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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Almost exact. The arcade boards had different pins. So you couldn't run home carts in an MVS. It was because the home carts were cheaper than the MVS boards and to prevent arcades from buying those instead. At least back then.
  2. I had believe it or not two Neo Geo Gold systems, and later, a Neo Geo CD when I sold the cart ones. Loved them at the time. CD sounded great, but the load times were just unbearable. Best joystick for the home ever. It was crazy spending $200-$250 per cart, but oh man was it fun.
  3. I envy the thrill of watching the show the first time. So many exciting moments, surprises, and topped with a truly satisfying end, which most shows never get right.
  4. To be honest, in the 70's for a tv show, it was pretty cool. It has not aged well though.
  5. I wouldn't expect that in a Hollywood summer blockbuster let alone any other tv show. Unfair comparison. That was the greatest most exciting moment in TV action from one of the greatest shows. Ever. It still makes me warm inside and I've seen it dozens of times.
  6. I regret the day I bought the original show on dvd. Sometimes, you can't go home again.
  7. Yeah, by the time my new tv is on it's way out, will be when 3D OLED should be in...I can wait. I'm more excited for my XBR9 than a future LED...
  8. I agree, the semi gloss seems to be the way to go. The other thing that bothered me with the LED sammy and I noticed it with the LG LED as well, was the off angle viewing was poor. LIke, move one seat over and a noticeable drop in quality. I didn't notice such a drop with the Triluminous Sony XBR 8 LED last year, but that set was priced for a king.
  9. Went shopping at the Sears friends and family night last week to replace my old 50" Panny 720p LCD projection which will now take duty in my mother's house. Great TV that Panny, but it was time for an upgrade. Looked at the Sammy 55" 8500 LED which looked great, but the super glossy screen (picture windows in the living room would require the blinds closed during the day for the glare.) and the $4,000 price tag just didn't seem worth it. Black levels were great, but honestly, side by side next to a Panny Plasma, and a Z series Bravia it wasn't a major jump. Hated the glossy remote. That left the Sony 52" XBR9. I loved the look of the XBR9, the semi glossy screen, and the ability to stream Netflix and Amazon video straight from the TV was icing on the cake. I know the XBR 10 LED is out, and the 11 and 12's with LED's are coming but the price was way too good. Arrives in December as it wasn't in stock at the time. Had to get a new stand too, so picked that up from Amazon. C'mon hurry up December.
  10. This post deserves a promotion.
  11. Don't ask. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.
  12. Of the whole series, Black Market is the worst. It really feels "unlike" a typical BSG episode.
  13. I can't handle when people say "clip". Movies get it wrong today too. It's not a "clip". It's a magazine. There's a difference.
  14. True, but I notice Sammy's have always had QC issues. Even now, with the 8 series LED's. Unresponsive remotes, and bad firmware. Most common is the tv just plain dies within 2-3 years. Takes longer to start up, and then nothing. Not saying, all manufacturers don't have issues, but everyone I know who has bought a Sammy hasn't had some type of issue.
  15. Sammy's have poor quality control. Great tech, great designs...iffy build at times.
  16. I think The Plan has more.
  17. There's a surprisingly high amount of nudity in The Plan.
  18. Haha, that looks funny!
  19. Try sitting in a new Camaro. It's nothing like a Malibu. You won't mistake it for a Bimmer, but it's above the usual Chevy/Ford interiors. Only thing I thought was beyond stupid is the trunk opening...it's like a mail slot, you can't stick anything in it.
  20. Not as terrible as giant floating dill pickles. and as corny to you as it may seem; "devotion"...you never went up against a cult have you?
  21. Yes in theory, but...no in reality!
  22. That was interesting...I barely remember the original show, but I liked this remake so far. I miss Morena's hair though.
  23. You wanna borrow mine you can, as long as I get it back
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