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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. I can help. PM sent.
  2. Yup, Everyone always wanted to see Ryu and Ken's master and the "true" versions of the 3 techniques he taught them. Guess he hasn't died at the hands of Gouki after all.
  3. Yup, in addition to the original 12 World Warriors and bosses: Ryu Ken Guile Chun Li Blanka E. Honda Blanka Dhalsim Sagat Balrog Vega M. Bison there are the 4 new ones: Rufus Crimson Viper Abel El Fuerte 6 additions to the console versions: Dan Hibiki Cammy Fei Long Gen Rose Sakura Also playable in the home versions: Seth (SFIV Boss) Gouken ("Sheng Long" as some people dub him) Gouki (Akuma) playable at the start 25 playables so far.
  4. Not any different from any of the Super SF games...the AI was always ridiculously cheap. I remember the famous Deejay projectiles while he walked forward, Cammy's throws from out of nowhere, and people throwing you out of Supers while they were being hit. On another note: The collector's SFIV Editions. PS3 and 360. 360 gets a C. Viper figurine, PS3 gets Ryu. PS3 gets a Blu-ray anime and 360 gets an HD version on a 360 game disc (not a regular DVD). Mini STrategy guide illustrated by Udon. Exclusive downloadable content.
  5. I pre-ordered the Collector's PS3 version as well. I don't really care about the figure but a BD anime and soundtrack will be cool. PS3 version since I own the PS3 Virtua Stick High Grades. Hori is also releasing the Real Arcade Pro for $90 in the US so jump on it if you don't have a good stick. It has a Sanwa stick but Hori buttons which can be easily swapped out for Sanwa or Seimetsu ones. Still would be cheaper than the $150 Tournament Mad Catz ones.
  6. There are some people out there that don't bother with the warranty and just buy a new system. I know one guy who is on his 3rd new one. Just buys a new one every time it dies. Funny thing is he plays the cross platform stuff and he doesn't like shooters. The only 360 exclusive game he bought was Kameo.
  7. Good deal, thanks! WIth my $10 off from Mirror's Edge, this is a cool $29.98 game!
  8. It will be black, but if for some reason I can't find one , white was the second choice, followed by the Metallic Gray. BUt most of my cars are always black. Firehawk black, GTO black. I know the 10K for what you get is "worth it" in that sense. It's just not worth it to me in the sense that I no longer need the hp increase as much (I'm in an admin position now so no need to chase criminals with my car), the Brembos are only on the fronts and haven't shown much of an increase in performance over the stockers which are better than most anyways. The 19" wheels are ok (they are not the HSV ones as some have said, they are more similar to the CTS-V's), but the standard 19's with the sport pkg will be fine, as I'm chucking them anyways and going with Breytons. The fancy GXP seats from the show car are gone...I'd rather spend the cash on my own upgrades if I even wind up upgrading anything.
  9. GXP pricing released: $39,995 including Gas guzzler tax. That seals the deal...I'm going for a GT w/in the next 2 months. Nearly $10K premium over a GT just isn't worth it to me.
  10. That one, Episode I, The Rock (1st release)...so many poor ones...even worse are the non anamorphic widescreen ones. That meant jack to me when I had a 4:3 tube...now with a 16:9 set, you get a letterbox IN a box.
  11. According to Dave Jaffe, the footage shown at the VGA wasn't the super blow you away footage he's seen...the new stuff he's seen is supposed to jaw dropping. I thought it looked great personally but what was shown, was very little. Certainly helped when I saw the HD version of the trailer too. Also, it may be me but Uncharted 2's trailer looked might damn amazing to me...more so than the GOW 3 footage even.
  12. Sony didn't outsource that offer. It wasn't theirs. It was the BDA that outsourced it. Most people just assume it was since the PS3 took the lions share of players sold for that offer.
  13. Looks pretty good. I'll prob give it a go in the theater.
  14. The Cross Media Bar started with the PSP/Sony TV's and they are pretty much using it across the board on all their products from cameras to TV's to DVD players. Idea is also that once you have a SOny products, it will be pretty much universal in regards to adjust things.
  15. I liked the Tom Jane movie for what it was. Not having read any of the comics probably added to that. When it comes to comic movies I'm probably the target audience since I know next to nothing about the source material. If it's faithful, I wouldn't know. This film faithful or not, was alright. NOt a great flick but a nice time waster. I dug the music too.
  16. True..but then again so does the plot for last year's Transformers. I'll reserve judgement until I see it in the theater.
  17. Yup. Any powered USB port. I use my cable box usually to charge most of mine.
  18. The Nuby 15th anniversary ones? I bought like 3 of 'em when they were marked clearance at Gamestop a few years ago. They were ok, but really thick. Buttons were so so. The Mad catz ones sorta look like the Saturn pad as well but they also look chunkier. Hopefully it's just the angle. Either would be probably be better than the stock pads for either 360 or DS3 in playing fighting games. That said, I'm personally still a stick person. But if I had to use a pad, I'd want something other than the stock for sure. The Mad Catz pads coming hopefully will be good. One thing about the 360 one is that the pad is wired and still costs $40 and the PS3 version is wireless for the same price. Boo. 360 version should be wireless too for the same price.
  19. I just tried it with a PS2 SF2 Nuby 15th Anniversary pad and the Rock Band Ant commandoes adapter. Worked fine online without any lag. Still prefer my sticks but this combo worked fine. I think the brand of adapter makes a difference.
  20. I prefer a stick when it comes to fighters but I can do fine with a good pad just not quite as good especially with charge moves. That said, I know people who can positively rape people with a pad. Those days of the SNES and Genesis 6 button controllers raised a generation of great pad people.
  21. I know Swordfish had some pretty good praise on the video quality..Predator was so so I think...I never heard anything great or really bad about it.
  22. The six button controllers are being done by Mad Catz. They are for both 360 and PS3. It supposedly is based on the Saturn's D pad but...it's Mad Catz. I'd just get a PS2 Saturn pad.
  23. Thunderforce Gold collections! Thunderforce V (better than PSX version) Panzer Dragoon series Most any SNK or Capcom fighter (awesome with the pad). NiGHTS
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