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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Nope, I just tried it again last night. They immediately go to alert mode at seeing him. Never tried Raiden's face
  2. The MGS Database answers and confirms a lot of things, including: The limited guide I know has a synopsis of the entire storyl line as well...but it's spoilerific so stay away until you reach the end of MGS4. The database is free though, and will keep the spoilers from you until you pass those events in the game.
  3. Finally finished the game, after 19 hours. I didn't think MGS3 could be topped, especially in regards to story satisfaction but this may just be the finest game I've ever played. Now MGO awaits!
  4. Just finished Act one. Wow. So far this is the most addicted I've been in a game in a long time. Not even GTA4 had me like this.
  5. I still see it listed as $14.95 even when I add it to my cart...
  6. That sounds good.
  7. Uncharted is a $39.99 deal in AMazon's Gold Box...snap it up if you didn't. Also, Wal-Mart is giving a $100 gift card to those who buy a PS3 online. If you match that with a new Sony Style credit card $100 back, that's a $200 PS3 for those looking for the cheapest deal. Or, as it's rumored, the 100 gift card thing will last through MGS4's release so you can get a MGS4 BUndle 80GB with the gift card.
  8. Not MGS4 but MGS3 related..made me spew water all over the floor:
  9. Separates are always better...but pricier.
  10. Newest trailer: http://www.streetfighter.com/flash/#/sf4/
  11. If you don't need PS2 in your PS3, there's no real reason why the 40 won't serve you well. YOu can add a card reader, a USB hub, and a bigger HDD if you want.
  12. Told you guys the sales were coming.
  13. Because no matter what role she plays....she's River. IN SCC, she's older more matured River but that's not a bad thing either. The show is decent enough for me, especially compared to all the drivel that was on during it's run.
  14. It works. You can use almost any BT mouse and KB. Trophies will be added (not the 3D Home ones), similar to the Achievements on LIVE in an upcoming firmware. Also, in game XMB is still coming (which update it appears in is a guess though), as well as the Blu-ray portable transfer to PSP, in game chat, etc. Of course, like always, these could be spread all over the place in several updates. I'm guessing that the trophies and chat will make the next one for sure though. Somewhat related, YouTube can now be integrated in upcoming games. Not sure what for...maybe you can take a video of your game and upload it immediately or something.
  15. Saw that one coming. There is a number you can call though. I couldn't get in this morning either. I never tried the number because I was at work and it was busy, plus I was trying to order from my phone on EDGE. OH well, we'll see what happens.
  16. As said, the studio -re-wrote his take on ALiens and we wound up with the crap that was filmed. And even with that, he has been a script doctor(uncredited sometimes) for many of today's successful films (Speed, Toy Story, X-Men). Add Buffy, Angel, Firefly, and his early TV writing like Roseanne and many others, and you have one of the best and wittiest writers around.
  17. I coulda swore we had a thread about this when news first broke awhile back...maybe I'm thinking of somewhere else.... anyways, yes more Joss = TV goodness.
  18. Japan one was 40GB. The regular bundle does contain a "normal" 80GB. This is the same as the Japanese one, nothing different. And it's a limited item anyways, so the only people buying it, "want" it and will be willing to pay. Pricey yes, but it's no different than the Japanese bundle which was also pricey. and still a 40GB also. The real rip off begins when people start hawking them on ebay for the MGS fans that couldn't get one online when it goes on sale.
  19. Roughly the same price as the Japanese bundle.
  20. It's a mid range price for a BT headset, but who knows how good this one is...don't know who is actually making it for Pelican/Konami. Even so, it is pretty darn good looking. And the Japan Only Limited"Hagane" Bundle appears as well: From Konami's Website Only 40GB Steel PS3 Dual SHock 3 in Hagane color Limited version of MGS4 (with the Shoji Artwork and extra Blu-ray and CD soundtrack) $599 (!) Pricey, but Ohhh so sexy. This thing will easily fetch more once it's released. Keep in mind though, it's a standard 40GB so no PS2 games, just PS1 games. Konami Website ONLY LIMITED EDITION MGS4 PS3
  21. It's now confirmed to be real : http://gear.ign.com/articles/873/873980p1.html
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