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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. I'm now avoiding any more trailers and news for MGS4, to avoid any spoilers for the game. Less than a month!
  2. No, component cables from a PS3 can go to 1080p when playing games, but not movies. HDCP rears it's head there. Same for the 360. Many component inputs on TV's won't accept 1080p anyways though so 1080i will be your limit on those watching movies anyway. As for the buzz mentioned...could be a badly shielded cable. Try another different one, if it persists, it might be a weird grounding issue with the components in how they're set up.
  3. Helghast are human descendants.
  4. I'll give you that one. Its weird. I don't know why they used them. On that matter though, I love my eotech. I just want one of the new 123 battery ones. The AA one I have is a tad longer than I like.
  5. Don't use the cover in Snow Storm after you take out the baddies and are trying to run from the cops. Grab the armor before, and basically run down the hall to the exit.
  6. Killlzone delayed to February '09 but coming along nicely: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/33690.html
  7. I don't put ANY thought into a comic book movie. Check your brain at the door deal. That said, I saw it the other night...was pretty entertaining. Robert Downey is great!
  8. Just did Snow Storm...I took out the first couple that appeared in teh hallways and then ran for the truck parked outside. If you wait too long, you will get swarmed.
  9. In my bedroom, I have a 32" 720p LCD, and I can sit as close as 3.5 ft to up to 8 feet away. Not a problem at 4-5 feet for me. Some people are more sensitive to the "Screen door" effect though. Living Room is a 50" 720p LCD and at 4-5 feet, I definitely see the screen door, so good thing the couch is 10 feet away. MInd you, even if you can see the "Pixels", it's not as jarring as seeing the scan lines on a tube. You shouldn't have a problem.
  10. I coulda sworn I recall HD DVD version has seriously weak bass compared to theater level mix and even the DVD during that infamous Blackout scene...consensus was a few months ago that it was either bad discs or to protect home consumer setups. Some people said it was fine, some said very lacking. Video quality was excellent...Audio was lacking. Noticeable during the "Shockwave" sequence (literally almost nothing ) and tanks at the beginning. Rest of the disc seems fine for the most part though. I know it sounded different in the theater, and the DVD even sounded better during that part then the HD DVD one I saw (On the same system). I'd have to listen again, but I remember that part and it just wasn't "There" when I saw it. To that end though, even the DVD didn't have the "punch" that I recall. I'm chalking it up to Paramount's mix.
  11. I'll give you that one about buy 2 get one free. True, I forgot that. There were buy 2 get one free BD sales before the BOGO ones though. I didn't see any price changes in my cart, that were any different from January, December, or November though. If you did, then...do not buy. The only big BOGO was when they lopped all the studios together towards the end, before that, HD DVD loyalists claimed the BOGO sales were a joke being one studio at a time, with Disney, Sony, and then Warner taking turns from Amazon. And how come no one is griping about that they can't get other Holiday prices during the year anyways? BOGO at Amazon proved one thing to a lot of people...More people bought BD's than HD DVD's, even with the same offers(as could be had given studio support). And yes, BOGO's will be back, but likely no where near the Summer.
  12. Really? I haven't seen any price increases in my area, nor the figures that show it in my district areas. What areas and what stores are these? I'm just curious as to which stores have increased prices in-store.
  13. There was a BOGO BD Sale 2 or 3 weeks ago from Amazon...your facts are incorrect. They do pop up from time to time still, and there will be more. Not as frequent but they haven't gone away.
  14. Seen that article before. Have you checked ACTUAL prices in stores? Any website and blog today flashes "news" and people "assume" it's gospel. Maybe my eyes are deceiving me, maybe the online prices are deceiving me. But MSRP prices including those on upcoming models are not higher but lower. If you are using the $350 is higher than before in comparison to give away HD DVD players were at Christmas, yes...but they are still lower than their BD debut prices. I'm not sure where the higher prices argument is coming from. If you say higher than HD DVD players were, then by all means sure. But the prices of the same models last year are less anywhere you might actually go to. The artcile claims $607 avg price last month but honestly, where? Sears, Walmart, Crutchfield all have $350 players (Samsung and Sharp, Wally has the Sony 300S for $359) and have been since early March. I'm not saying they are drastically lower 2 months after the war ended, but they are in fact cheaper (average $50-75). The articles you google all come back to citing the same article actually. DO you have higher priced players in your town all of a sudden that were cheaper before February? I've seen that artcile last month as well, but I honestly haven't seen the price increases they mentioned. Pricegrabber isn't the ultimate source of what is going on...the average Wii price around then was $359. Does that mean the price of Wii's has risen? Nope. I do know that after the war "ended" there was a mad rush by many HD DVD early adopters to grab BD players for some reason, including the high end ones such as Pioneer Elites. But if you see those higher prices in your shops then I stand corrected, and suggest you shop elsewhere. That said, this was originally about a BD disc being $35 and how that was higher than before...was that title $25 at the store previously? And to prove I'm not spinning everything, I'll say that neither sides stand alone players were even worth buying for the average person. Most were too slow or crippled in some form (1080i) on HD DVD, Firmware updates needed on some BD Models. Both the 360 add on and PS3 were better players for the money. Eugimon mentioned all that mattered was pricing to him/her. If so, then I'd suggest shopping at somewhere where prices suited you, internet articles and MSRP's be damned. Best advice for either side. For what it's worth, I'm sure if HD DVD won we'd see $10 discs and $50 players by now.
  15. If both were msrp the same and you only bought them on sale: How is that any different from people buying from amazon then? And where do you see bd players and discs creeping up in price? It certainly isn't going up at anywhere in the us. Maybe your town is price gouging crazy? Bd players in my city are at the 350 and below with the only "higher" ones being the super high end brands. If you're seeing higher prices I dont know what to tell you. I certainly havent seen them, but I guess if you see them priced higher than last year than I'd be thinking like you. There are sub $300 players ok the way, and you'll see a cheaper PS3 as well. Prices do come down and they have. Somehow you have it set in your mind that the prices are creeping up now because? Was it the disc at best buy? Also, who said the moment the war was over that bluray would come down in price instantly? Your earlier argument was that the war would drive prices down works on theory but only to a point. Both sides reached their "breaking point" and you wouldnt have seen any much more cuts due to thecompetition. Lower manufacturing costs yes but not due to they're cheaper than us so wehave to be cheaper too. I wish it were but I've learned it doesn't alwsys work out that way in the corporate world.
  16. NO, we wouldn't still have players costing a thousand dollars still. I was privy to pricing strategies that were to be out for models even without taking into account HD DVD's players, for most of 2006 and 2007. That's why I can say no. Lack of competition isn't a good thing per se, but rather it can be harmful on the whole as well. Competition is fine, but if it hurts the industry it is supposed to be nurturing, we will pay for it later. HD DVD's hardware prices came at the expense of higher royalties for discs, negating the price advantage promised. Sure, we pay less for a player, but disc prices for HD DVD's did not drop, nor did any production costs, of which BD during that time frame, did, Combo HD DVD's were forced upon people to justify the higher prices, and no, the prices would not have dropped as fast as you think, as studio's profits on HD DVD's were not as much as they thought it would be. Couple the fact that they sold consistently lower volume, and all the pricing advantages did not work in no one's favor. You say it was for consumers...not true, since consumers who bought into it now have a dead format. If they had billions to continue, then fine, I'd be for it but most people in the know knew that the HD DVD gamble was pretty much an Edsel waiting to happen. On the surface, the war between the two seemed fine and for most cases, it usually is, but for anyone digging underneath the high def war, the war did more harm to the entire industry and yes, the end consumer than anything else. Competition works better if there will be no clear cut winner, like Ford and Chevy. Some will argue choice. There would be no need honestly, if they had combined form the start since if you knew Ford wasn't going to be able to compete with Chevy and would give it up, resulting in no more Fords or service, would it still be beneficial? How did HD DVD disc's higher prices work out better for you when there was competition between the 2 anyways?
  17. I've never spent that much on a blu- ray disc including new releases. And msrp prices of bd discs are lower than before. Format war or not though, I always saw mostly higher prices on hd DVD's when the war was in full gear. Check amazon if you want cheap blu ray discs. Not saying that some places have crazy prices on bluray but you honestly think the war would drive disc priced down further? It would seem so to most but Toshiba is almost half a billion dollars in the hole from the war. Those cheaper prices were subsidized and had to come from somewhere. It would not have continued much longer especially since toshiba didn't have much cash to start with. What should have happened was toshiba shouldn't have listened to ms, joined the bd association and combined their tech. Consumers would have won, they would have won, the only downside to this would have been for microsoft.
  18. Hate the lil bastards.
  19. For those importing it outside of the US...360 one is region locked. PS3 is still region free.
  20. Playing as Snake was great! Octo-Camo is awesome!
  21. You're 100 percent correct on the upscaling on games.
  22. Will they finally use actual Blu-ray cases and not DVD ones?
  23. No region coding on games. Movies are region codes per thr Blu-ray Association, not Sony. For most of the people here that would import videos from JApan, the fact that the US and Japan are now in the same region is a plus.
  24. It is. Took a few rounds but the new controls for MG really are better. I can see the lie on your back and roll becoming very useful in the normal game.
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