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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. They'll make their way into all PS3's regardless of HDD size. And the 120GB one is rumored to be a reality since they do seem to upgrade the HDD every year. People complain about the SKU's but they are increasing the HDD sizes as well as dropping the price on the SKU's.
  2. 32" is fine for the bedroom (I have a Panny TC-LX3260 which I nabbed last year at clearance from Sears for $600 which does great in the bedroom at 5-7 feet distances...720p is enough at that size), and while 1080p is great, at that size and distance, it really won't make as noticeable an impact as a 37", 40, 46, or 52" screen. If you can afford the 1080p, go for it, if not, for what you're planning on, 720 p is fine. Myself, I'm planning on a 52" XBR5 in the next few months to take over my Panny PT-50LC14 50" in the living room. The Panny was fine and still is great, but I just can't pass up the 120Hz and the XBR5's looks.
  3. I am actually renting that this week. Never played it on 360, it is not too bad, but not great either. Of course with COD4 new maps and MGO Beta this week, I seem to be playing pretty much those this week mostly.
  4. Yup, G Grad is way better than the other one. I am enjoying it a lot. It will be nice to have it come with MGS4.
  5. PS3's to get even lighter: PS3's get new heatsinks
  6. Metal Gear Online Beta up and running! Played for about an hour...so far I like it. It's sort of in between SOCOM and COD4. Not fast like COD4, more tactically based, since running around shooting will get you killed. Similar to MGS3's online but more refined. SOP system is awesome!
  7. Going with PS3 version since Achivements mean nothing to me, and for most games, I prefer the Sony pad. The not having to hope my system dies playing this also ring true.
  8. Downloading beta was quick for me...but the update took over an hour for me. All is ready now though. The character creation seems pretty cool. There are some vids up on the net of it.
  9. I thought you were using HDMI...as stated, you will only get 2CH through optical if it's set to PCM. You can get 5.1 channel sound through bitstream, but it won't be a true Dolby True HD (even though some people think it is). DO you use the auto settings on the audio when selecting, or do you manually check off what you want?
  10. Fox picked up a second season of River and gang.
  11. DId the firmware reset the audio settings? Might want to check that. MIght be only set to 2Ch now or something.
  12. Must be a lemon. Still under warranty...make use of it.
  13. I do that as well...I use a THX calibration such as those found on Star Wars DVD's, or the Blu-ray Sony discs calibration test patterns, then I twaek it myself to whatever looks best to ME. To use the Sony test patterns, on the title screen of a Sony Blu-ray hit 7669 (SONY) on your remote 04 Triangle then numbers on a PS3 Controller, then Enter. Another thing is most TV's nowadays have individual settings for each input..so your 360 and PS3 might be slightly different (360's tend to over satuarate) from your DVD, HD Cable, etc. You can tweak each setting for each input to your heart's content. If you wind up with HD/digital cable, and it uses HDMI, the colors on most stations will be a little more "in tune" with each other, at least they are with Time Warner Cable in my town. With component and analog, they are really all over the place, and each station looked really different.
  14. Should be MGO pre-Alpha with the SNAFU.
  15. I'm reckoning based on most accounts that the PS3 failure rate is a still quite a ways behind the 360. But in any case, it still sucks. Like my Wii. It locks up fairly constantly on VC games and especially whenever I try booting up Super Smash Bros(not the norm but Nintendo won't lift a finger...good thing I hardly play it.). Told on the Smash Bros thing that it would be better to get a new console and my Wii's serial number didn't fall into teh range that got the free lens care/repair thing even though it's a launch day system. Launch day Wii iffy Launch PS3 60 Still going strong 80GB PS3 Dec 07 still going strong Family's 360 Dec/07 Elite =RROD in late Jan; replacement unit (that looks really...used) freezes constantly All my other systems from past generations still going strong except for launch PSX (upside down anyone?) and Green Halo XBox (drive noisy as heck and I traded it in awhile back).
  16. Ding ding ding! We have a winner! Though I still have doubts as the movie goes storywise. I'm hoping it will be good, as I could care less how they dress up...it's just frakking' clothes.
  17. That sucks!, how long have you had it?
  18. GT has a rabid fanbase, just like Halo. Demo or not, the Prologue games have been done in Japan for years, and fans always wanted them here....now they are and of course, people who don't play GT are bitching. For the fans, this is entrance into the "exclusive club" that hardcore GT fans are in. Never really liked GT until 4, and I just may take the plunge again, since I've recently purchased a Logitech G25 and Playseats combo. Ahh, just when I think I'm done with racing games, I sucker myself back in.
  19. Some people with MGO Beta codes got screwed as the codes are 12 digits but some have only 11 or 9 printed on the vouchers. Mine included. Shoot an email to Konami if you are one of the unlucky few: mgobetasupport@konami.com
  20. Yup. Substandard in just about every respect, though I admit not being a fan of Gundam. That said, I've played other Gundam games and didn't get the feeling that this was a rushed piece of shovelware. Be advised, this is MY opinion. If you have fun with it, more power to you. Hell, I liked Clive Barker's Jericho in spite of many flaws.
  21. Guess it might be real after all: MGS4 Headset
  22. For $8 maybe...but it's still quite poor.
  23. The Steel one is 40GB in Japan...the Uber Limited may be 40 in the US too. All we know is the regular bundle is the 80GB.
  24. We're getting the Steel one too. I like it, it has a matte finish. But then again, I already have 2 PS3's...dont know if I can justify to myself a 3rd.
  25. The MGS4 PS3 Bundle with the 80GB and Dual Shock 3 as well as the game: And looks like we'll get the Limited Edition Hardware like Japan as well:
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