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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. ahhh...I was wondering if someone was going to bring that up! Good one!
  2. I believe those are on ebay all the time...the Revell diecast F-14, not the F-15 ACTIVE.
  3. Add another Gunstar fan. The Vasteel and Gauntlet/Vambrance from the Thunderforce shooters The Vic Viper from Gradius and one of my all time faves: The SA-77 Silpheed from the Silpheed games
  4. I haven't a problem with it being a romantic comedy...but is it good at that?
  5. That was pretty damn funny. The Kakizaki remark is just to imply that he gets killed off and has the crappiest luck.
  6. Dragging up the old but, Namco has a special site open for Episode II only until July. Xenosaga Ep. 2
  7. AOD has an interesting thread about this: Gunbuster
  8. It would make the most sense for Toynami to release Yamatos under their name...instant toy, no development, just packaging. They could sell them for easy the same cost as their MPC line, and who would really complain. If I were HG and Toynami, I would definitely seek this route. HG and Toynami releasing Macross stuff with the blessings of BW add up to everyone being happy...or, at least supposedly happy.
  9. I saw that too...wasn't sure how good the show was though...it looks interesting and I considered picking it up.
  10. Long as it's released by someone soon, I'll be happy.
  11. Here's the trailer without the annoying background on the AC5 site. AC 5: The Unsung War
  12. What the...?
  13. I wish you could turn off the sound of the background without turning off the sound in the trailer.
  14. A trailer is now up on Namco's AC5 site : Ace Combat 5
  15. Yes, they still have them. And, to get back on topic, remember it's just a game...the camo thing is still a tad more realistic than hauling an armory around in your pants...
  16. It's a game...whaddya want? The camo thing is no more ridiculous than the ol' cardboard box.
  17. Cool...like to have one of those backing us up once in awhile.
  18. I took off my network adapter because I spent too much time playing SOCOM. And I refrained from RE Outbreak and SOCOM II and FF XI for those same reasons...if I start up, I won't wanna stop!
  19. Oddly, only on MW can I find hard to find or rare pics of planes.
  20. The sky must be falling...I just pre-ordered the special Halo Bundled XBox...guess I was feeling saucy!!
  21. Venom would be cool...if they don't rush the story....wonder how they would cram that into a movie.
  22. oh my.
  23. Yay: Megazone news and trailer Nay: That was one of the stupidest narrator scripts I have ever heard.
  24. Not really a Gundam fan, so of course not excited one bit about this. Wishes Bandaui would invest in Macross mecha...not the old chunky monkeys, not that Macross 7 plastic stuff....real nice stuff. Or maybe perhaps something different...the orbital frames from Zone of The Enders would be nice...Jehuty, Anubis, Ardjet, Vic Viper, Nephtis, Raptors, Mummies, Clods...would make a cool line.
  25. Not sure what you're trying to say, but I took those pictures last night with my digital camera. No, nothing...just look like the old Robozone's pics of it when it was released...thought perhaps it was Gerry or something. The review of it back then had about the same pics, same angles, and background lighting...eerie.
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