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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. I will be there on PSN but probably not until Wed or Thurs at the earliest. Not into online gaming, but the beta really grabbed me so I'm picking up the Limited Edition. Originally ordered the white PS4 bundle too and was going to sell my launch (with the Destiny copy from the bundle and a new DS4 that I bought), but will be on vacation so I decided to keep the cash for that instead. If it's still available in October, I will pick it up and sell the launch as originally planned. PSN: trav54
  2. Technically, most games do handicap the player in some way.
  3. Ditto. Strider was well worth paying full price for.
  4. I was hoping there would be a nice Steelbook in the US for the BD release. Doesn't look like it.
  5. Is there an Ikea in your area? While I don't have one and never have used their furniture, they seem to have a lot of solutions to problems like yours.
  6. No reboot. A Series set earlier than 7 and Frontier would be nice.
  7. After you see it, I doubt the arm will bother you much at all.
  8. Saw it. Liked it. It's a lot better than you would think. I'd really like to see a sequel after the ending.
  9. The transfer is 10 times better. A major improvement on all of the released versions so far. I'm quite pleased.
  10. Bought the new remaster of Robocop on Blu-ray on Amazon for $7.99 and got $7.50 in movie cash towards the new film. Such a deal.
  11. They should not have charged you if you have the running year on that account. They will refund you if you call.
  12. They were in stock briefly. On a side note, they will be in stock on Amazon on Jan 10 again. You can order one now, but they are going fast again.
  13. I'm used to the new designs already. Only thing I don't like is his red visor. Cops should be blue.
  14. That's crazy. I'd be going nuts in that store. Hate the holiday crowds. Amazon wins in that Dept.
  15. Having played both now: XBone- ridiculous install times anywhere from 8-20 mins PS4 - most less than a minute before you can press start and and...well, start. Kotaku of all places did a comparison too. Google it and see. I expected long install times last gen..not this one. So PS4 wins on that front. Friend has Xbone, I have PS4. He has buyers remorse. Though I do like the XBone Kinect to scan in a code to redeem a card. That is cool. Not $100 more cool, but very cool.
  16. ok
  17. Hardly a crappy thing we are talking about. But yes, there are many people who love crappy things. COD define a generation yes. The statement never claimed TLOU to define this gen. Game of this Gen? Yes, that's what I said many considered to be. They are quite different things. Never asked you to. You asked if I was serious about many considering it to be.
  18. In what context? PS4 only content or PS3/Vita content?
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