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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Yes. No dice. And...are you saying your import PS1 game plays fine on your PS2 unmodded?
  2. My Wiimote is constantly losing sync with the system the past couple days...batteries are fresh, the thing just won't sync until I hard reset by powering down and restarting.
  3. You can rip and dump the discs...you cannot play the code on them though. Same thing has happened withthe 360...people in the first week managed to dump the games...no way to use the files though. WIth Blu-ray though, even if the encryption IS cracked, the upcoming released discs can use an alternate encryption...thus limiting the piracy factor. It is one of the reasons some studios favor BD over HD-DVD.
  4. I've been eyeing it..think I'd rather have it on the lil screen instead of the big one.
  5. They couldn't even if they wanted to. The games were region restricted for a reason and that was to appease the publisher of the game. Same like movie region coding.
  6. Metal Slug definitely worth getting...all of them on the go? I'm there.
  7. Tiget Uppercut! lol
  8. My friend does that every time now too...she cracks up every time he does it.
  9. I'll agree with that one...I rented it from Gamefly and it's a lil...meh on the big screen. Better suited for the handheld DS. Dr. STILES!!
  10. Technically no. High Def is 720p and above. But before there were EDTV's the only sets capable of displaying 480p were usually also Hi Def ones. EDTV's can display 480p max.
  11. Only 5 hours in...so far so good. Graphically nothing to write home about..it's a Gamecube game and if you only have a Gamecube on a Standard TV, you aren't missing anything here except widescreen and swinging your sword with Wiimote instead of button. As far as Zelda being made specifically for the Wii...it won't look much different from the GC one you see now. Even Treyarch that did COD 3 mentioned that the Wii really is like coding for the Gamecube (even laughed and said it bsically is a GC) with just a tiny bit extra juice (and mostly to help with the Wii's controller)...nothing that will make it stand out against a Gamecube title. When they did the commercials for COD 3 they were told by Nintendo not to show the games graphics much but instead show the people playing. Not sure if they did that or not but it makes sense. The Wii won't look much different than your GC...don't expect it too. Instead it has a shiny new controller that is the star.
  12. It is very good. Honestly it is one of the better FPS's out there...storyline is actually interesting. You had to download an update to access the Playstation Store and use the browser etc. mainly. You could play the games out of the box. http://ps3.ign.com/articles/745/745344p1.html
  13. Replace the analog nub on the PSP with those extended ones and you have portable shooter bliss...works terrific with Gradius collection.
  14. Yeah, I'm sure it will...I haven't used composite ages. Looks horrible this way on a fixed panel.
  15. Hmmm...Gears is prettier..no doubt there. Resistance is no slouch though. They are really two different kinds of games since Gears is a 3rd person game and Resistance is a FPS. Both have terrific multiplayer and single player. Resistance has some of the coolest weapons ever in a FPS though and multiplayer 40 people is frantic fun. I'd give a slight nod to Gears so far since I am not so much a FPS fan even though I enjoyed this one immensely(still playing through too). Both are superb though. Nope. Really is apples and oranges.
  16. Gaijin Mii name= Gai Console number= 2891 6403 3207 0755 Added both Milkman and UN Spacy.
  17. More impressions: Resistance is awesome...not being a fan of FPS's much but this one does have me hooked now. Damn you Insomniac. Did anyone here get it? Or rather..did anyone else even find a PS3?
  18. I'd try moving the sensor bar. That said, I find that no matter how I set the sensitivity, or place the bar, the farther back I am, the better it tracks. I am using a 50" LCD with the sensor bar on top...sensitivity on 4 and about 12 feet away. When trying closer mine was so jittery, even when the Wiimote is placed on a stationary surface, it made playing impossible. In the 5-8 ft range, no matter where I place the sensor bar or what sensitivity I set it at, it just wouldn't track well. At 15-16 feet, it tracks even better but I don't want to re-arrange my couches that far back. Tried Trauma Center...interesting diversion. For some reason, it is so blurry on an LCD with the composite cables, it's distracting. Wii Sports and such are not so blurrry with composite. Speaking of which, does anyone have the component cables? I ordered a pair from Nintendo a few days before the launch but they have yet to arrive.
  19. Where is the sensor bar?
  20. You needed a review to see that a Gundam game was goinmg to be bad?
  21. PS3 first impressions: 1. Bastard is big and heavy. And Shiny. NOt as big as original Xbox but a strong second contender. Feels solid. It is opaque black...so is the SIXAXIS controller btw...looks like a black dualshock but it is actually see thruuuu. 2. Runs quiet like was reported. Drive is quiet as well. Stays cool. Exhaust air blows out the right side and back...warm air but the console itself stays cool to the touch even after hours of use. 3. Very annoying trait: for audio output I can only select one at a time...either the optical out, the PS multi AV connector or HDMI...I can't do one of each (at least I couldn't find a way). I have to switch it manually if I play with my receiver and surround and decide I want the TV speakers only instead. Please change. 4. PS network..it's free, it' up, it's not quite as polished as Live but it's got potential. I must say going online and playing and finding games in Resistance is quite easy...easier than Live even. Kudos to Insomniac. 5. Bluetooth headset for my cell phone paired fine with PS3...used for voice chat in Resistance perfectly...wireless headset!! 6. This is minor too but when you download a demo...it appears in teh XMB when you turn on the system..along with BLARING LOUD music if the demo is Motorstorm or Cash Guns Chaos. I mean...LOUD. 7. Load times with Blu-ray discs being very long compared to 360's fstare DVD drive...not true. Even without installingto the HDD, Ridge 7 is about 12-15 secs loading a race (timed with a watch on 4 diff tracks). WIth the install: 4-6 secs. Resistance seemed the longest with about 15-18 secs between levels. 8. Literally reads almost anything. Plug in an iPod and think you won't find your MP3's...tap triangle and voilea...instant directory! Album slideshow for photos is very slick. 9. Blu-ray player: Looks on par with Panasonic Blu ray player (IE: as good as a $1300 player). Plus it loads faster than either of them (the 360's HD DVD drive is also faster than stand alone HD DVD players). Still has the PS2 type video interface when playing though a lil improved. Remote would be good as I'm just not keen on using the controller for that wireless as it is. It is not a crap player this time around. Breathe a sigh of relief. 10. Wifi connection strength seems weaker than Wii's. Might just be a fluke..I only checked once. It seemed fast but the signal strength reported was low. Still, no problems with playing 40 player online. Good and sexy hardware but pricey and has some annoying quirks as well. The no 720p set owners must be rabid now for instance. Has incredible graphic potential Motorstorm looks awesome and the physics are as well. MOre later.
  22. It will never play the discs. They could release some of the games on the Virtual console...excepting the Saturn and Dreamcast ones. Wii: first impressions so far: 1. Slick and sexy looking...small and quiet...looks like it came from Apple. 2. Wiimote seems interesting...Wii Sports is a fun lil' diversion but yes...it's a tech demo...gets old very fast...this was from the people I had trying it that don't play games...they found it intuitive for the most part...but got bored fairlyquickly. 3. Not liking the 24hr Wii connect..I prefer to tell my stuff when to connect to the internet and not have it decide it wants to when it wants to. 4. Wii interface is fairly easy to use with teh Wiimote...virtual keyboard on this is quick. 5. Zelda...it's a given winner. But you can get it on the Gamecube as well...looking exactly the same (with the exception of 480p and widescreen). Still...it's worth getting if you have a Wii. 6. Red Steel. Disclaimer: I don't own it so maybe it gets better further in...the control probably won't. This is the game that sold many people on the concept of the Wiimote at E3. Those videos of swinging a sword around and shooting with teh Wiimote seemed like a dream come true. Good thing because that's the only thing it was good for...in reality it is worse than a standard controller. This game is crap. Good idea...horrid execution. Rent to see how bad. 7. Lots of potential for games that were actually created for the Wiimote and not ports of other games like Marvel UA, Call of Duty etc. You'd think FPS's would work great on the Wii. They could. Hasn't happpened yet though. Possibilities are exciting. 8. Remotes and accessories are in short supply it seems. Looks like Nintendo got the hardware numbers...they forgot to make a few extra Wiimotes and nunchucks to go along with though. Overall: nice exterior hardware design...familiar graphics...interesting controller...lots of potential. Do I think it's going to change the way we play? No, but it's a step in the direction. Really hard to say with the titles that are out now.
  23. Nope, sorry.
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