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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. I liked last night's ep a lot. Excellent.
  2. The buyer does have a high feedback score...unless it's a hacked account.
  3. You won't find it on the search engine..link was sent out to people who signed up for it through email way back. I got it this morning.
  4. Actually, it hasn't gone "live" yet. 1200 AM 17th supposedly...could be earlier. Same thing happened with Wii $700 bundle; no direct links to the page until it was actually up for ordering and said out of stock until it was active. EDIT: It seems to be live...right...now
  5. If you so dare to dream the crazy insane price of having it all at once: http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=5303666 Walmart online bundle: PS3 Console Extra SIXAXIS Mem Card Adapter 12 PS3 Games (choose from list) 2 Blu-ray movies (choose from list...some add to bundle price) Madness
  6. Correct. Only way people should be grumbling is if they seem to have gotten 'bumped' from preorder lists or such like certain TRU stores (one store in NV opened on the Sunday they were taking pre-orders and claimed that they were sold out...before anyone got in the store). Some other horror stories are some GS and EB games where people on reservation lists were called asked by employees that they should take a lower pre-order number because some special kid/sick/dying child wanted it and their store was part of the make a wish thing...simply amazing. Not sure if that one's true but I wouldn't put it past some store employees.
  7. True...while I don't agree with it, it is an auction...people don't have to buy it..they could have stood in line like everyone else, etc. to get one.
  8. Gamestop took the pre-orders...they prob took way more than they should have before they even knew their numbers...just like they did last year with 360. In other news, all of a sudden, many of the bigger city Best Buys are reportedly going to be "launch centers" with 100-200 units. Just a few mind you...but I wonder. LOL On the ebayers with pre-order auctions from GS though.
  9. So your question is why they use the word before instead of after? This is your "engrish" argument? Your own Rockman example follows American usage such a s a tank buster . Your original question was...where this "engrish" word came from and what does it mean...and we've answered that in spades. You may form any theory you wish...it's your mind...most people have no problem with the word nor the meaning of it. Besides this is way OT now. I'll concede that you find the word a lot in "anime" and such a lot...doesn't mean the word doesn't exist outside in the world in the same context. Something large...simple no?
  10. No wonder this thing runs pretty cool...check out the size of the heat sinks/fan system. http://www.ps3forums.com/showthread.php?t=38492
  11. You're kidding right? How about Splinter Cell? Is that engrish? How about filibuster? And did you not read some of the meanings? "2. something that is very big or unusual for its kind" "It can also mean something large" Buster is a noun. Dictionary .com doesn't need to specify a large gun, cannon, or sword. The meaning in japanese is the same in english as it is an english word. Engrish would be a mis-translated one or literally translated in which it would not make much sense in terms of proper grammar (not the case in Buster Sword for instance or any of the examples) "sword of unusual big" would be more engrish.
  12. Oy the youth of today... Buster isn't "engrish"; it's a real word. It's a noun. A person or thing that destroys or overpowers something. It can also mean something large or as slang as in, "now you're gonna get it buster!"
  13. I must be alone because I thought the second far surpassed the first one.
  14. They better...getting my GC component cable was a royal pain directly from Nintendo.
  15. Every console maker makes a big deal about launch date. And yes, there will be shipments through the end of the year, but it will still be hard to find. Just look at the 360 launch last year. All the additional shipments were going to pre-orders and whoever was lucky enough to find one at a Wal-mart/Best Buy etc.
  16. IGN has a retail unit: PS3 Retail in hand Damn those composite cables!!
  17. Yup, totally busted on that front.
  18. The eggs commercial: The Rubiks commercial:
  19. Worth playing if you have a 360...definitely looks next gen. The drought's over.
  20. Just saw the new trailer...looks really good!!
  21. It's pretty heavy...about the weight of a 360 with the power brick.
  22. And is messed up. WTH Konami!!? Supposedly a patch is coming.
  23. Should be no problem...it's not a FPS. I enjoy this type of game more than FPS'ers.
  24. Chrome I agree looks a bit tacky...but it's on the 360's door too so...I guess people like the shiny silver look. But the rest of the console looks good to me. Yup, it's transparent.
  25. These people don't have jobs? I mean, how can you stay outside of a store (or a movie theater for that matter) for so long? Vacation? Days off? Live at home with mommy and daddy?
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