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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Virtua Fighter, Virtua Fighter Remix, and Virtua Fighter 2 kept the Saturn alive in Japan. At that time, Virtua Fighter was extremely popular there. To get back on topic...GC for $99. Good deal. Go get one.
  2. I can't wait!
  3. I loved Area 88. Wish they would release the rest. They won't though, as I emailed them and they said they never would.
  4. Too early to say right now, but hope they put in a little more suspense than action unlike the first one.
  5. Eggman was the original name for Robotnik in Japan. When they first brought the Sonic games over they changed his name. Simple as that. Any Sonic fan knows that.
  6. Never saw the show but if they call Eggman Eggman than it gets a plus in my book...that was his original name anyway. Never liked Dr."Robotnik".
  7. Off the subject slightly, but besides the original Chris Reeve movies, the only other Superman stories I liked were the Lois and Clark TV show. Smallville just doesn't do it for me. Lois and Clark was like a modern day Moonlighting of sorts.
  8. Amen! I'll see your comment and raise you a Schwing!!!
  9. I like the idea of Catherine Zeta Jones as the Baroness.
  10. Just praying Hollywood does something good with good ol' GI Joe. They deserve not to suck.
  11. Cool if it turns out really good. Who'd be a cool Scarlett?
  12. Looks good. Can't wait.
  13. Minor gripes such as missile types and Regults in the air don't bother me if the game plays as good as it does. I mean, look at M3. Your gunpod was just a huge Hickory Farms Summer Sausage.
  14. I liked the Fatal Fury OAV's and movie. Wish Samurai was done justice, turning Amakusa into a woman was quite shocking.
  15. Those new movies are great! I can't wait for this game to come out now!! B)
  16. That's just too funny.
  17. I'll take a new Macross series over a sequel to Escaflowne thank you.
  18. Anticipation growing...need to get PS2 boot disc to play imports badly.
  19. Those movies were pretty cool. I think AM2 has broken the curse of Macross games being cruddy. Looks good so far.
  20. Hmmmm...maybe I should get rid of my VF-1A Hikaru.
  21. That was cooooool.
  22. WeaponLord(SNES) and Soul Edge were ahead of their time rather. More WeaponLord than anything else... Weaponlord was awesome. Soul Calibe still is one of my face DC titles...Poor DC...you were never appreciated like you should have been.
  23. I haven't picked it up yet, but I will go with the GC version and Link...just seems like the best character for that series as a bonus...Heihachi seems too out of place with his bare knuckles, and I never liked Tekken. Spawn..well I never liked Spawn much anyways, so Link is the choice for me.
  24. Still waiting on US release DVD's. My US renditions VHS tapes are starting to go fuzzy on me.
  25. I have faith in AM2.
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