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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. I thought MWers official sport was making their wallets cry. That's the event after the whining... or is it before?
  2. Looks sorta interesting.
  3. The slide card works without having to install any chip. All you have to do is remove the tray door in order to have a little card that "slides" open the tray so you can swap discs. I haven't actually seen it in use but it seems like a good idea for those who don't want to solder. The tray door can be put back and you don't have to open up the casing of the unit, another plus for those that feel uncomfortable doing so.
  4. Right back where we started...not knowing what's happening.
  5. Most people that are in their late 20's early 30's are likely to pick the 16 bit era. Younger ones will tend to say the PS and PS2 since that's what they remember. B)
  6. I'll still see it when it come out. Uma and Lucy.
  7. $60 is a good price for an import PS2 game that is new. I forsee lots of US PS2's using swap discs and mod chips in October/November once this game is released. Anyone see that mod for the PS2 where you have a new cover to put on and ther's a flip top lid over the disc drive? I may go that route, or the slide card way. Still undecided. I should just buy an import PS2, but this is certainly a cheaper way to go.
  8. True, but they do know the history of Macross games being pretty much sucky to mediocre and this is definitely a good sign indeed.
  9. IGN has some impressions from the TGS: Macross PS2
  10. Wow. That thing is huge. What else do they make?
  11. Did anyone just go to a scary visual place of that?
  12. The Wonderswan did ok. But it couldn't hold against the GBA which will remain the unstoppable juggernaut of all portable systems.
  13. but you can't honestly tell me there's no magic in todays games! Onimusha captivated me like no other game since Megaman, and my weekend Perfect Dark games have become weekend Halo games. I had as much fun with Soul Calibur II as I ever did with Street Fighter. And while I'll always have a special place in my heart for Final Fantasy IV, I have to admit it was a lot of fun going through Final Fantasy X with the wife. There is magic in today's games...it is just much less than the games of the 16 bit era. Graphics aside, I still have more fond memories of gaming during that time than now.
  14. It doesn't look that good on a PS2, but it is noticeably better than a PS1. I know because I used to play the demo US VFX2 on my PS2 and I've also seen it being played on a Japan PS2.
  15. The Playstation was in the right place at the right time. Then Sony did something that was surprising. They listened. They brought over RPG's. They listened to gamers...not perfectly, but they did so better than Tom did with the Saturn at the time. I miss my Neo cart system.
  16. Exactly. Why people see it as 2 different ones is beyond me. End is the same, one is just the "scenic route".
  17. Old movie costume way better than the "Halle" one.
  18. While I dearly love the consoles of today, the Genesis/SNES era was really the most fun for me in terms of me so anxious to get a game. There was just something about that time, maybe because games were not mainstream yet. I remember the 1st time I played Sonic on the Genesis seeing the bonus level, seeing him underwater getting an air bubble, and his "attitude" and it was one of the most memorable moments of my life. I remember the 1st time I heard Actraiser's music on my SNES and I thought to myself, this is incredible. There were dozens of moments like that in the 16 bit era...seeing the incredible animation in Flashback, the "fire" effect in Thunderforce III, the pure fun of Mario Kart (The SNES version is STILL the most fun), playing SF2 Turbo @ home with the old milkbone SNES controller, the entire Lunar game was memorable on my Sega CD, seeing Gunstar Heroes the first time, PLAYING Gunstar Heroes the first time, Snatcher on Sega CD with the Justifier, Herzog Zwei, Streets of Rage 2's Grand Upper through a whole level, the list could go on and on. There are memories like this on the newer consoles but it's not the same. We are at the point where graphics are realistic enough that strides are not mindblowing like it was from the 8-16 bit and 16-32 bit era. Gameplay seems more like a lost art nowadays, though there are still a few companies out there that remember.
  19. I'll still have to see it to know how good or bad it possibly could be.
  20. Those new screenshots look great. I simply cannot wait for this!
  21. Not the super bombad racing one, but the good one. There was an arcade version with a mockup of Annie's pod with realistic controls and everything. Totally rocked. Vostok 7 I played it too...it was awesome!
  22. The Genesis and SNES will remain the systems I hold dearly to. The Saturn earns best under rated...just like the Dreamcast.
  23. The Virtual Boy and the 3DO were the 2 most worthless ones for me. 32X runs closely behind.
  24. The old Vector based Arcade game I think. That'd be fine with me.
  25. The bonus disc has the Atari arcade game on it?
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