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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Gaijin

    Aiuchi 2 Typing Game

    Wish they had 'em here.
  2. It was a good run.
  3. No Reba please. That would be
  4. Cool. To get back on topic, if RT.com says the Macross DYRL poseables are officially licensed, and they are pushing the whole 20th anniversary...maybe they did snag the rights to it. Doesn't mean they could be the only ones.
  5. I don't think they'd bother with spending the money to get actors for a DYRL dub. If they did, I'd be surprised.
  6. Sad day today indeed. I always liked him.
  7. Well, it certainly does look good. Just so dang expensive.
  8. Ummmm...ok. There's 3 minutes of my life gone.
  9. He must have been thinking the ol' "well if ya can't beat 'em join 'em."
  10. www.yamatousa.com www.yamato-usa.com Ironic in that I used to see that website quite a bit before I discovered MW. Seriously, this will be interesting. Though I agree that you will never see Macross toy stuff under any name, be it Yamato, BW, HG, Toynami in your local KB Toys or Wal Mart.
  11. And they better take care of 'em. One day, they'll break 'em out to save the world from evil aliens taking over the planet and recommission those old military craft into a new space worthy type...oh wait, that's Space Battleship Yamato. Actually, that was my idea for a show...old fighters that are modified into new ones.
  12. Holy crap...that looks like it's real!!!!
  13. No ways. I thought Max has lots of fans. He sure does. Milia has more though. True that, although I prefer Misa over Millia. I hear 'ya.
  14. No ways. I thought Max has lots of fans. He sure does. Milia has more though.
  15. Keep us posted.
  16. Tomcats will and always will rule.
  17. That's just it. No one really knows what has happened, and more importantly...what has been going on just recently. We can and only have been speculating on what little facts there have been. Which is what message boards are usually for.
  18. It seems to me that they do want to try and keep them seperate. They have enough Robotech to keep their RT fans busy. I doubt Macross 7 would be welcomed by RT fans, no matter what they did to it. But keeping DYRL and 7 as what they are would be a welcome sight for me. If they did dub DYRL, I'm sure it'd be a bilingual DVD...and even if they did, I think it will just be a dub of DYRL in the Macross world, no RT crossover/storyline. This will be one interesting thing to watch.
  19. Gaijin

    Macross PS2 Game

    Yes, the game is good. Better than Battlecry (though Battlecry was actually semi-decent...it surprised me). Best part...Sega AM2. I said it before and I'll say it again...put a good developer behind a license and chances are the game will be good and not suck. A lot of people doubted this game before it came out and with Macross games track records, I can't blame them. But, Sega AM2...c'mon, have faith!!
  20. No ways.
  21. I agree. Everything seems to be moving along quite nicely actually.
  22. I don't think they would change anything...they already have Robotech...why bother dubbing DYRL and confusing the heck out of people...they aren't stupid...they KNOW their target audience...they are just now beginning to let's say, play it smartly. By releasing DYRL and Mac 7 uncut and in their original form with subs...they'd make me happy. It'd certainly make up for the VFX2 and Toycom fiascos. But that's just me...I know some people will damn them to hell no matter what happens.
  23. Pretty nice. I want someone to do the covers. At first I liked the line art style, but the printing of the Animeigo covers are all blurry...even the text is a little blurry. Someone redo them and print them up...I'd definitely buy a set.
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