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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. VF5 is terrific. If you are new to VF it can be daunting at first but stick with it and you'll see just how far down the rabbit hole goes. The character models are damn impressive, the gameplay is spot on as all the other VF's and the Quest mode is fun. The only complaint I have with VF5 is that the disc always asks if you want to install at the beginning after you boot it up...even if you already did. Minor nitpick, but c'mon Sega!!
  2. Still waiting for my copy. I knew I should have ordered online with this one. Perhaps this week it'll show.
  3. Tried the PS3 version. It's not bad at all...nothing terrific but nice if you enjoy flight games.
  4. Anyone pick up flOw? I actually like it. The SixAxis control works well for once.
  5. Flow on the 22nd Tekken 5 DR on the 26th Though I will have my hands full with VF5 this weekend.
  6. Virtua Fighter 5 in 2 days! Only thing that sucks is my High Grade Sega stick order is delaying my Hori Real ARcade Pro as well since the Sega stick is postponed due to issues. Ah, AM2 fighting goodness will reign once again on the next gen consoles.
  7. Hope it's rented because DBZ would be Game of the Year when compared to Red Steel.
  8. I hope not either. I could handle the original Rondo being an unlockable but SOTN should be available from the start since they are revamping the voices, etc.
  9. Me too.
  10. True, but Firefly/Serenity pulled it off. And Battlestar Galactica TNS tends to "muffle" the sounds a bit so at least it's not like Star Wars.
  11. I'm pretty sure you'd be able to pick from the 3 at the start: Original Rondo Arranged Rondo Enhanced SOTN (With redone voices finally!)
  12. I went with a Swap Magic disc set and a flip top mod...all you do is switch out the old lid for a new one but I have the 75001 series for this. 77001 is the latest (15th revision I believe) PS2 version...not sure if it works with current swap magic.
  13. No wonder people need bigger straps on the Wiimote...they were swinging those things like an axe.
  14. Actually, the PS2 and DS sold more than any of those this past Christmas. It was for the month of Dec IIRC, from the top DS, PS2, 360, PSP, GBA, Wii, PS3. And...are you kidding me? You think the PS3 sales are from Sony themselves? The Wii will look like the winner for say a year or 2 but it will likely not be the "market leader" at the end of this next gen. Reason is the 360 aqnd PS3 won't be $400-600 forever, and the Wii won't ever be "free" so to speak. Could happen that the market will change and everyone will go back to playing simple (admittedly fun) quirky games but it's highly unlikely. Unless you look at it from either MS or Nintendo's view in that they will have taken market share away from Sony even if neither of them is number 1 at the end of this gen. Heck they are profitable anyways, so they aren't complaining.
  15. YEs, definitely a must buy.
  16. Yeah, I've seen a couple of his videos before...sometimes it's kinda funny.
  17. Just get a Saturn.
  18. Lik-sang could have remained open. When selling hardware from Sony, they are obligated by the terms that it will not be sold in Europe. This is also because of the stricter importation laws and not only maintaining a profit. Lik-sang is actually making a huger deal out of this than it is. For one, they never even went to court and had no legal costs. They didn't pay Sony any fines. They didn't lose anything other than the fact that they were supposed to stop selling PSP's in Europe when asked( and were obligated by since they first agreed NOT to). The whole matter is being blown out of proportion by Lik-sang. Do some real hunting and you'll find out why it goes much deeper than what it appears to be. I know it's easy to take Li-Sang's word on this one but there's actually a whole other reason why Lik-sang decided to close it's doors (but blamed it on the PSP fiasco) and it's not something you'd expect. Or maybe you might since you know where they were based and most people know what's going on in that region regarding hardware and software and....other forms of hardware. I cannot say more than that.
  19. Hardware and software in the Europe/UK has always been insanely expensive. Considering the 360 sells for about £299 ($586) and the Wii 149GBP ($294). If you live in that part of the world prepare to be wallet raped if you play games as a hobby.
  20. I give up lol. Good luck.
  21. The CNet article is wrong in a sense. It still can't access the disc menus. But it makes it's own apparently so it's kind of moot for some people. It uses a custom menu system that is overlayed over when you play an HD DVD, not the disc menu, like the PS2's DVD menu. It is quite primitive but will allow you to skip forward and back between chapters and such. I stand corrected on that front though, because I hadn't seen it until someone posted pics on AVS. But it still doesn't support HDi. In a player costing that much, it should give you the full benefit. A second combo player from LG in the next few months with full support from both formats. And...seriously....$1200 for an LG player? Wait 3 months for the true combo player from LG.
  22. I was speaking of eventually. They are upset with this now. They won't keep it up forever. They don't have the space. Even Wal-mart has been barking about it. Not to mention the consumer confusion. I dislike both cases colors. The case itself is fine. I just don't like the colored case. I wish they would go to a clear one similar to the thicker PS3 ones (with the same BD/ HD DVD width of course).
  23. Who knows? Probably just to create buzz that they could do it. LG is a semi decent company nowadays but at $1200-1300 this player isn't exactly the best bargain around. You could literally buy a PS3 and a second gen HD DVD player and have $200-300 bucks left over if you wanted to support both formats. Which brings me to the point that I was trying to make...combo players and discs only serve to confuse people more (look at this thread) and prolong a war. THis isn't like a recordable format. Retailers will not stock 2 or even 3 different versions of a movie. One will prevail, and even though Sony haters want Blu-ray to fail, they forget that Blu-ray isn't only So ny's baby..it's virtually everyone in the entire electrnoics realm, sans Toshiba.
  24. HD DVD did launch in Japan...it bombed quicker than the XBox 360. Which is probably why you haven't seen it. What are you googling? You want proof that the HD DVD side of the player doesn't support HDi? It can be found in ...every article that talks about the player. There is a link or two in this very thread already. Here's 4 more at the top of the google search list: http://www.gizmora.com/?p=1810 http://www.engadgethd.com/2007/01/14/lgs-b...o-be-sold-sans/ http://www.i4u.com/article7636.html http://www.koreaherald.co.kr/SITE/data/htm...00701180014.asp It will play a disc but if it's incompatible in ANY way, they don't officially support it anyways.
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