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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. I need to play the old Strike Games on Genesis. Deseret, Jungle, Urban. I sold the carts years ago...what was I thinking?
  2. Still going to see this as they nailed the art direction overall.
  3. It's pretty much like that at every console launch. It's only been a week since launch so it would be hard to find until re-stock .
  4. So sad. RIP
  5. After playing the Ghost Recon Wildlands Beta, I'm actually surprised. It's not bad at all. Nier: Automata and Horizon Zero Dawn will be enough for me the next month or so though. Then Persona 5. Too many good things coming out .
  6. Is it bad I only want to play Ultra SF2 on the go with the Switch?
  7. My friend's husband actually worked on the visual effects for this film.
  8. Yes, remote play for PC and Mac is coming. Very soon.
  9. Bought it at launch. It's a great title.
  10. This announcement made me happy when I heard about it.
  11. Love the Six Million Dollar man sound when you punch someone with the 'bionic arm'.
  12. NIce!! I wasn't able to get one, even at PSX in Vegas.
  13. AC Unity is the first AC game I am skipping because of the issues. Makes me sad.
  14. Are any MW people going to be at PS Experience this weekend? I will be there for MVP capacity (I have no idea what if anything we are supposed to do there).
  15. I am enjoying this game a crazy amount. I just wish I had more time for it. Just got to level 16. Just unlocked Venus. A long ways to go.
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