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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. PS4 online is having issues being EU just launched and Black Friday deals too. Try entering your code from a PS3 or Vita and it works fine.
  2. It's an outstanding deal. Both games are newer, and TLOU is game of this generation for many.
  3. Get a year for $29 tomorrow. Buy two and you will wind up with $an extra $10 in your PSN account as well, so you'd get two years of Plus...and an extra $10 added to your wallet due to their spend $60 get $10. http://us.playstation.com/psn/playstation_plus_new/ Most places are doing the $29.99 PS Plus for Black Friday including Amazon, Best Buy, Gamestop, etc. I believe New Egg is doing some kind of $22 special as well.
  4. I'm happy with it so far. Picked up Killzone, Knack, and ACIV from the Amazon sale and the system I got from Target since my Amazon unit doesn't arrive until Monday (And I pre-ordered June 10 right after E3). Sure I can find someone who needs one. Resogun is my favorite so far, but I was a big Super Stardust fan so I'm loving it. Killzone is pretty, though it won't sell you on the series if you weren't a fan before. ACIV: I started it, but will wait for the 1080p patch. Knack: Still haven't started it. Staggering my titles a bit. Playroom is fun for a little while, and the camera is a nice piece of kit. Was going to pick up Just Dance for parties for it, though I'm waiting for some reviews. I admit I was sold on the camera from the Jimmy Fallon show. System is nice and sleek. The lack of some media is a bit disappointing but, they are coming (CD, MP3, DLNA, 3D Blu-ray).
  5. You will still get a console at launch. In addition, you will get a $10 Amazon credit towards another PS4 game for the trouble. Check your email.
  6. I'm optimistic about it. I'll watch it on release in the theater. I actually like the cast too. Black armor with red not nearly as cool as silver with ...blue which signifies Law Enforcement. Would be mega cool if he starts out black and somehow gets retrofitted with silver, but it kinda seems the other way around in the trailer...or are they pulling the fake out and it is black then silver. Would not want a 100% rehash of the original. I already own it on Bluray Looks like he has an actual gun and not a Taser The hand doesn't bother me Holstered gun out of the leg I'm actually looking forward to it.
  7. It's a mini usb cable. Not a micro USB, but the older mini.
  8. Ballmer takes over Mattrick...MS have not learned anything it appears.
  9. Hopefully it does fix it. ZOE2 is like playing in molasses at times. I stopped playing because it just felt so off.
  10. Amazon pre-orders for launch day systems are back. They even have a couple of bundles now which give you $10 off a year of PS Plus. It's the only "bundle" I've seen that gives you an actual discount. The bundle isn't obnoxious too, like the previous gens which made you buy an extra controller and like three titles. They have Battlefield 4 or Killzone with a year of PS Plus for $499. Great thing about Amazon is the free shipping, no sales tax for me, and not charged until it ships.
  11. Hmmmmmmm....

  12. Joss Whedon show = automatic watch for me.
  13. I enjoyed it a lot...might even be my fave of the three. Helps when you never read many comic books I suppose.
  14. This title was horrid compared to what it should have been. Have not played it, but I've seen it first hand. Inexcusable.
  15. No. I'm a fairly huge Joe fan. But the cartoon film was crappy other than the opening. The whole Cobra la thing was where they went too far. The comic stayed realistic as possible...don't know why the cartoon became some Master of the Universe fantasy type show with the film. Retaliation was a great action film.
  16. Finally saw Blood and Chrome. I sorta think they should leave the franchise alone now that it's done. At least if this is what we are getting.
  17. I've really no interest in the Wii U. Except for the fact that Bayonetta 2 is an exclusive. I may pick one up on Bayonetta's release if it lives up to the original. Though even though being published by Nintendo, I hope that it sees a release on PS4/720 as well.
  18. It would be a very niche product for sure. In fact, it'd be nothing more than a branded phone if anything, with no real changes to it. Like Eva Gshocks and Traser watches.
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