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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. I've yet to see a PS3 in the States not run a PS2 game or PSX game they tried, even in the new consoles purchased this past month. I don't think the Emotion Engineless ones are out here, just Europe. If that is the case, it's more compelling to9 buy now rather than later. One title that's online only out of a lot isn't cause for alarm. I would hardly call 'Warhawk' the nail in the single player coffin. If Halo, MGS, Grand Theft Auto, Street Fighter, and such all went multiplayer only, then i'd worry.
  2. So far, yep, it's an online multiplayer game.
  3. As long as this season is as good as the rest, I'll be happy with the show ending on a high note.
  4. 1. Sell and wait for new 360 build with smaller chip (hopefully that will help). 2. Get a PS3. Not many options. Or get an in store warranty that will let you return for a new one. Still a hassle since 360's seem to drop like flies. Friend's on his 4th. Work buddies all on their 2nd or 3rd ones...ridiculous.
  5. Yes, you can get HD through component. You won't get full 1080p from Blu-ray but you need a display that will accept it so it's a moot point for your TV. If you have a set of PS2 component cables, that will work as well. A component setup will net you 720p and 1080i just fine. PS2/PS3 component cables will run $20-25 bucks.
  6. You can use an HDMI cable hooked up to a DVI adapter to your TV as mentioned but will have to sperate the audio. Or you can get a set of Component cables and use that. You'll get HD games and Blu-ray either way. Component cables will be less of a hassle if your set's finicky with HDCP.
  7. I wouldn't bet on this one. Just yet.
  8. The upscaling is nice, the memory card adapter transfer is really nice. All I want mostly now is audio output from both the AV out and optical or HDMI depending on what I sound I want.
  9. I'm seeing them die everywhere now. I don'tthink it's just a case of PO'd people on the 'net like with the PS2 dirty disc problem. And that was with systems a couple years old. 360's right out the box sometimes ring of death. It's a little alarming. So we have: 360 with great games but absolute crap when it comes to build quality so far... PS3 with great build quality(so far) but still behind in the library (but looking up) Wii with nice build quality (though more finicky bluetooth with my wiimotes) but only Nintendo titles (hello Gamecube, I thought I sold you!) Next Gen console gaming= compromised wherever you go. At least until the end of this year.
  10. Starcraft was great...the only title I played on my computer.
  11. Or...he was so scared shitless, he forgot to.
  12. hmmm...yup 2 hrs slow for me Hawaii time.
  13. That doesn't bother you? IF any of my consoles crapped out after 2 hours I'd say it was unfit.
  14. Well, it's really no different now than the premiums save for some with different DVD drives. Wait for new chip.
  15. This reeks of the hands are too small thing before...you guys are never happy eh?
  16. Free Ninja Gaiden Sigma demo now on the PS Store. It's pretty good. Seems a tad easier than Black, though maybe because it's the demo.
  17. Wow is correct. This looks reeeeally good.
  18. Wait...what good parts of 3 and 4?
  19. I think I saw them on Gametrailers. That was pretty cool. The game is really looking good.
  20. Yes it will.
  21. should have said final five chapters...of the season...as to not confuse some people.
  22. New trailer for the last 5 eps.:
  23. Most people thought the 20Gig PS3 was like the Core and just assumed it was the "retard pack". Howvere in the PS3's case, the 20Gig was a super hell of a deal. You got everything the 60GB did except for Wi-Fi, the card readers, and 40GB of space. HDMI and Blu-ray included. You could add a Wireless router and larger HDD and even a USB card reader if you needed to(with ordinary off the shelf stuff too). But to this day, some people insist the 20GB had no HDMI and can not play Blu-ray, nor can they upgrade the HDD. I've heard Gamestop employees tell people this. It's Sony's fault really...they should have pushed the 20GB more and explained to the consumer what it was. Although they did lose more on the 20 than the 60 so maybe that was intentional. My guess is the 20GB will be replaced by the 60, with a larger HDD replacing the 60, and price drops coming in Sept-Oct.
  24. You're not the only one. I was a bit puzzled by some of the choices.
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