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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Yup, but the last event at Indy this past week mentioned the HUD won't be ready 'till probably 2010. No one's seen a production version Camaro HUD yet...the only one they showed so far was a flash animation...in that it looked just like the Vette's HUD. I'm also going on the reports of people sitting in them this past week, of which they are reporting it's just as good as the GTO's seats. And being a GTO owner, I can say if they are, then they're probably the most comfortable seats I've ever sat in...I could patrol for nearly 12 hours in my Goat and be comfortable. Same as the G8...the seats are excellent. One small problem...the side bolsters on my GTO and the ones on the G8 "get in the way" of my duty holster and the holster will "indent" the seat because the side bolsters are so prominent. I could wear plain clothes in my new position but I like still wearing my uniform. Everyone says they like the Monaro and Commodore's styling better but I never felt that way. They always looked too 1st gen Saturn to me that way. Yup, I'm leaning towards the G8 mostly, though I've never had a 4 door in my life...hard to break old habits.
  2. I need more than a wicked engine. I just don't like the Falcon's styling for some reason and I hate the name...not that "G8" isn't much better I'll admit. And the Camaro was designed with a lot of Holden input on the same platform as the G8 (technically Zeta II with the front axle moved forward to allow larger rims and such but we're nitpicking). Those who have driven and rode in it so far say it feels much more upscale then you would have thought. So yes...American...but with a lot of input from Holden in Australia actually. As for my little debate between the two in my mind...HUD not available in the Camaro until 2010 model year...G8 looking more tempting every day. One thing I don't like about the new Camaro which of course may change is the parking brake handle...it looks really out of place. Needs leather on it or something. But I admit seeing the Camaro's seats may have swayed me back a little bit. Nice to have a lot of time to make this choice.
  3. I'm happy with the season so far...
  4. Just what IS at the top of TV in Australia these days? I'm just curious since I send a friend there discs of US TV since she says there isn't anything on ever that's good.
  5. I'm presuming your post is a joke because.... 1. I don't recall myself mentioning anything praising the 160GB drive. 2. I don't recall myself mentioning anything praising the 160GB drive. 3. I don't recall myself mentioning anything praising the 160GB drive. 4. Yes, it would be expensive, even for SONY. But as mentioned, it's a simple swap.... Why don't they put 1TB drives in every DVR, Tivo, laptop, and home PC, Mac,, and PS3 and 360 for that matter..why stop there? I still don't get the joke, pun, or anything because there isn't a reference to the PS3's HDD....is this some Australian humor that I've missed?
  6. Yes, but it's still Front Wheel Drive...no thanks.
  7. Re tried the TFU demo...I stand by my "poor" judgement.
  8. I was as SOCOM fan so this is great! I have only been on a lil bit though. Will try again this weekend maybe.
  9. Maybe because I'm not much into Star Wars probably, so tossing a stormtrooper or tossing a barrel, has about the same effect for me. I'll try it again this week to be sure, but I sure wasn't feeling it the first time.
  10. Really? I thought the demo was pretty bad. Just not my cup of tea I guess. In fairness, I was on about 2 hours of sleep that day, so maybe I was missing some of the finer points in the demo.
  11. You guys are joking...right?
  12. Have a TRP in Armory Kote...worth every penny. Have to get another in Stainless. And I want a new receiver too.
  13. Not saying the LFE isn't there...but it isn't as strong as one would hope..this from pretty much everyone on AVS too with people in the industry saying the same thing. By all means, it isn't a bad sounding disc, nor iis it lacking, it just seems like that one scene isn't as strong as the original mix. If the DVD gave you that much audio enjoyment, the BD will probably implode your house because it is much stronger than the DVD. I dunno...I've been buying discs pretty much every other week. Transformers this week. Kill Bill next week. Iron Man. The Dark Knight etc...
  14. Anyone looking for SOCOM beta codes? I have one, maybe two to give away.
  15. Panzer Dragoon might work Shadow of the Colossus Snatcher...oh wait.
  16. OK, I'm now really starting to get the bug and it'll be either a G8 GXP (GT if the price winds up being too good to pass up), or a Camaro SS. I might still keep the GTO if I go the G8 route, but if I go for the Camaro, I'll prob sell the goat and get either a small pickup or some used Acura or Lexus 4 door. Can't see having 2 coupes. I still have about 6 months or so, so I have a lot of time. Right now, I'm leaning towards the G8, since most of my life all I've owned were 2 door cars, and having the extra room and trunk space will be nice. But everytime I see someone watching Transformers, I get the Camaro shakes. Damn you GM!!
  17. Rumored that on the home audio mix of TF, the bass was recorded mostly to the mains, and not the LFE...so no matter which one you had, DVD, HD DVD, BD, it wasn't the same as the theater. I know that scene is many times better on BD than the others but yes, it's still not as "punchy" as the theater.
  18. Well, even then the download in general could have been causing the delay. Seems like a few people had the loading issue when playing it the first time...maybe the servers were wonky that day.
  19. It was supposed to. BUt it's been silent for awhile. Some speculate that we might see the Ridge Racer syndrome, like Ridge Racer 6 and 7 instead with Ace Combat.
  20. If for some reason, your disc is loading excessively long, it might be the Wi-Fi downloading and taking forever...you can always set the BD options in the PS3 to ask instead of automatically downloading.
  21. That and making sure the player is up to date. My TF disc took maybe 10 secs the first time, and is about 5 or so anytime now. The same as a normal DVD.
  22. PS3 load times with Blu-rays are pretty much non issue. EVen BD Live 2.0 discs like Spiderman 3 and Transformers take like 5 secs. Mike, I dunno why your disc took so long. I know that BD Live discs will check to see if your player is up to date so maybe that was it.
  23. Got invited to the Home Beta. It's pretty cool, and I can see it being a great place to find NEW people(not on your friends list) to play games. I opnly spent around an hour with it so far, but it does have a lot of potential for those who like that sorta thing. Best of all would be clan and guild type meetings to discuss things such as has been discussed before. One thing....a lot of the things your avatar can do are...gay. Anyone who sees the bow and spin will surely laugh. Then bust out a robot dance with a bubble machine and get weird looks. On another note, I saw the Greatest Hits of Resistance and Assassins Creed in Wally world today. The AC had the red box (it's not translucent like the HD DVD ones..it's a solid dark red) but the resistance ones had just a new slip cover with the red at the top. Not sure which looked better.
  24. You'll be waiting a LONG time. Honestly, at this point, no one is sure if it will ever be released at all. If it is, it will most likely be quite a long time.
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