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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. It's actually not a full HD DVD player. It doesn't support some of the standard features HD DVD provides. I wouldn't be surprised if this thing never really launches, or if DVD forum makes a big stink with LG over it since the Blu-ray side of it is fully functional. And...any "combo player" or multi format disk, while seemingly ideal...will drag the war out longer and confuse people even more.
  2. Are you asking about Zelda? It was released albeit in extremely limited suppply. They want you to buy a Wii version.
  3. I'd like a 2D Castlevania like SOTN but...with better graphics than the hardware that the DS gives us. I didn't listen to the interview...what was said...2D or 3D Castlevania on PSP?
  4. There have been controllers that were like the nunhuck before actually...it's nothing totally new. ASCII made a one handed Playstation controller for RPG's and simpler games. I tried one at an import store many years ago..it was fairly comfortable and would be ideal for long RPG's and such that didn't require much input.
  5. In theory that's true; I thought that too...until everyone played Call of Duty 3, Far Cry, and Red Steel for Wii. It just doesn't work well...yet. They really need to work on the FPS thing on the Wii; it's not living up to the grand control scheme for FPS's.
  6. Lack of buttons for one...for certain games, a button press would be better than a motion. The Wiimote has 2 you can access easily...the others are in no position to use in a quick action or fighting game. The Wiimote and nunchuck would be hell for traditional fighters and certain types of games. Simplicity is the Wii controller's strong point. It doesn't answer every genre nor should it. Don't make it out to be more than it is. It excels at some things..would be dismal for others. Otherwise, the classic controller would never have been invented.
  7. The better games on the Wii are simpler mini games. For traditional games, the Wiimote just doesn't do it. It has nothingto do with getting used to waving instead of pressing a button or stick. It has to do with which makes more sense. With certain types of games the Wii mote excels. With others, it's no better than, or even worse than traditional control. While Zelda integrates it nicely enough (try the GC one and tell me if you think anything is lost...it's no different really, unless you are so amazed at swinging to play), other traditional games haven't and if only Nintendo gets it right than yes, it's the same as the GC and N64. And 'the way games should' be played? I highly doubt that one. The Wiimote is impressive at certain things...like mentioned, for other games it would not be. It excels at simpler games.
  8. I think it's fun in certain ways. I don't think it will be the market leader by the end of this next gen. It will appear to be so in the first year or two...beyond that it will be between the other 2. To be honest, like the N64 and GC, the only really worthwhile titles will be Nintendo's first party stuff. Certain genres of games can be unique but the Wiimote doesn't handle everything well, and makes some more complicated than it should be.
  9. Yeah, I'd like DVD's to have them. Then rented movies might actually play after a dozen or so people rent them...I always wondered what the hell people do to make the discs so scratched up...frisbee them to each other at the beach?
  10. Durability? In theory, yes it would appear HD DVD would be more durable....so far in the real world they haven't been. Even with the dangerously thin BD's and the info so close to the surface...I haven't had a single instance of a scratch including rentals(due to coatings). HD DVD....scratch city and yes like DVD...scratch and smudges equal= stutter, freezes, downed play time. Had floaters in BD and HD DVD purchases...BD disc= no scratches, plays fine. HD DVD = surface scratches....skips and stutters. The coating (and not even Durabis at that) they've been using is really quite good. Time will tell if it lasts but so far Blu-ray discs seem to be able to take more punishment than HD DVD ones. I can attest to that personally. Now if only the stand alone players were cheaper and as quick as my PS3.
  11. That's the first thing I said when I learned about the bit-rate indicator...haven't seen that since my first Sony DVD player in 98. AS UXI mentioned...the PS3's BD playback and response is stellar. Easily beating stand alone players on either side of the camp. Even the 360's add on is much faster than stand alone HD DVD players. Yup....neither side will budge. Toshiba is the stubborn one on this side actually...we wouldn't have HAD a format war if they actually reached the agreement with the BDA etc. You can actually blame Microsoft for convincing Toshiba to not "give in" . I used to think the same way before the formats were set in stone. Then I bought an HDTV. DVD's show their age no question. Fine for the time being, and ok on an SDTV....will not be ok for the future. Besides...you can play a DVD on any of the new players. All new purchased discs for me however are in HD.
  12. It is impressive. My freind came over and thought I was watching video of a car whenthe replay was going. "That's a GAME?!!??" was her expression. Yes, the 1911 is still my all time fave handgun too.
  13. The Wii has Wi-Fi. All you would need is to create a wireless network for it to connect. If you don't have a wireless network, all you'd need is a wireless router.
  14. Snapped a quick pic next to my Harmony. The remote is Bluetooth only, so it will only control the PS3 but it's a nice basic unit. Wish Harmony would add BT to their next remote so I can resume the "all in one" feature I used to have.
  15. Fox is on board Blu-ray (X-Men, Fantastic 4, etc.). In fact, all studios are save for Universal. Was busy all day...downloading GT HD now...
  16. The GT HD download will appear in the US as well on the 24th. Merry Christmas!
  17. Out of print or not, the copyright still stands.
  18. Exclusives will probably become the realm of 1st party titles.
  19. PS3's will output at 1080i for the Blu-ray player, or 720p, but you have to set the res manually. If you have it set as 1080i highest res, it will default to that. 1080p is the standard res for Blu-ray and HD DVD. The discs are all encoded for 1080p. The first HD DVD players didn't output at 1080p though. The discs will show 1080p if you have a player that outputs it as such, and a display that will accept a 1080p signal and not just display it a a native 1080p res.
  20. So I guess we'll see a giant spoiler, some Kanji painted on the side, and a sticker that reads "MUGEN" on Wiis shortly.
  21. You don't even have to "mod" it to get the light to do different things. I just threw that in for the novelty since it seems everyone wants their Wii's to glow blue always for some reason. You don't have to make it blink. You can adjust it to stay on if that would be what you wanted. But yes, you'd have to do a bit of "adjusting". Why would you want the light on always anyways? Just curious.
  22. It's not hard to do actually. There are "ways". Some people have taken it to the extreme even.
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