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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Multiplayer dogfight only maps is frakkin' awesome. Nothing like seeing a swarm of swarm missles coming at your team while your team sends a volley and seeing a crapload of chaff and planes rolling like crazy to avoid.
  2. Finally watched the original pilot on my DVD set. Interesting enough. Wish Universal would go neutral or Blu-ray. Watching standard DVD after a season of High Def sucks.
  3. Doesn't Kai use a crossbow type weapon? Sounds like something a child would call it.
  4. It looks fine on the PS3. I'm assuming the Real Bout series and MOTW will debut on Vol. 2. I'm waiting for the SS series as well. I'll bet they split it up though.
  5. I'm willing to bet most people won't recognize more than 2 or 3 on the poll.
  6. I'd go with Heavenly Sword over Gundam but that's because I'm not into Gundam. Rent both or try the demos of both first and see which you like better.
  7. Motorstorm is one player. Not sure about other demos. I got my copy of Warhawk. It's awesome & easy to play
  8. Still waiting for my copy of Warhawk from Amazon.
  9. I think the Halo edition is kinda ugly. Waiting for Falcon consoles. Hopefully they will be worth it.
  10. Goes beyond the piracy issues actually, but for the most part that's the reason.
  11. Just picked up Fatal Fury Battle Archives Vol. 1 for PS2. Missed the import awhile back but saw the US one and grabbed it yesterday @ the local GS. Good stuff. I still have a soft spot for FF Special and 3.
  12. Waiting for my local stores to get the disc version.
  13. I kinda liked B. The sectioned look is ok but I don't like the logo and title in the middle.
  14. Yeah, possibly, but Play's DH also gave Sonic on 360 a 9.5 A nine point five. Either he only played a sampling Sega showed him, and didn't base his review on the full game or he's high on crack. I know he loves Sonic but even I tried both versions and both versions are pure crap (and I Love Sonic).
  15. If I had a working 360 again, I'd say yeah. I'm holding out for the Falcon chipped ones. Dammit, where's our PS3 version...I still have my AC5 flight stick!
  16. I actually hardly ever watch the commentaries or extras UNLESS it's a series I'm truly interested in, and then mostly for TV and not Hollywood films. I'll take the better PCM audio over a PIP commentary, but that's me.
  17. I haven't tried KOF since they went 3D. They ditched Joe? I'm most excited about the SFII HD Remix for my 2D fighting craves.
  18. Nott very encouraging. Might wait 'till it's out for awhile to see if it's that bad. Oddly, Kotaku and Xplay of all places likes it, especially the motion controls.
  19. Seen any hands on that says so yet? I've only seen positive things about it so far. I'm waiting for some reviews.
  20. The Paramount move will prolong a war that MS is hoping for. They would like both HD optical formats dead and go with digital distribution through them of course. Well, if anything else, this will now make a long war that will scare consumers away and kill both or both will stay niche. I would prefer for one side to win, and I want it soon. If HD DVD was in BD's position yesterday, I would have bought an HD DVD player. BD still has more exclusives but at least HD DVD now has 2 studios instead of one. All in all, the losers in this war after this bomb are us. Dual format players, or two separate players to play two different kinds of movies? NO thanks. Oh well, so much for the war being on it's way over. The Paramount deal is good for 18 months. Could change, but this war now is just utter ridiculous.
  21. I am definitely picking it up on Blu-ray. Best popcorn action flick in a long time.
  22. Are you positive about $100? In 2000, 2001, there were no players at that price yet, not even in Wally World. I believe there were some players in the $200+ range...not $100. The first Apex player was $179-$199 too. It was the cheapest on the market and the first to break the $200 barrier but it was no way $100 at it's introduction. I know because we followed Apex through their history since it later involved the whole DVD licensing issues that China makers are famous for as well as the whole debt thing...and that's all we can say on that. Edit: To Joe Sixpack, the PS2 was their first living room intro to DVD. I don't believe it had the impact in the US some like to believe, but I also think the people who think it had no real impact are sorely mistaken. It did help, and helped a lot. DVD's even came with stickers that said, "plays/works with Playstation 2!" for awhile.
  23. Honestly, I'd ask them to let me hook up a system to see if it makes that much of a difference. If they don't let you, then they're missing out on a potential sale. I see people hook up all sorts of stuff to TV's at our local Sears just to "see how" their stuff looks on it. Personally, I'd go for it but that's me. I tend to go for the better specs even for subtle differences. I haven't seen any of the new sets in person with games so I can't comment on them. Try AVS Forums to see how the new ones are stacking up.
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