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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Motorstorm is great. The demo in stores didn't do it justice.
  2. Once the 60 is gone, expect a price drop on the 80 to keep it flowing.
  3. Vented air is hot but the case on mine stays cool to the touch even after running folding @ home for 16 hours once. The hot air venting out is normal though.
  4. Not to mention that that partciular green is well, fugly. The translucent green original one at least looked cool. I'd wait for the smaller chips to arrive.
  5. Oy. MGS4 and Killzone 2 trailers were impressive. Killzone is verrry close to the infamous trailer.
  6. The 80GB ones are without Emo. The 60's still have them. But that will change shortly. I don't have the serial and model number ranges yet. Suffice to say, buying a PS3 now and not in 2 months should asure you of EE and GS in your PS3.
  7. The drop is official. You can see it on amazon.com where it jumped to number one. My local walmart already has the new price point.
  8. Yup, it was for me. It should be an ordinary car, not an exotic that would turn heads everywhere. But I guess we have Transformers for that.
  9. Having the hardware would always be better overall than emulation. And in this case, the price is better, and the only real advantages to the 80 GB one are increased HDD capacity, a copy of Motorstorm, and supposedly revised Bluetooth.
  10. We now have both E3 and E4all. E3 is much toned down and truly more industry focused again; the new show is for the public.
  11. Without the EE and GS, it runs about 70-75% of all PS2 games through emulation. More titles are added every so often. Better than 360's backwards compatible list for sure.
  12. The 60GB ones in the US should all have the chip. The upcoming 80Gb one will prob be just like Europe and be emotionless. Wonder if the price cut is just on the current 60GB ones and the 80 would keep the $600 point until just before the holiday season. In other words, I think it's safe to buy now. A larger HDD is nothing in the PS3 since you could upgrade that yourself with a normal laptop drive.
  13. Yes, that's what I want...quieter and cooler. Plus, maybe MS will drop the price after E3. Even though they don't really have to.
  14. Confirmed by several other retailers as well. Expect "official" announcements at E3 I suppose. I'm betting they really didn't want to tip their hands before. MS can easily drop and negate their drop. Oh well. Those of you worried about the software emulation vs. the Emotion engine equipped ones now should buy the ones that are out there now before the new hardware hits the US. As far as I know, the units still on shelves are still Emotion equipped. $499 ain't bad considering the Elite's price at $479. The next coming couple months will end the drought of games too. If you were looking to jget a PS3, I'd jump on the Emo equipped 60 GB ones now.
  15. PS3: Resistance, Virtua Fighter 5, Motorstorm, Tekken 5, Calling All Cars, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, PS2 games galore Wii: Zelda, Rayman Raving Rabbids, Super Paper Mario, Wario Ware, Virtual Console games galore Not a whole lot, but more than enough to keep a person busy for awhile. Besides, both are a hair over 6-7 months old. The 360 better have a better library...it was out for a year before them both. As stated before, we have a console with great games but is a hit or miss when it comes to playing them (more and more, I find people "put up" with whether a game will freeze up on them, not play, or is just plain quirky), and two consoles that are too young to have the library the 360 does. This holiday season will be an interesting one indeed.
  16. Trying to be funny is just lost on you people eh?
  17. The 65nm thing is a smaller chip, which should in theory run cooler, which, in theory may help with overheating, which should in theory not give your XBox the Ring of death. My thoughts...sell the current one after getting it warranty repaired...wait for confirmation of 65nm and heat sink equipped 360's to appear in stores. Play with a Wii and PS3 in the meantime.
  18. I've never seen that show...it looks pretty funny. And Morena is always nice!
  19. PS2 AC5 bundle was $129.99 It's coming for PS3...it's a timed 360 exclusive. Wireless would be great.
  20. Summer Glau is in this? I may actually watch it. *Supports Firefly alumni wherever they may appear* Then again, it's on Fox, so I only need to watch for 3 weeks or so before they cancel it.
  21. Single Player isn't going anywhere. The vast majority of games will still be single player. While there's a trend in that direction towards multi, it won't overtake single player games. And the games you speak of are still single player experiences, Warhawk excluded. Their future sequels may go that route of multi only but I think it's too early to say single player is over. Multiplayer Online isn't that much of a savings over a single player game. It can in fact, cost more. Warhawk's deletion of single player was more of a this just doesn't work as a single player game as much as a multiplayer one. While I'm dissapointed with that, I'd rather have a multi only game than a multi attached with a poor single player campaign. Some will feel different but that's how I look at it. Price drop coming sooner rather than laters though. So the wait might be worth it.
  22. Not like they just pulled the plug on BSG. It still is their highest rated show, and certainly their most acclaimed ever.
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