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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. I wanna see Rocky take some Geritol and get into the ring. I am seeing it when it comes out just so I can say I saw geezer Rocky in the ring.
  2. Virtua Fighter is about as far away from button masher as you can get. All the other 3D fighters are nowhere in it's league truthfully. That's prob why it loses some appeal...the game is deeper than most all fighting games combined.
  3. Congratulations. I assume you bought a game as well.
  4. Really getting into Portable Ops...The Wi-Fi scan to find new recruits is interesting.
  5. Hardcore...I wouldn't camp for anything.
  6. Rayman I could see good as a party game...but I can't find more Wiimotes or nunchucks anywhere. Wii Sports boxing would be good too...maybe that's why no one here finds it much fun beyond the initial novelty...we only have one controller and nunchuck. As a single player game, it certainly gets old. The hunt for more nunchucks and Wiimotes have been going on since launch for me. None of the stores in my area got anything beyond 6 nunchucks and a handful of remotes since the launch.
  7. I shoulda sold you mine.
  8. Zelda is a positive. The difference is I have all the systems and compare them to each other...Wii more fun? No...it's no more fun than the others. Fun is an opinion...I don't get any more fun out of the novelty of the Wiimote than using an ordinary controller...different yes...more fun? Once the novelty wore off...not really. Do I wish I was using a Wiimote to control my games on the other systems? Nope. I'll stop mentioning Zelda (which is a good game albeit, a port) when you stop claiming this is the end all be all of game systems...it''s not. Neither is your magical PS2 that plays your VFX2 import. We never got that picture btw. I'm sorry but that's the truth. I don't see it. If you have fun with it then great. It's just not quite doing it for me and though it's way to early to say...this would definitely not be my console of choice to play the games I like. But I must say watching people box in Wii Sports is again, the funniest moment in gaming history. Kudos. As for the rest of Wii Sports...way too shallow and not very responsive as I had hoped. A sequel could be very interesting though. Red Steel? Are you serious? I've played Rayman and Trauma Center....Rayman is many minigames. Trauma Center....was ok. Rented Excite Truck and DBZ: Budokai T 2...DBZ won't let you play past 4 feet in front of your TV no matter what settings you have it on. And to go off on a bit...anyone out there figure it out? Maybe I'm missing something on this one...I have to walk up to my screen about 4 feet in front before the message that says you are too far away will go away. anything farther and it appears...even though it will actually still control and you can play with a dark overlay on the screen telling you you are too far away. Excite Truck...well...it was alright...no different than other launch race games for other systems with the exception of the graphical handicap.
  9. I ate it.
  10. Worthwhile games...Zelda is on the Cube. Other than that...everything else, like PS3 and 360 launch is kinda blah.
  11. It is as good as a console version of MGS...it is broken up into smaller missions at a time though, since it is a portable. It continues the story after Snake Eater...Fox Hound!!
  12. It is...the print run is quite low...once it's gone you prob won't see any re-stock.
  13. There is but it's like a cell phone strap. They are supposedly upgrading it since some people think whipping the remote will help their game :
  14. But it is. I'm not knocking that it is indeed a great game...but is IS the Gamecube game that was promised for years..on a new console...fine if you bought a Wii...a slap in the face to Cube owners by not making it available widespread. Seems like the Gamecube was silently laid to rest, just like the XBox was last year...least the PS2 has a few years left..
  15. How are you confused? You said your import VFX2 plays in your US PS2...does it? No one else's will, unless modded or you've a dev kit, etc.
  16. Umm...right kid. I get up more than enough times outside of games...I don't find it tiring to swing around a control...I find it a bit repetitive and non satistfactory in Zelda. Tiring is my workouts...that has nothing to do with it. Lazy to play a game? You think swinging a Wiimote around is exercise or something? I have respect for the game itself...but the Wiimote doesn't add anything to it for me. Swinging it around only equates an equivalent of a button press...doesn't dictate how you swing in the game, etc. The pointing is the only thing that is more natural. The Wiimote has been used better in other games...Zelda isn't one of those that "shows off the controller" and I stand by that one.
  17. Becoming a rarity. Nintendo really screwed the GC owners with this.
  18. It's easier to not think they are related in any real canon way.
  19. In other words...we'd like a picture.
  20. After a couple weeks...I'm not so sure this thing has the staying power to last this generation. Sure it's cheap compared to the other two, and the controller is a unique way to play certain types of games but, I just don't see it becoming the mainstream in this industry past a year or so. Zelda is Zelda...no doubt there. But I honestly don't see anything in the pipeline that has me excited. True, graphics don't make up for gameplay but they do help and since when does it hurt to have both? ie: Gears of War/Motorstorm etc. As good as Zelda is...I honestly don't think the experience would be significantly different without the Wiimote (It shouldn't really as it was a GC game). There were times when I wish I was using a regular controller and times when the Wiimote shines (pointing at things mainly). Still has potential but the novelty of swinging a remote around is losing it's appeal for me.
  21. I have several "first batch PS2's" including a launch day US one and I did have a launch day Japan unit for awhile...neither would play other's PS1 games. Are you saying your "first batch" PS2 plays your imports? Out of the box? Did you purchase it that way? OR are you talking a modded console? And...yeah, you could find a way to do it on the PS3...the point is out of the box, even without updated firmware, you can't play import PS2 games, nor import PS1 ones. Could you hack it to make it so? Of course you probably could. That is still outside the realm of what was being asked by the posters. Create an OS? Umm...why bother? You can install Linux on it as it is...
  22. Just got it...played through about 30 mins...so far...it's looking very good.
  23. I would have thought pilots and aeronautical techs would know how to spell.
  24. My GS still hasn't received theirs. It's been getting rave reviews.
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