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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Cool trailers on the IGN site. And I found a clip[ of interviews from Monolith... Is Xenosaga a direct sequel or prequel to Square's Xenogears? Yoshidumi Makoto - Though the development team is the same, they were previously working under Square for Xenogears, and now they have shifted to Monolith Software for Xenosaga. But with our relation between Square, I think it is difficult for us to say it is a direct sequel or prequel. It's probably more suitable to say that it follows the direction and style of Xenogears. Watching the trailer, we can't help but notice that there are some familiar faces from Xenogears. Are these characters somehow related in Xenosaga? Tetsuya Takahashi - Now that we are under a different company, we figured we should start everything from scratch all over again. Though there are familiar faces that serve as important characters in Xenosaga, others are more like self-parodies, so we don't really want Xenogears fans to overreact. Like movies, sometimes you have the director of the movie or friend of the leading actor appearing as cameos, so it's similar to that. No matter how much I would like a remake of Xenogears, Square-Enix has already said no. And Monolith/Namco don't have the rights to make Xenogears. Don't know how old it is.
  2. When the project first started, I heard that though they were indeed similar, the Xenosaga series would not be related to XG. Wonder if they will stick to that, or changed their minds and a few sequels down the road we get a totally redone XG on the PS3 or something. Does anyone know? I never kept up on it and just assumed that they went with "these are the prequels leading up to XG unofficially". Be interesting how they will do that since Square still has the rights to all of XG.
  3. Well, try it and see if you agree. I for one enjoyed it. It wasn't perfect, but by no means was it boring to me. XS hardly has a bland and simple story. FF often has simpler stories that are quite predictable if you ask me. Even X, which I did enjoy was very predictable to me. The US version of Xenosaga was slightly"censored" in one of the cut scenes, if you count them moving Albedo's hand on/in Momo censored. Compared to the original footage, it's nothing to worry about, as nothing was lost. My other complaint with the first actually was the english dubbing. I wish they just brought it over with subtitles. I mean, they subtitle the english. I know it appeals to a more broad audience though.
  4. Buy the 3 disc sets one at a time.
  5. That's actually the only 2 things that bothered me about the first...the hard to get cash and the techs. After I learned about the Poker trick, I quickly made enough to buy anything, so that wasn't a problem but I hope they fixed the techs. I never found the game boring though.
  6. Well, I still have hope that it will be done well. Funky Buster machine aside.
  7. Famitsu gave Xenosaga II a score of 33! Now, we just have to wait about a year to play it in english.
  8. Yes, it's mainly to break up the outline (though that's what all camo is). It works well in natural settings in the 100 yard range. A little better concealment from night vision. But that's for clothing. On people. On the ground. Why they'd do it for a plane is a little odd.
  9. The DVD set is still selling well for a set that has been out more than six months.
  10. Digital camo has a dithering effect between colors so there are no solid lines so it'd break up your shape against the environment. Never thought I'd see that on a plane.
  11. This is the easiest way. Firefly Plus, a release date...taken from Fireflyfans.net *********** Browncoats - Joss emailed me this to me and I wanted to post it IMMEDIATELY because BIG NEWS is contained within. What a day we had today! But enough from me now, here's a quote from our fearless leader: Quote: Hi guys. Just wanted to give you some news but guess what? I can't get on the site. I have trouble with passwords. So hopefully Chris B will forward this to you with his wily technical knowledgablosity. Today was (as I think you know) the first day of filming of Serenity. Which is pretty big for me (it felt weird to START with Mal's death, but scheduling isn't my area). It was a blast. Sean said it was like school was back in session after summer vacation, which I have decided to take as a compliment. Gina did a happy dance (and there are few happier sights than Gina doing a happy dance). We're still flying. And the best part is, that's not even why I'm posting. The real news, and you heard it here first, is that Universal has thrown down an official release date! So mark your calendars, Browncoats, 'cause if you're planning to get married on April 22nd 2005, you better change the date. Seriously. Who gets married in April? Just change it. April 22nd. Exactly when I wanted to open, 'cause it's SOON. I can't wait for you all to see what we're putting together. It's a crazy-quilt of infotainment that like to call a 'film', and it just may be the best one ever made. Or one of the ones in the middle. Probably not the worst... I'm thinking middle. High middle. So buckle up and get ready for that patented Joss Whedon "high-middle" excitment. It's on its way. I'm tired, and apparently I have to direct, like, EVERY scene, so I'm crashing. Thanks again, all of you, for helping me home. It's good to be back. -joss. I also posted this to the OB. The BIG NEWS is that we have an Official Release Date of April 22, 2005 (three or four weeks in front of SW Episode 3). We're thrilled and terrified about the date. It's very soon considering we just shot Day One of the BDM. Much work to do, but we wanted to make sure you and the fans got this news first. Best, Buchanan
  12. Sorry, not a trailer but the teaser poster supposedly.
  13. Sam Sho the english dub was the funniest and crappiest I ever saw...so bad that it's worth owning. "Puppy"
  14. Valid points all people. Tomayyyyto.....tomaaaaahhhto. I still can't believe you haoles say karaoke and arare wrong.
  15. Technically, it was the last time...for the original trilogy. Damn George.
  16. Doesn't mean that that Buster Machine will be the only one in the series though. But yes, it looks sooooooo hokey.
  17. Was the TV mini-series any good? I never saw it.
  18. I watched it. It's funny. How can "both sides" not take a joke?
  19. I'd buy that for a Dollar!!! Oh wait, wrong thread!!
  20. I can't believe how much attention this is getting. It's supposed to be funny. The Conan thing was supposed to be funny. Sure we take shots at it and Robotech, but...c'mon!! Funniest thing I ever saw on Conan was the Walker Texas Ranger lever.
  21. Impressive but, not worth anywhere near a hundred grand. I'd like the Wondermega please.
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