afterwards though.
  12. Call this number: 1-800-883-8895 Menu #1 Explain to the rep what happened. If they truly did what you said aand that store had more allotted to them, that is un-acceptable andd will be dealt with.
  13. You're not serious are you?
  14. No I don't think so. While teh backwards compatibility is there, the region coding on those remains as far as I know. It's for PS3 discs that there is no lock out.
  15. Yeah, if it follows in the US I'll say it's a huge mistake however I still doubt that it happens here. Component should be in the US box. Monoprice HDMI cables rule. I have like 8 of them so far.
  16. It's all a bit of both.
  17. Yes, Ps3 games aren't "region coded". Even if they would be, they will follow the Blu-ray/HD-DVD region coding in which both the US and Japan are in the same region now....so import away for PS3!!!!!
  18. Sometimes...but she's being taken care of well. I see her all the time on the road. The Goat is a bit easier to live with though. I really need some kinda pickup too dammit. Oops, going OT.
  19. In Hawaii, Gamestop did a pre-order on Sept. 18th as a "test-run" before the other stores for both PS3 and Wii. The catch was you had to turn in $50 worth of used stuff to get a pre-order...no cash taken. One Wii and PS3 pre-order per customer, $50 worth of trade ins per order. Simple. Even more simple was you could literally turn in anything they sold...crap DVD's, controllers, etc.
  20. Do you do the Halloween thing? I'm hosting a large bash this year so I'm actually playing along with the dress up thing this year. Having had some surgery last month,m I am confined to crutches for the next couple months again. So I got this: The women love it. Anyone else?
  21. Yeah I tossed the slip into my safe so I wouldn't lose it. Was re-arranging this morning.
  22. Only brand I ever had real problems with was Toshiba (CD Players in the 80's). I can say I'm more of a Matsushita/Panasonic fan than Sony(though they do make great Wegas and Bravias). I'd say half of my equipment is Panasonic including house phones. Never had a major problem with the PS2. PS1 is another story (hated the thing).
  23. Even with over a million at launch, it's paltry for a launch at Christmas. The holiday buying along with the newness will drain supplies faster than you'd think. Think about it. 360 had about 350,000 at launch and that wasn't near enough even though they said by Christmas they shipped about a million. PS3 will have aout 400,000 at launch and supposedly 2 million by end of year(hmmm). How many systems do you see at individual stores with those numbers?
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