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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Agreed...but very few people will keep their old equipment to play a dead format. I once did, but space is now becoming an issue. The thing with HD DVD was that it was doomed from the start, yet people who supported it did so while touting strengths that were good on paper, but turned out to be insignificant or useless in reality. The only strength that did factor in it's favor was cost of hardware, in which all players were subsidized. This could work if you had the money to do so long enough. Toshiba did not and suffered greatly. Studio support was poor. Cost of discs though cheaper than Blu-ray discs did not see savings passed onto consumers, Combo discs proved not to be liked by the majority of early adopters, and though a "full featured" format, the future discs to come in the form of triple layer discs wouldn't work on early players at all. Unlike BD in which, newer profiles that added features, the main movie and earlier features would still work. Many people still miss that point. Even better is that many of the people that touted HD DVD's features and superiority, did so with their mouths, and not their wallets. Many did not even own an HD DVD player, yet wanted it to "win". For me, studio support at the beginning was the deciding factor, not to mention knowing people in the industry helped. HD DVD was never as major a player as it was touted to be. Microsoft helped in that regard, but has no interest in either actually. Just stringing people along for the ride, to help delay Hi def discs adoption. Non disclosure agreements from ex employees from many of both camps mean nothing when they speak to you in confidence in person. That said, it wasn't hard to see the writing on the wall, even for an outsider. Even worse, is that the whole war could have been prevented had MS not convinced Toshiba otherwise. Jump into bed with the devil...get what you think.
  2. Ouch. 360 HD DVD Add On
  3. No F Body no care. No that's not true...even if it did have one, the campiness would be unbearable. But in it's favor, it retained nearly everything the original did...including extra cheese.
  4. I take it you're using composite now...component will still make a difference in sharpness/color over the composite pack in on a standard TV. I wouldn't bother with the HDMI to component. There's no cost effective way to do it really, and the benefit HDMI gives would be pretty much negated anyways. If price is the thing, there are some decent 3rd party component PlayStation cables out there for cheap. I used a PS2 component one for awhile before I got my HDMI Monoprice cables. Time to get an HDTV my friend...
  5. None taken...
  6. Probably happen sometime in March.
  7. Yeah, that's been floating around for awhile. You'll likely see a slimmer, cheaper version soon eventually. Like the slim PS2, but even quicker this time around.
  8. Fat lady is starting to sing...she should be done in a week. Finally over. Now where's my Serenity Blu-ray??
  9. And the final nail to come: Toshiba Throwing the towel in?: http://www.highdefdigest.com/news/show/Tos...rop_HD_DVD/1468
  10. Lemme know how the load times are on the 360 one. The PS3 one is fast (like 2 secs) but requires a mandatory HDD install. I know the 360 one has load times but I want to know how much of a difference it made.
  11. Thing is, in motion, they don't really look as "chubby".
  12. Playing through Devil May Cry 4. Much easier than 3 but not a cakewalk like 2...along the lines of the first.
  13. The 40GB can play PS1 games, but no PS2 games.
  14. I like the new art style.
  15. Not my cup of tea. But it's alright.
  16. how is your cable box hooked up to the tv? What cable company and type of box?
  17. It's still supposed to be coming. No one knows how long the timed exclusive was for.
  18. I have the Blu-ray and the Criterion, not to mention the Trilogy pack from MGM awhile back. The Blu-ray is the same director's cut as the Criterion version. It is a step up from either DVD, video and audio wise but not a terrific looking release either. But is the best lookingb and sound ing version out so far. No extras except the theatrical trailer though. It is basically the same as the original BD release last year that was pulled.
  19. Pixel Junk Monsters. Buy it.
  20. While impressive in terms of crash physics, won't substitute that. But even our traffic guys think the game is impressive, albeit, a little over the top. But the game is a blast to play. I went with the PS3 version since it was lead platform this time around.
  21. Speaking of RROD's...a co-worker's new Elite with Falcon console just bit the bucket: 9 days after purchase. He's quite livid. I don't blame him. This is beyond ridiculous already. Other co-worker is on 3rd replacement from early 2007 console...the last one he got was 2 months ago and is already starting to freeze up a lot. Plus he said the drive noise is beyond loud. You take your chances with the free warranty...free for 3 years, but if you don't get a good replacement...what good is it?
  22. That was pretty funny. I liked the Bill Hunt comment!
  23. You are a brave soul. Or a Gundam maniac.
  24. They gave HD DVD a year and a half, and it was outsold constantly by BD, which launched later than HD DVD and as put by many, was incomplete. Do you think they should continue to sell both, when one clearly outsells the other to this day? Wasn't Paramount switching sides a few months ago, "forcing" HD DVD on consumers as well? Lotsa purple people would agree. The one difference is WB is drawing a line in the sand, as are most retailers around the country (you'll see it soon enough). People who saw HD DVD's price hardware savings forget or don't know what it took behind the scenes to get those prices...and in the CE world, no one else wanted to do it. ANd not even that swayed enough people.
  25. I'm not a fan of FPS's but I thought it was pretty good. That said though, I'd take a sides crolling shooter over any FPS. That's just me. I get enough "crap your pants First Person Shooter" action at work.
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