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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Resistance 2 revealed. Holy crap. 60 players online, and 8 player co-op. Different classes to play online: Medic, spec op, etc.
  2. Gaijin

    PS2 Macross

    Nope. If the old thread still exists, you can see that people were excited about the Zero fighters being in there.
  3. Because many of your "examples" are untrue or made without firsthand knowledge and are myths . A spade is a spade. That said, I'm dropping it. You can even have the last word. Regarding Universal and Paramount. They are still supporting HD DVD. And will until they can make official announcements regarding it otherwise. Retailers are already closing the door on it, so it won't be much longer before it all goes public.
  4. EE is missing on the 80. But the GSX is there. Hence the ability to play 70-80 percent of PS2 games. The 80 isn't as "gimped" as mont think...unless you play a lot of games with fmv in them...those seem to stutter a lot during the video. 40GB plays no PS2 games. But will play PS1 games.
  5. Good "point", but having the "choice" in a war that is bordering on niche did no one any favors. Had HD DVD did what BD did, in the beginning, I would have felt the same way.
  6. Rhetorical? Yes, that post to jwinges was. The others after : not so much. Relax!
  7. Hah!, I forgot the tongue smiley in the original post!
  8. And most people still don't have a clue as to what those are. Even after reading an auction description, most wouldn't know, would want the original disc for collector's purposes, or simply didn't care to bother with that. Remember, most people still use composite hook ups, buy movie games, and blew on their NES carts.
  9. Relax kid. Not blinded. Vested interest in. Well beyond, "buying a player and discs" fanboyism. If I thought HD DVD was going to win, we'd have backed that instead. But the HD DVD product itself is fine. Just very poor decisions and getting into a cash war that Toshiba cannot possibly win, even with Microsoft "backing" them. All your 4 "HD DVD" points are again, moot, as was pointed out before, though I'll give you HD DVD being region free a plus, except that in the rest of the world, HD DVD tanked even harder than it is doing in the US. Even so, I would suspect that the BD region code will satisfy anime and japan show watching people such as those on the forum here. Honestly, was that a selling point for you? If you live in another country than the US, then ignore my question and yes, I'll give you that point. The points you seem "misinformed" about: Sloppy BD Transfer...I'll give you some of that one, but if that is to be the case, there are many sloppy HD DVD transfers as well. Browse through them all, and you'll find just as many poor ones. And a sloppy transfer isn't a fault of the disc or format but, is a fault of the studio. Bloated codec. MPEG 2 is not used anymore and even if it is, does anyone care if the film is released on BD50 in MPEG 2 in higher bit rate that looks the same as an AVC encode on a BD-25? Nope. Besides, as I said, BD has used AVC and VC-1 from ending of 1006, early 2007. 2 disc releases have nothing to do with putting extras on the disc because of capacity, but because of perceived value. Studios have polled thousands...most people believe they are getting "more" even if they can have it all on one disc with no loss in quality. The people want their "extras" on an "extra". Easier to manufacture...sure at HD DVD's launch, before Blu-ray disc plants had facilities. Not one company complains of BD being "harder to manufacture" today. What BD player can't play discs released today? Non profile 1.1 and 2.0 players can't play the additional 1.1 or 2.0 feature on the disc, but they still play the disc itself. Fact is, there are far more reports of HD DVD discs not playing in 360 add ons then there are of BD's in all stand alone and PS3's. I'd have guessed it was my add on, but many others experienced the same, with firmware updates for the Tosh's as well. The merits of HD DVD in lower cost players (brought on by Toshiba subsidizing what they could not afford to, and no other manufacturer can nor was willing to do), lower cost of pressing discs, (negated by the Combo discs as well as MSRP's by the studios...check prices...they didn't pass on any savings to the consumer, in fact, HD DVD's are regularly priced higher in stores). HD DVD has "finalized" specs, but the early and "entry level" players were never "finalized". Some early and entry level players only output in 1080i, they also boast no way to support the planned HD DVD managed copy that was a future selling point(of which Microsoft pushed and pushed as a feature that everyone on AVS forum loved...it of course never happened in time). Nor did anyone truly know if HD DVD recordables would work in any of those HD DVD players out there since it wasn't designed with recording in mind. That would come "later". Sound familiar? BD's have access to the menu while the disc is playing. From the very first players. What you mistakenly might be thinking of is the PIP 1.1 profile you mentioned. DVD had the same "faults". No DVD-R or +R or RW playback. No MP3 CD's. No progressive scan. No DTS decoding. Fact of life. HD DVD had their chance but ,whatever advantages they "had" were timed advantages until Blu-ray caught up and surpassed. And, as predicted, the BDA has done that. My point is that the points you provided as ammo against a BD fanboy are blanks. There are better points to be brought up, ones that are still vaild today. Somewhat. Out of curiousity...do you have a BD Player? Many of your points you brought up, would be plain to see had you played a disc. If you have both, one can see both the pros and cons. But your cons about BD are old ones that either no longer apply or aren't true. And the things I just brought up, Danguard Ace brought up before, the difference was that I said you were wrong and somehow, that must have rubbed you wrong since you had prety much agreed with what DA had pointed out. Sorry if it seemed personal, it wasn't. A good argument against a Blu-ray fanboy if you want one is to just point at Michael Bay. Man doesn't know what he's talking about on the tech side, but oh well.
  10. Huh? Blu-ray discs are here already. Your PS3 games are on them, and BD movies are everywhere.
  11. The whole Star Wars in Soul Caliber thing is lame. But I'm probably alone in the universe or at least on a board such as this thinking that one.
  12. Aside from many of your points being wrong or outright lies, even given that, it is all a moot point if there are no studios supporting it. There were few before, there are fewer now.
  13. WTF?!! Namco assures an extra million copies of Soul Caliber IV will be sold
  14. Officially, Universal has no comment...but is not announcing any new titles for HD DVD this year. Oh well, looks like it truly is on the way to be over. Universal quiet about HD DVD And HBO makes their switch to Blu-ray exclusivity as well: HBO BD Exclusive
  15. Most people do not realize those things exist...nor is it practical for people like that to do so most of the time.
  16. I've seen the "Last Supper" Pic, but haven't read any of the text regarding it...trying to stay spoiler free for the final season.
  17. PSP and other portable media...it isn't restricted to PSP only. And I agree with the PSP not being the best handheld for media. But an option to do it is better than no option. EDIT: And now New Line is official as well: New Line Drops HD DVD
  18. The same content exists on the BD, PS3, or stand alone player. Did HD DVD allow managed copy on anything? It was promised to do so but never happened, nor did the studios want it.
  19. This was a long time in coming but now it's officially out of the bag: Blu-ray to offer digital copy for PSP EDIT: And perhaps something a lil bigger: Paramount going back to Blu??
  20. Paramount/Dreamworks announces they are still supporting HD DVD...but didn't announce any new titles for HD DVD at CES. Not looking too good. Paramount CES 2008
  21. GPS coming to US for PSP after all: PSP GPS It's up on the Sony Style site too.
  22. You need a dose of Super Stardust HD, Everyday Shooter, and Calling All Cars.
  23. If you're playing 2D fighters, it will look like that on a fixed panel regardless of it being on a PS2 or PS3. One question: what kind of cable are you currently using? You said you only had the pack in composite, yet say you are playing at HD res. WHat kind of TV as well might be helpful. As for the 80GB software emulation..even now, every firmware update adds increased compatibility. That said, I use my one of my PS2's or 60GB if I want to play PS2 games, but the only issues I have with the 80GB playing PS2 games were with some FMV sequences stuttering on some RPG's and MGS3 being "slow". Same like glitchy XBObxon 360 games...just not "right" with emulation. Best fix: play a PS3 game in HD with the right set of cables and enjoy HD gaming.
  24. After 9 months, my 60GB had been about half full, with pretty much all the exclusive PSN downloaded games, saves, about 150 mp3's, and maybe a 100 or so photos, 30 or so video trailers and what not, and a couple games using "mass storage" from doing installs to the HDD, being Virtua Fighter 5, about 2GB, Ridge Racer 7 about 4. Note that the install to HDD games that use a chuck of change give the option of doing so...you can simply play with some loading if you wish. I replaced my 60GB with a 160 only because it was so cheap to do so. Most people probably won't use up that much, with only game saves, and a few downloaded games, unless you plan on storing a lot of video on there.
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