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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Bwahaha!! HAOLE BOY!! Nah, only joking. That's Lebhead. We still love ya Leb.
  2. I don't care what you call me. Half Chinese, half Japanese here. I think asian is the preferred "PC" term now, but it really just depends on your area...some might get offended, some not. Hell, look at my member name...used to throw people off big time in the Japan chat rooms...they all thought I was caucasian...er...white...er...haole.
  3. Though I liked the first one for it's campiness (I never liked the book when I first read it, and when I saw the movie, I thought I'd hate it too but since it was so unlike it, I guess I liked it), I don't think this sequel will be occupying my DVD shelf.
  4. M3 was horrid. Except for the intro and artwork/story, the actual game was so bad, the programmers shoulda be caned. Did I buy it? Yep. Just for the collector's sake, but that's it. Got the Milia card too.
  5. Yes. HG wouldn't be the ones releasing them anyways. It'd probably wind up similar to the Animeigo deal. Which I know, some people still aren't satisfied with. And even if they came with a big HG logo on the back, more Macross here is what we wanted HG to do in the first place. Or at least that was before it became some hip thing to hate HG. There are a lot of worse companies out there.
  6. I sincerely doubt the R1 relase of DYRL will have an english dub.
  7. Everything sounds right. I never understood why people thought otherwise.
  8. Very interesting and of course, as predicted about on schedule. DYRL presented by HG....I could care less, as long as whoever releases it does a good job of it.
  9. Just because some people didn't like Eva doesn't qualify it as a wreck. Eva is one of the most popular anime of all time. Bound to have people who didn't like it...hardly a wreck though.
  10. I like the new titles. Think they're pretty damn funny.
  11. A project many have undertaken...How many have actually finished it is something I haven't seen too much. Good luck.
  12. I always liked Garfield and even though he looks different I'm looking forward to it.
  13. It's Gainax so even though those designs look...odd, it may still be terrific. Way too early to tell.
  14. yep, More Eliza Dushku is always a great thing.... I will 3rd that one. True Lies 2 with Dushku, Curtis, Ahhhnuld, Tom Arnold, and James Cameron would be great. I read somewhere that Jamie Lee Curtis doesn't want to do True Lies 2 if it involves any terrorists in the storyline since she said that since 9/11 it isn't funny anymore. She said it would have to be a big difference from the first for her to do it.
  15. That new trailer was awesome! I can't wait.
  16. Yes, $300 is too much for a G Shock...when I first heard about it, I thought it's be in the $150 range maybe....not $300. It is a nice piece, just not worth the $300. And I still may buy one since I have a thing for watches.
  17. The Excelion and Eltrium from Gunbuster! The original Battlestar Galactica Nergal Industries Nadesico The Yamato and the Arcadia Yggdrasil IV from Xenogears
  18. Why don't we get cool box sets like that? We get Pearl Harbor and Spiderman Box sets that come with a map or a comic book...
  19. Sold out...and now the price shows $19.95 and not $21.95. Did they change the price the last day because they still had to move 'em out? Didn't take long.
  20. I can see people getting upset over shelling out for the last 2 director's cut DVD's, since they were released only a recently, but the original series has been out a long time. I will most likely get it, but only because I am an Eva fan. The 5.1 sound is what I want.
  21. Crikey! Mospeada Soundtrack! Thank you for the link!! Wonder how I missed this before!
  22. Hmmmm...on sale for $21.95...I ordered.
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