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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. It is an afterthought. It was a GC game long before they decided to just Wii it.
  2. Have 2 copies of the game plus the soundtrack.
  3. PS3 games are currently not "region coded". Thus you can import them. You could see wind up seeing certain titles locked to a certain region if the developer insists on it but this would probably be the exception (anything is possible) and not the norm.
  4. Easier to judge how many kids come by. Plus, when you give handfuls you usually wind up giving un-even amounts to kids. On a side note, 400 bags given this year and it wasn't enough...the handfuls of loose candy then went into play for about 20 or so more kids in the last 30 mins or so before the garage door went down and all the stuff turned off.
  5. For one...it's not an F-14.
  6. I haven't actually seen a Famitsu in my hands since 2001 or so nor followed their scores the last few years...has the mag really gone to crap? I remember when they were ridiculously rough on giving games high scores.
  7. I'm actually surprised Famitsu gave fairly high scores. They normally don't. Edit: But then again...they gave that Dirge of Cerebus or whatever pretty good scores so maybe they are are being less harsh nowadays.
  8. This was known for awhile. This is why so many Wii launch titles aren't really "Wii specific". They are basically GC games that will be on the Wii instead. Great for anyone that was planning GC ports of multi platform games...most all of GC titles that would have had less sales than PS2 or XBox titles will sell with the Wii.
  9. Lik-Sang closing had nothing to do with Sony. They could have stayed open just fine. Their damages to Sony weren't even that much. They didn't even pay Sony a dime. They broke -resellers agreements and were ordered to stop doing so. They didn't even bother to go to court. They just looked for a way out which while I agree is a bold "statement"...all they wound up doing is upsetting their customers and putting the blame on Sony to justify it. Makes the "little guy" look big standing up "for the gamers" against the "evil empire" but such is not the truth. People and companies should take responsibilities for their actions right or wrong. Today's views of "getting out of it" make me sick. Sony nitpicking is one thing. Falsely claiming the nitpicking broke you and then releasing private info about customers on the net is something else. Lik-Sang lost all respect from me that day. At first I thought, WTF Sony too...until I dug a bit. Lik-Sang wasn't going bankrupt because of the case nor were they going to go under from loss sales of PSP's to Europe. Think about it. Besides...Lik-Sang the company while having great prices and customer service hold some bad skeletons in their closet. Based in HK...take a wild guess. BTW, you'll probably see Lik-Sang again under a new name. Just like Chinese DVD player manufacturers that go for a couple months at most, claim they are bankrupt and going under and set up shop elsewhere under a new name to avoid paying licensing fees.
  10. It's part of the whole "Play Beyond" campaign...as in a overkilll type thing...some ads show a Paper Rock Scissors game with 2 hands...with hands with real sharp blades coming out for scissors, and one a sold rock. One was a person doing jungle gym type bars but over lava etc..
  11. True...but it was a nightmare finding the 360 too. Edit: Well, for most people.
  12. Doesn't really work like that.
  13. Open it and watch it. It'd be funny if you opened it five years later and found the cases all empty inside.
  14. Agreed...but...some people aren't into FPS's... I can take 'em or leave 'em. I liked Halo for what it was but don't really get into FPS's as much as some. Edit: spelling.
  15. Yup. BD's follow a new region system...I posted the regions earlier in this thread somehere...basically it's: Region A: North America, South America, Japan and most of Eastern Asia except China Region B: Europe & Africa Region C: China, Russia, some other small countries Oh and the Play Beyond site has been thankfully updated..no more cryptic crap...instead we get... Lance Hendrickson?
  16. Made 200 bags of candy so far for the onslaught of kids that come every year...only 200 more to go. Last year went through nearly 400 bags. We seriously need to start thinking about going out on Halloween.
  17. To make a long story short... Lik Sang had pending suits with Sony over sales of PSP's to the UK. They weren't supposed to sell them there, and had re-sellers agreements with Sony stating that the units they received would be sold in a particular area and not exported to the UK. Then they exported them out to the UK. Not a huge thing anyways...Sony filed aganst Lik-Sang for this. Lik-Sang hasn't payed Sony anything, nor were they told to "shut down" anything by anyone except to stop sending PSP's to the UK. Lik Sang throws a tantrum and says they have to shut down because of lawsuits with Sony. What they are doing is presumably filing for bankruptcy to avoid paying anything. Would it be enough to truly bankrupt Lik Sang...not likely...would the lawsuit force Lik-Sang to close? Nope. This wasn't as big a deal as Lik-Sang made it. But their thousands of customers won't know that. To go slightly off subject...this is a common HK and China business practice...stay on the edge of the laws and when the heat comes, vanish with money. (It happens with DVD player manufacturers in China...they make players for a month, then when the licensing fees to DVD forum are to be paid, they claim bankruptcy or vanish and set up again next month with a new name. ) I agree the PSP thing was a small thing, but it is in Sony's legal right to do so. I suspect that Sony went after Lik Sang because of their past history together since Sony and other importers seem to find common ground and get along ok. I never dealt with Lik-Sang much as a gaming customer...I do know that some of their import PS2 and GBA titles weren't shall we say..."legtit". But they are based in HK so...there ya go. Sad day indeed for the import gamer. Sony gets bad publicity. Lik-Sang pulls a Chinese DVD player manufacturer impression to avoid paying anything. We all lose.
  18. When did they become $60 controllers?
  19. A what? WTH is RS? And honestly, if it bothers you...why watch?
  20. Toys R US pre-orders for Wii on the 29th of October for anyone who missed out before. TRU is Nintendo's official launch "partner" so expect quite a few consoles at each store.
  21. You'll see that more and more with the new systems. The sad thing is it will continue because people buy these things.
  22. Well, we sorta have. I keep remembering "This Year...this year....this year" by Manga.
  23. Lik-Sang is just playing the "martyr" in this instance. All the other import places play by the "rules" even when they err on the grey areas...Lik-Sang went beyond. Their whole business model revolved around taking large risks that may end up in lawsuits...it was only a matter of time. Edit: Confirmed...they were only asked to stop importing PSP's to Europe. This is just a "wahhhh! I'll show you...I'll ruin your name! " deal.
  24. They have re-sellers agreements they have to adhere to. Lik-Sang broke many European laws and sales agreements. Companies that do usually get fined. Lik-Sang is choosing bankruptcy to avoid paying fines and placing the blame on Sony. This way they come out looking good in the public's eyes. The lawsuits aren't bull and even hold more water than Immersion's copyright about rumble. They really can't blame Sony...they've been warned many times. This is nothing like Harmony Gold and Macross. It is more akin to if HG started selling Macross 7 and Plus stuff tomorrow and being told by Japan their license doesn't cover that and doing it anyways for years. And if anyone out there thinks this is "bad" by Sony, you have no ideas what Nintendo has done behind closed doors. Sony's tactics in this incident are legal and justified. Nintendo is the worse of all even trumping MS in business practices. It won't really matter in the end...like most HK fly by nights, Lik-Sang 'll set up shop again with a new name. Just like HK Bootleg DVD guys and DVD player manufacturers.
  25. They didn't drop the idea...it was never in the PS3 cards. The rumor was one stretched out of something thought of years ago...it died there and was only brought back as a negative rumor about the PS3.
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