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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. I may pick it up even though I have the Criterion if only for the fact that the video is a cleaner transfer than the Criterion and the 5.1 sound. I am a fan though. Got Peter Weller's autograph, the Detroit Police patch from the movie, press kits from the first 2 movies, KSC Auto 9...
  2. I never even knew it was coming. Or rather is here already www.Robocop.com Robocop Trilogy Trailer Seems like the set will have all 3 movies and a host of extras for Robo 1 that not even my Criterion DVD has. According to reviews on Amazon, it is the same director's cut as the Criterion release so people who missed that one have a second chance. Anyone picked this up? I know the 3rd was turd, but I enjoyed the first 2 a lot.
  3. There is no GC version of MGS2 Substance. Just The Twin Snakes.
  4. Looks alright. The second one was ok, though I liked the first half better than the second.
  5. Perhaps after getting a hold of the actual Macross sets, he can do a whole new recliner of rage Doh! I Shoulda read the thread.
  6. Sending Conan and crew the original Animeigo set of Macross DVD's, along with Southern Cross and Mospeada would be the ultimate you know what to RT. :D Think about it... They'd come on the show and say,"Oh, look what MW gave us!!" Disclaimer: I am kidding.
  7. It makes sense to me. He is just starting out...sorta like anything in life...you know, you make it better as things go along, you get wiser, things you try tell you if it works or not. The proto-batmobile works for me.
  8. Yes, those are also errors.
  9. Unit 01 is freaky lookin'!!
  10. Why is it that people who watched Robotech are always confused?
  11. Oddly, I didn't find RE the movie that bad...it worked as a side story to the games. Not anything to write home about but entertaining. So many AVP games...I enjoyed the Jaguar FPS and Capcom arcade ones. Anyone ever try the PS2/XBox RTS one? AVP the books were very good, so it's hard for me to get excited about the movie. But, I will of course hold off judging until I actually see it.
  12. I always like the Metal Gear series and I enjoyed MGS2 despite the many criticisms against it. And I'm looking forward to 3.
  13. We do not think so.
  14. Congrats!!
  15. As blah as those designs look...I am hoping this will turn out great.
  16. I'm buying it just the same though.
  17. Oh, let them be.
  18. And then when you're done, get chased by a squadron of F-22's all hell bent on finishing you off.
  19. As corny as those "super predators" were, the whole trailer with the metalo music just didn't jive. That better not be the kind of music in the movie. Oh well. I liked the books.
  20. They are great looking...nice sculpt, but don't move 'em!! A cool party favor.
  21. The name is "animation error:. Make: Animefriend Model: F*#ed up Caliber: "let's shoot lasers instead!!!! Zap, Zap!!"
  22. With that attitude, you'll never make "commander." Darn...and I worked so hard too.
  23. Just by coincidence, that's all. K
  24. Lemme know when you're done. And then let me know where you got the umpteen millions to build one even made of popsicle sticks. I could use the cash.
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