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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. This game is great.
  2. Regardless, it did and is doing quite well.
  3. IF you can find a G8, run don't walk. I love mine.
  4. I'd get a few of the PSN downloads: Pixeljunk Monsters Super Stardust HD Flower Wipeout HD Super SFII Turbo (if you don't have it) The Last Guy Bionic Commando Rearmed(if you don't have it) Pixeljunk Shooter Fat Princess Savage Moon Ratchet and Clank Future: The Quest for Booty There are a bunch of PSOne games... And I really like the Pulse download videos... Free Themes and demos. There's a lot to play with and see.
  5. Did you pay for it? Theft is theft. But that's your own problem.
  6. You don't have to support anything. And judging from your post, you steal it anyways. Never met people who steal things they don't like...gotta admit that one's new. Why did you see it many times again?
  7. Yup...dunno how that happened. fixed.
  8. It seems this board tends to hate nearly everything especially movies. And will try to make you see WHY you shouldn't like something. Pointing out the similarities between Avatar and the plot of films before it, does not make you clever or smart either. People liked this film, and it did well. Even the "can't they come up with anything new?" crap is old; whenever Hollywood and TV and the game industry try something new, it isn't embraced. Dances with Wolves? Sure...how many people born after that film will see Dances with Wolves? Not many. There is a market for it. Whether you're a part of that market is moot. If you aren't, why waste your time? That is what I don't get. I don't like toys...I don't go into the toy thread saying how stupid it is to be spending money on plastic spaceships and stuff. It's a hobby for some, and you should be allowed to enjoy it. Some people like different music, different books, different cars, watches, games. It's ok to discuss why you didn't, but people seem to take to the extreme nowadays, and are so proud to tell the board on how bad something people like is. It's like you're Debbie Downer or something. Hey, some people juggle geese. Edit: fixed weirdo sentence. Thanks Shirokaze
  9. People who hate the iPhone need something to embrace. Android is the closest thing. Even though it's not.
  10. Whine, whine whine. It's a damned good movie. Can't wait until the Blu-ray/DVD comes out so people can all bitch about it some more after buying it.
  11. I enjoyed what I've seen so far.
  12. I never really watched trek, so forgive the unfamiliarity.
  13. Is that the star trek guy?
  14. It was a true arcade system in your home...it was expensive but, oh man if you loved fighters, there was no other way to go except to mess with JAMMA boards.
  15. I don't doubt it could have been done....but no one did.
  16. No biggie, I was starting to wonder if I was wrong about the pinouts, but I have the memory of them not fitting and the story why.
  17. Olivia Munn will be in this film. Awesome! Love that girl. She's frakkin' funny.
  18. Finished Uncharted 2 a lil while ago. One of the best games I've ever played.
  19. Samurai Shodown (yes, spelled wrong) is the US name for Samurai Spirits. And you probably used Hanzo Hattori.
  20. Ding ding ding! We have a winner!!
  21. The boring script and plot ruined that film more than Kate and Brandon.
  22. Everything you said is known....What did that have to do with the AES carts not being able to be used in an MVS in the 90's again? Same ROM had nothing to do with the physical limitation that AES boards would not work with an arcade MVS since the arcade boards were priced higher than MVS carts. I know they were the "same" but back then, you wouldn't be able to strip off the casing of a cart and shove it in an MVS slot. My post was to point out that even though they are the same, the physical construction of the pins were different preventing home carts being used in arcade cabinets.
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