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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. It comes down to: 360 Version has achievements, and Live PS3 version has free PSN online and when it comes down to it the better d-pad. Both have voice chat available but in SF2, I don't really feel the need to "chat" with people anyways. I see people with headsets but most people hardly say anything in SF2. Both versions have bugs in online play, but to be honest, I've never encountered a single happening in about 30 ranked and 100 friendly matches. Lag is rarely an issue and I'm surprised at just how well it does play online. I think I can recall 2 maybe three times when lag interfered on the PS3 version. No trophies but I'm not really into that and supposedly a patch is coming for that. It still comes down to the controller for me. Not that I think the DS3 pad is right for fighting games but it beats the 360's D pad any day. You can of course use a PS2 pad and get one of those adapters that people use. I've heard of everything from the SF2 anniversary Nuby pads to the famous Japanese Saturn PS2 pads being used. If you have more friends on Live, that could be an issue as well. I actually enjoy the random quick matches though in RAnked Scoreboard...you might play a newb or a master. Kinda feels like the old arcade that way. One thing I really love about the online play in either version: Double blind character select...you don't know who they're picking....unless they pick Ryu and don't move their stick so you know they pick Ryu or their last played character from lack of sound.
  2. I've been playing with Home from September but every time I go there I am surrounded by people who wanna dance and make bubbles.
  3. Kiss of the Dragon BD had a really bad transfer I'm told, that was worse than the DVD.
  4. Some people are using some of the PS2 fighting pads with adapter for it. Myself, I have a pair of Virtua Stick High Grades so I'm set.
  5. Did anyone pick up Street Fighter II HD Remix? I'm having fun with it. Surprisingly playable online. Don't like Cammy's face in the redrawn sprite...her eyes are...creepy. Her remixed music is meh as is 'Gief's stage. But everyone else looks and sounds great. One awesome change is no more Big Bird Announcer and Guile is no longer gay. He has his old voice.
  6. Lotta cheap Blu-rays at my Wal-Mart now. A whole wall of $15 ones. Sears had the Sony S350 for $179 too.
  7. Anyone looking for a Sackboy Kratos Costume for Little Big Planet? I have an extra card for the 1st person who PM that wants it.
  8. For Home? Or SFII? Home: there's the beta going around but it's still invite only. SF2: Nope. Besides, who would need that?
  9. Must buy. Redrawn sprites in HD, gay announcer and Guile voice replaced, arranged soundtrack by OC Remix, easier to pull off moves, rebalanced gameplay, online play. $15. I'm going to use my 2 PS3 Virtua Stick High Grades on this one. The full lowdown on all the changes...or not, as you can play the un-remixed game with new sprites, remixed game with old sprites, widescreen, 4:3, old soundtrack, new one, whatever.: Capcom Unity blog
  10. Too good to leave in the PS3 thread alone: Get a PS3 bundle for $199. OR a bigger bundle for $229. You might get the chance! Amazon 2008 Customer Vote
  11. Get a PS3 bundle for $199. OR a bigger bundle for $229. You might get the chance! Amazon 2008 Customer Vote
  12. Looks great, but I think I'm still going for the regular GT and save myself nearly 10K.
  13. Buying HD REmix for PS3 that day!
  14. Got my Firefly BD set. Only gave it a quick glance but it is indeed a nice step up from the DVD's. Especially the sound. Effects are of course a bit washed out compared to the crisp live action but there's no way around that one. Worthy. Hey, it's Firefly. Serenity in December!
  15. Depending on who's calling: Work/Station/Dispatch: The phone ring from "24" Everyone else: iPhone Marimba or Metal Gear Solid theme
  16. Yeah, the new Camaro's trunk is actually pretty big for Sport Coupe standards: 11.3 cu ft. Plus it has a pass through to the back or fold down rear seats. But the trunk opening looks...weirdly small. Kinda makes the larger space moot IMO.
  17. Hey I have DVD's of ALF.... No seriously.
  18. Tried the Charger...didn't like it. Really hated the interior. Plus there are so many Chargers here they are almost as common as V6 Mustangs. Wheels: The GTS show car rims never made it over. The GXP will have a chromed version that people say is the same wheel but it looks different to me. I'm going mesh style this time around anyways...seems to match better with the G8's BMW like styling. Trunk: The new Camaro or the old one? Believe it or not, if it's the old one, I could fit more stuff in my old Firehawk (same trunk as old camaro) because besides the "well", you had the whole hatch "shelf". Most of my stuff fit perfectly in there in a long wide plastic container. With the GTO, I have less than half the total space. The new Camaro's trunk is actually pretty big (but has a small opening). And GM won't be making any new Firebird/GTO from the Camaro. All future product development was halted. Anything in the pipeline like the Camaro and Volt is still a go, but nothing new development wise for awhile until they get bailed out from the Government. GM is in serious trouble cash wise. They may not have enough to continue operations by the end of the year. Ford is right behind them, and Chrysler is...well, let's say the other 2 are better off than Chrysler. Auto sales are down for all manufacturers including Japanese brands. But GM and Chrysler are operating on fumes.
  19. Still have my GTO...I think I may sell it when I get the G8. I can't see having 2 similar cars, regardless of the 2/4 door. I'll miss it dearly, but I need a larger trunk. I can barely fit all my police gear in my trunk now.
  20. I've decided on the G8 GT. Going to pass on the upcoming GXP or SS Camaro. Must be getting old since I no longer need every last bit of HP. For once I'll change the stock wheels though. I just don't care for the 5 spokers on the G8's. Going multi spoke mesh style..either Beyern Mesh: or the Breyton Race CS: It'll be black with Red/Onyx interior. If for some reason I can't find one when I'm looking I'll settle for white. Looking at End of December or Early February. Hopefully Bluetooth will be in the 09's by then (The early ones still don't have it). Local dealer has a white one now but without the red inserts in the leather.
  21. Yup, this is a sleeper gem. Must buy.
  22. Everything is eligible for double dip. Doesn't mean you need to buy it, but as always in the case of Firefly/Serenity...buy it again anyways and donate the cold copies to more would be fans.
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