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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Since the old thread is history, thought I'd post this: Buy 2 PS3 Greatest Hits titles, get one free from WallyWorld: Buy 2 Get 1 Free PS3 Good way to pick up some good titles at a bargain.
  2. On the FF stuff, I liked X, but didn't like Tidus that much. I liked the story, music, and most of the characters. I especially liked the summons in that game. That said, I really like XIII. I'll agree that I doubt a demo will be able to convey the battle system well enough. It is probably the most exciting "wait until your turn" fighting I've played in an RPG.
  3. Chapter 10. Almost 25 hours in. I will echo the above by Dreamweaver and say I love the battle system. The fights get so fast and crazy it's awesome when you pick the right "deck" of paradigms for different situations/enemies. Love the art direction too...possibly the most beautiful game I've seen in a long time. Not a big FF fan but this one is tops in my book.
  4. Only thing I've seen so far. I thought it was like a paratrooper knife at first, and in a sense it sorta is like a hybrid folding balisong/paratrooper blade/gun.
  5. I got White Knight as a gift. It's not bad. Haven't finished it yet though. Kinda overshadowed by FF XIII.
  6. I am about 5 hours in so far. Can now use Paradigm shifts and got the first Eidolon. Didn't think the Paradigm's would really make much of a difference but it does add quite a bit of strategy to the fights. Battles up until the first tougher enemies seemed out of place until you have a swarm of them chewing your people to shreds. Paradigm Shift!
  7. Vanille's voice acting is irritating me. I'm actually ok with the dub for this otherwise. But dual voice tracks would've been better.
  8. Looks pretty good. Want to see what role Munn plays...
  9. So you played through for like 10 mins?
  10. I honestly have only played FF VII, VII, and X fully (that I can recall). I've played parts of XII and VI(III), and *shudder*X2. I liked X's music a lot and I liked VIII's story. Other than that, FF has never been the RPG series for me. I liked Phantasy Star, Lunar, and the Xeno games, plus Skies of Arcadia. That said, XIII does look cool enough for me to pick up, and so far I love the music to I've heard. And I'm somewhat surprised to admit, I like Leona Lewis' theme better than the Japanese original theme music to the game.
  11. The original Sega CD Lunar TSS remains my all time favorite RPG. Especially the music, which they happen to keep on changing in every remake.
  12. "Importance" thing aside, it's an amazing game. If you have a PS3, you owe it to yourself to play this one.
  13. I wouldn't turn your system on today. Might be a weird calendar bug, that is affecting the non slim ones that were turned on today. Some suspect it's a firmware internal clock leap year bug. Resets your date to 12-31-99, trophies won't sync, cannot connect to PSN, sand games which losd trophies won't work, not to mention PSn titles and downloaded PS1 titles.
  14. Yup. Big time. Affecting game discs that register trophies to play by not allowing you to start them.
  15. Solution: Do not watch or buy it unless you want to.
  16. Always back your saves. Even the locked saves can be copied when using the back up utility in the PS3. On a side note,, I just got a 500GB hdd for my original 60GB which had a 160GB upgrade a couple years ago. Using the back up utility, I transferred everything to an external, and then back to the new 500gb drive. EVERYTHING copied over, including downloaded games, and video from the PS Store. I was under the impression the games would have to be re-downloaded. I didn't use the back up utility the first time I upgraded, just backed the saves to a thumb drive. Going to throw the 160GB one in my 80GB.
  17. This show is getting really good.
  18. Grandia was very good. Pick it up with no reservations.
  19. The Saturn version was superior.
  20. The 360 one comes on 3 DVD's.
  21. I'll stick to the notion that most 360 only owners are "certain types" of gamers, just as PS3 only, and Wii only owners tend to have a certain stereotype. As much as I hate to admit it, most gamers on average do fall into one particular camp. Yeah, Western studios are now pretty much tops in console development. For every Japanese console game you'll see a dozen DS, PSP, and mobile games in Japan now and I don't see the trend changing.
  22. Is this Rebellion the same that did the original original (Alien, not Aliens) vs Predator on the Jaguar? I had that game, and back then it was pretty cool in 1994...
  23. OK, I'm a few hours in on WKC. I don't get the Lunar vibe anymore, but I don't really get any kind of vibe other than I still keep on playing. It's not great, but it's not terrible. And there's just something about it that I do like, but I honestly can't say what it is...the music during Boss scenes must be unremarkable because I honestly cannot remember the music from them. I think it's more than the sum of it's parts, but I suppose hardcore RPG players might find it lacking. Haven't really tried online quests yet but those commercials with the crystal camera make me wanna try. I'm happy with it, hope I finish it before FF XIII drops. I have way too much to play right now...WKC, Bioshock 2, Heavy Rain, FF XIII, and GOW III too. Not to mention I picked up some bargain things I missed on my vacation, like Wet and the original Indigo Prophecy. If I keep on playing the way I have, I should be done with the above by...oh, Halloween. And I still need to finish my second play through of Bayonetta on hard.
  24. That's true of games developed with the 360 as a lead platform, but this was a quick port to the 360 so I doubt it will be "better" on 360. Multiple discs, compressed audio, lower res cutscenes, and a lower res in game so far are kinda pointing this one towards PS3. Square released a few 360 shots awhile back, and though they look similar enough, the 360 version has weird hair dithering. Doubt you'd notice it in motion but we'll see. I think this will be the first multi platform title to outperform the 360 version in sales two to one. Mostly because I doubt this is a 360 gamer's type of game.
  25. Order the full soundtrack online from Square. They are taking pre-orders. I wasn't aware there's a collector's edition in the US other than the 360 bundle which is super lame.
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