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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Not a Transformers fan, but I didn't hate the film like you all say you do either. I will say this: The Walmart Blu-Ray Big Screen version is possibly the best quality audio and video disc I have EVER seen or heard. Seriously, this is beyond reference quality. Especially the IMAX scenes, as short as they are. If you need a disc to show off your system, show people what high def can look like, or what super high quality audio can sound like...this is the disc to buy. Walmart exclusive that will be probably be sought after by collectors for years to come. As for the film itself, well you all hate it so all of this is moot I guess.
  2. This is true.
  3. Nice Camaro! How's the V6's power? Never had the opportunity to try one yet myself.
  4. Yes, 6 is where it really starts to get steep.
  5. Don't like the spaceship interior, but other than that, not bad.
  6. Picked up a white PSP Go yesterday evening. Love. It. Compared to my original brick, I will actually take this on trips. Size for me is perfect ( I have smaller hands so it is much more comfortable to me). I like the feel of the shoulder buttons and the analog nub. The face buttons and D-pad sort of have a DS feel to them, probably because they are smaller than the original/2/3000 ones. Speakers are much improved too. Wi-Fi being B is kinda lame but Bluetooth is very nice. I can download my digital PSN purchases to both my PSP's which is nice (no need for 2 sets of UMD's like with my friends before). The white is "pearl" which means it's a little "sparkly", but it doesn't show the fingerprints like the glossy black. It would look absolutely great in a Silver or Red/Blue like the new Dual Shock 3's. Rubber grips on the back are nice, and the thing is just a joy to hold. The screen, though a 1/2 inch smaller is particularly vibrant. It's smaller but has more "pop". It's still glossy, so screen protector recommended. Has a calendar/clock, and of course now a proprietary USB cable for accessories (boo!). 16 GB of internal storage and of course, now a memory stick micro card slot. Came with a voucher for Rock Band Unplugged "Lite", and a Patapon 2 demo pre-loaded. Tried Gran Turismo which is nice, and Dissidia Final Fantasy demo which was actually pretty good. Rock Band without instruments was...well, Rock Band without instruments....good for a casual romp. You can now "pause" a game anywhere and come back to it later (something I always though should be standard on a portable). Since I had it hooked up to my PS3, I uploaded some of my PS One classics on there as well. Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy VII, Castlevania SOTN, Street Fighter Alpha 2, and R Types, now on the system. Battery seems about on par with the extended on my Original. Bottom Line: Great for those looking for a PSP that don't have a huge library of UMD's. Price is about $50 too high...should include a PSN card for purchases to offset the cost and to get some people really started. Form factor is great, memory expansion is a bit obscure, but no carrying around UMD's or a subway sandwich sized system makes up for it. I like it. It's not for everyone though. The 3000's will serve most people well. It's a unique way of bringing the PSP to new users/early adopters.
  7. They'll still watch it anyways.
  8. To be honest, I like the idea of the Go. For a portable, it makes sense to be UMD less. Granted, I have about 30 or so UMD's, so they'd be rendered useless for a Go, but I can't help the feeling that whenever I go on a trip, I wind up leaving the PSP because I don't want to carry discs. For a home system, I wouldn't care but a portable... The price is the only thing that is keeping me from picking one up. that and I'd like to feel one in my hands first...the PSP is just too big for a portable (i have an original so that might not be a fair assesment), and I always wished it was smaller. We'll see.
  9. If you mean the portable ID's they were there before the update...in fact they've been around for a long time.
  10. The schedule for TV models being introduced is off. Sony's high end XBR 11 & 12's are delayed; Vizio's that were supposed to hit summer are only now beginning to slowly appear. There a bunch of models that were supposed to be here or announced that haven't arrived yet. As far as off-axis viewing, Plasma doesn't have quite he advantage it used to. They are the next breed that will die soon. Id just recommend going to the stores and viewing them off axis as you said everything else for them is quite moot.
  11. Didn't like Star Trek at all. But I'm definitely in the minority on that one. Haven't seen many of the ones listed.
  12. Actually, it was a factor. The composite way for the F bodies were expensive. It was not economical at all. I had a 4th gen Firehawk. Doesn't change the factor of cost. Steel is cheaper. They want to save money. Zeta was to be used as the base so...there we are. I'm not discounting the benefit, I'm explaining the why they didn't. Btw, my 99 'Hawk weighed in at 3340. It was a Formula w/cloth.
  13. You can shave off weight that way. But cost will enter. And cost will almost always win out. Especially for a mass market production car.
  14. Most cars today all weigh more than their few years ago counterparts. Look at nearly every nameplate and every model. All are larger and weigh more, plus have added electronics and safety systems. It's not just the 3 above.
  15. Correct. Along with some other minor things. Home stuff and blu-ray trailers; behind the scenes stuff.
  16. It's not going to happen. Killed as soon as Lutz said it. Too bad.
  17. 1st thing: That is the concept interior. The steering wheel, gauges, are different. 2nd thing: The pack gauges are an option: they don't contain fuel or temp or anything "vital;". Those are in the main. I agree the location is poor; but none of the ones located there are vital or anything you'd be looking at constantly. 3rd. The materials fit and finish are nothing like the Malibu and HHR. Try sitting or driving the new Camaro. It's the most refined ponycar ever.
  18. I have to say I'm intrigued!
  19. They are nowhere near as popular or profitable as before, even in Japan. And most arcades in Japan now aren't filled with "video games" as we remember...they are mostly what we see here now...UFO catchers, prize machines, Dance/Rythym games, the odd fighter and racer, and light gun games. They have a few more things, but arcade development is nowhere near what it used to be.
  20. 'bout time. Kojima and gang need a ZOE3 and a Snatcher/Policenauts game. Then I'll be really happy. Lords of Shadow looks great.
  21. I actually worked for Sega in my youth (during the Mega Drive/Genesis/System 16 & then Model 2 hardware gen). I know the story. Everyone knew the arcade scene would not last long after the release of the 32 bit gen consoles. But they wouldn't just stop completely or continue making custom hardware...thus the home console based hardware.
  22. I do like it, I just hope it makes it to other colors as well.
  23. I think the Slim would look good in white or silver. Or a grey like the MGS4 edition.
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