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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. The AC5 flight stick works on the PS3...tried it with AC5 rumble included. Ace Combat 6 is coming for the PS3..it was not an exclusive but a timed one, like Virtua Fighter 5 for the PS3, timed only.
  2. That it does...Tried God of War II when I got my DS3's and it rumbles just like the days of old... Picked up a Black and a white one...white one is nicer but will get dirty...black one is truly "Black" unlike the see thru SIXAXIS only ones. It might be my imagination but the analog sticks on the DS3 feel "better" and the R2 and L2 are "smoother" as well.
  3. The junk closet one is funny...especially with Beta...glad they poked fun at it.
  4. Walmart. Saturday 23rd. PS3 80GB. $499 with 10 free Blu-rays in the store plus 5 mail in free so...15 BD Movies for free!
  5. Oh, and anyone loking for a PS3 deal might want to check Wal-Mart this Saturday the 23rd. 80GB PS3 for $499 and 10 FREE Blu-ray movies in addition to the 5 mail in free ones!
  6. Good question. I'll try my AC5 flightstick today on my 60GB PS3.
  7. Beauty of the Amazon thing is you needn't do a thing except check your email..if you get picked, you can buy the item at the price, and even if your item didn't "win" you can possibly get picked to get it at a discount anyways.
  8. Mods, feel free to delete if this is too OT but how can anyone not try to vote and get a chance to get these at these prices: Amazon Custromers Vote!! A Wii for $79, a 40GB PS3 for $139, a 360 Arcade for $99!! Looks like teh Wiii is winning. A BD Player or HD DVD player for $149, or an HD TVio for $89! A 46" Samsung 1080p LCD for $719 Vote people and hope you are picked to reap the goods.
  9. hey Carbon had Helo from BSG in it... can't get any more cooler than that!
  10. Massive BOGO Free on Blu-ray discs from Sony/Colombia and Disney/Pixar/Touchstone/Buena Vista at Amazon. Disney Blu-ray Buy 1 get 1 Free Sony Blu-ray Buy 1 Get 1 Free Picked up six discs for $51 with free shipping and my 10 percent off Hi Def items.
  11. I agree with the Pro Street...Carbon was way better.
  12. Finally saw the trailer...looks good!
  13. The toys and anime don't apply much to me but I still am finding less and less time to play. But then again, my job requires insane amounts of time lately. Heaven knows what will happen if I pick up a 360 again.
  14. Haha!!! That was good!
  15. Between Warhawk, Heavenly Sword, Guitar Hero 3, Ratchet and Clank, Folklore, and COD 4, there's not enough time in the day.
  16. Prices on HDTV's are dropping!
  17. If you can't see the difference, it's not worth the cash. I'd tell them you want to hook something up to both to compare...a DVD player, console, etc. Would they really balk to make a sale?
  18. HOnestly, it will be better, but not much at that distance and size. GO for a 720 32" Bravia or Panny or Aquos. Or if you really want to spend little now, get a Vizio for cheap and upgrade later. Wally WOrld had a 32" Bravia for $800 something this week. Not sure which one.
  19. BOTH. WHy do you have to pick? I am Guitar heroing now and will rock the bands later.
  20. It's fun. 1st was still the best. 2 was horrid and 3 was pretty good.
  21. It's for both PSN and XBOX Live.
  22. Once you do get an HDTV and HD programming, you will care.
  23. H-A1 had great upscaling for SD DVD's...but super duper long loading and play/stop times. Unusable in that sense. A2 and A3 better choices indeed. That said, the PS3 and 360 add on are still the fastest loading HD players on the market.
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