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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Why the heck are they calling it Gunbuster 2? I just don't get it. Sure the name has some recognition but c'mon.
  2. It will appear on the PS3 as well. It is a timed exclusive. I don't think we'll ever see many 3rd party exclsuives anymore...all exclusives will wind up being mostly 1st party games like Halo & Gran Turismo with a few exclusive 3rd party ones like Capcom's Lost Planet for 360 and MGS4 for PS3.
  3. I tried it. I like it better than the last AC game I played (admittedly it was AC2 so the series has come a bit since then). Not sure if I want to purchase it but it might make the rental from Gamefly que.
  4. New Ratchet and Clank screens:
  5. If you had the Mega CD import. Spencer Nielsen's music was ok but paled in comparison to the amazing soundtrack that it had originally.
  6. Yes, that was awesome. Fond memories of that.
  7. Apple announced today DRM free songs from iTunes at a slightly higher cost but with increased bitrate as well.
  8. You are a more patient man than I.
  9. Except he's not the only one with problems. It's fairly widespread and common, much moreso than any other consumer hardware I've come across. I won't go into the personal experiences, nor the fact that a good 60% of people I know with 360's have had them fail within weeks to just under a year. That's just not acceptable. You don't see Macs or PC's failing like that, nor any other gaming console. The lockups are un acceptable. It is either a faulty design or build quality is beyond shoddy. I'm not oblivious to hardware failing as a common thing, but this is above the norm. Nor am I so jaded as to the software for it to realize that the 360 is one serious failure prone console which would be fine if it failed after 2 or 3 years...most are dying out with under a year's worth of use and many in weeks to a couple months. Heck, even the Walmart and Gamestop in my area confirm that they get daily returns of 360's, moreso than any other electronics device they sell. It needs a serious revision badly.
  10. No, they used FMV of live actors for those scenes in AC0. Unlike AC5 which was CG.
  11. Correct answer would be for the smaller chipped 360's assuming they would actually run cooler. Ah, 360, if only your hardware wasn't the most problem prone of any console released to date. Least the PS problems surfaced past years. Friend bought a 360 2 weeks ago...3 red rings after 1 week playing Halo and Gears for no more than 2 hours a day. The replacement one from Wal-mart? GOW stutters and freezes all the time. Disc plays fine in other 360's that aren't having problems. So it's going back for a 3rd replacement in 2 weeks. Good hardware marred by poor quality. Unacceptable to me but apparently a lot of people accept it. Just like the original PS1..people just took it and bought another.
  12. The Elite won't have the smaller chip, just a quieter drive. I'd hold off for the smaller cooler chip, since the bulk of the 360's problems are heat related.
  13. The PS3 hardware is already on it's second revision. And unlike the PS1 and PS2, the PS3 in it's original launch form seems to be of a much higher build quality than what you'd expect. Much more than the 360 is in that respect. The Blu-ray player is better than many expected.as well This isn't your pop's PS2 in other words.
  14. I also tried the folding at Home. I let it run for approx 8 hours overnight...no issues, unit was the same temperature as when I left it and it had already finished one project and had jumped to the next. I notice that the amount of PS3's folding tripled from last night already whose measly 6,000 some odd units already rivaled the Tflop performance of over a 150,000 Winodows PC's. The difference in power for these calculations with Cell will really make a difference. I'll donate some Cellpower and electricity to the project more often than I thought I would. It benefits a good cause, and the difference made is staggering.
  15. PC as well...now where's Lost Planet and such for the PS3 Capcom?
  16. The Wii doesn't really have the horsepower to emulate a Saturn. The other 2 probably but not a turbo-charged GC.
  17. Ratchet and Clank PS3 trailer: http://www.gamevideos.com/video/id/10000
  18. Not in the higher bitrates we hear on the new formats. All someone has to do is check the audio bitrate/codec on both versions to be sure. I only have the R1. If they appear the same codec and bitrate wise, then something is amiss.
  19. If you had spotted them the 1st week of Jan, then you'd have a shot.
  20. Got my set last night too...the music change while a bit jarring wasn't as bad as I expected. I agree that the audio overall isn't the greatest. I want uncompressed PCM on Blu-ray!
  21. Just picked up my Motorstorm...between that and VF5, the PS3 is really starting to show it's colors. Add Heavenly Sword, Lair, and Home in the next couple months and the future looks good.
  22. Uncompressed PCM tracks on movies is awesome!!!
  23. Manuals: http://www.us.playstation.com/content/site...nfo/default.htm And yes, the PS3 is region free for PS3 games. Blu-ray discs are region coded the same in Japan and the US so even if they are coded, they will be playable anyways.
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