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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Wait a min...this is the first I heard of a GC port of Famicom MG...interesting.
  2. RT.com only mentions the article in GI. IGN has it only under PS2 and XBox...TDK doesn't mention it, Vicious Cycle doesn't either, only that's it's coming in 2004. Hard to say. If it is being developed for GC, it may be further behind...Battlecry if I remember correctly for GC was released after the PS2 and GC versions...that's one slight possibility. Maybe VC has less people to do the GC version. Still, not announcing it doesn't bode well.
  3. For Mospeada fans, this is as close as we're going to get.
  4. Wonder how long 'till this turns into another "I hate HG" thread.
  5. Haven't heard anything about it being released here. I seriously doubt it.
  6. that would actually be pretty cool... I second that. Oddly as it seems, it does sound cool .
  7. Changing names in movie...bad.
  8. I'd like a GTO Transformer thank you.
  9. I'd like a GTO Transformer thank you.
  10. Oh...my. Sorry, but that is just a little...weird.
  11. Not surprising...I remember when they were so small.
  12. Can't wait for the DVD...one of my old time favorites.
  13. Not damned good.... but good. Its not the greatest game. Compared to most of the dribble released nowadays, it's a welcome sight.
  14. Makes me wish I had my old GI Joe Skystriker toy when I was a kid.
  15. LOI is very good...just behind SOTN.
  16. Those are cool interviews. Thanks!
  17. Full of cinema or not, MGS2 still remains one of my faves...still loads better than much of the video game dribble out there. Can't wait for MGS3.
  18. Link not working? Seems fine when I click on it. Here it is http://fireflydvd.com/media/FireflyConvention.mp3
  19. Here's a link to an mp3 of that convention's audio with Joss and the cast talking about the show and hinting of the film. Firefly mp3 Convention
  20. At a convention, he mentioned that he has already penned out a script. I can't remember which one it was. I heard an audio clip of it along with most of the other actors who were all excited about it.
  21. DVD set was up to number 10 on Amazon. With the strong DVD sales and the movie on the horizon, maybe the show will rise like a phoenix.
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