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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. There will be many more you'll discover. In fact, on each of this gen's machines you'll find a lot of gems.
  2. I think this is my new fave show now that BSG is gone. I love the direction the show is going, and the Whedon wit is becoming more and more present. Good stuff.
  3. I liked Frontier better than Zero.
  4. For Valkyria, that's the art style...it's not your monitor. Unless yours is really really bad or something, but the art style has those lines. It's not the PS3 or your monitor if that's what you were worried about.
  5. Just enjoy the show for what it is. A great drama with a sci-fi backdrop.
  6. The rumor is late July this year.
  7. You alluded to checking online in regards to the early seasons...and there is a smiley...sheesh relax lol.
  8. You never watched it yourself?
  9. Perfect ending. I loved every second of it.
  10. Lucky my DVR knows about that one. It had those times, but I allowed a few extra minutes in addition.
  11. FInished the Single player...trying multi every so often when I'm not on SFIV. Single player was great!
  12. Ep 5 last night was the best so far. The show should start heading into it's main story soon though.
  13. Sega Virtua Stick High Grade. You might have trouble finding one though.
  14. You want a gigantic Alien ship to crash land here? Besides....it's already happened.
  15. 240 is more a numbers game then being something of real benefit.
  16. Vizio is a great brand for the price you pay. They are no Sony or Samsung, but for what they offer, you really cannot beat. This year, they're offering a 55" LCD with LED backlighting and 240Hz with 5 HDMI inputs. For $1999 retail. They are going for the kill.
  17. In arcade mode?
  18. It's not really tied to the stage(though I guess you could say it is in a way)...it's the Rival battle music you will hear. If you fight Ryu as your rival, you get Ryu's music during the fight. If Cammy or Rose is your rival, you will hear their music during the fight. Obviously, only certain people are the rivals for certain people though. The only way to get the music whenever you wanted would be the custom soundtrack option and use the Rival themes. Another reason for getting the soundtrack to the game. The Collector's Edition CD soundtrack also featured all the rival themes (the remix of the some of the characters and the specific 4 new people's themes). I ordered the full 2 CD soundtrack though anyways. The music is just too good here. Cammy's and Rose's remix Rival themes are awesome, and Viper's theme music is epic. Most of the stages aren't tied to any one character. Capcom mentioned this awhile back when they were originally going to do one for everyone, but it came down to quality over quantity. Time also probably played a huge factor.
  19. I liked this last ep. Especially the last bit where Echo and Sierra seem to know something is going on.
  20. I've seen people do it. It isn't uncommon at all.
  21. Probably not much since RDM and co. didn't actually decide on that song until the time came. I'm sure they figured it would play in, just the question of what song to use was the question.
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