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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. If it was, I'd watch it.
  2. Might suck. Might not. But online dogfighting for PSN exclusive. I gotta do something here, I still can’t believe it. I gotta give you your dream shot! I’m gonna send you up against the best. You two characters are going to Top Gun!
  3. To me, all of the fight scenes in 2 were better than all the fight scenes in the first one. Not being a comic person, I don't know where they will go from here...is Iron Man an Avenger in the comic books? I realize that's probably a few pages long answer when it comes to comics.
  4. I don't truly understand the Megan Fox hate. There are plenty of worthy people in Hollywood to hate, why people care about her in Transformers is beyond me. Of course, I guess Transformer fans are picky. I'm sure they could have done worse than Shia and her when they casted. There's always a worse road then the one you are on.
  5. Loved the first film. Loved the series (except for the final sixth season, that was horrid). Skeptical because of the fast/furious thing but the Queen music will give it bonus points if they keep it.
  6. Saw it last night. I liked it. Really liked War Machine. I'm a sucker for the firepower.
  7. It was..until May 3, when all updates will now be on Tuesdays. So check tomorrow.
  8. Tuesday I believe, when the PSN updates move to Tuesdays.
  9. You don't fight it. You get to talk to him for challenges though, or so I'm told.
  10. I have a Go. Because when I do travel, I sure as heck don't want to be lugging UMD's with me. Not like I buy a lot of portable games either. I like the feel of it compared to my brick sized 1000. I just never wound up taking it with me when I traveled because it seemed bulky. The Go is perfect for my needs. I like the buttons and analog stick better as well. I should sell the 1000 and the UMD's because honestly I never touch them anymore... The Go could be great if it weren't for the price...it is overpriced by $100.
  11. Any stick with Sanwa parts will do you well. Mad Catz TE ones, Hori RAP3 SA or RAP with button upgrades If you can find one, my personal fave the Sega Virtua Stick HG. Best stick ever.
  12. I actually had the same problem...no wired because my living room had no ethernet closeby...but I used one of those powerline ethernet adapters that go through your electrical outlets and it works great! Try one if you want to drop the wi-fi for ps3...I even use it on my Bravia TV with the built in Netflix, You Tube, and Amazon video apps and can even stream HD without problems. I have an 11 Mbps connection and will consistently get 9-10Mbps out of that adapter.
  13. I'd try it with a wired connection. Wi-Fi on PS3 for video streaming has been iffy for me. Wired has been perfect.
  14. Is your PS3 using a hardwired connection or Wi-Fi?
  15. Congrats on your newfound space!
  16. Ah, it's the 20th: Now we can say It's official: Marvel vs Capcom 3 ...bout time. PS3 and 360 full retail release. Looks like the same art style of TvC.
  17. Yeah, the WD is Western Digital. 3.0GB SATA 5400 rpm notebook (2.5 inch) will be fine. You choose the brand and capacity. I tend to stick with Seagate, Toshiba, and WD when it comes to HDD's. I have a Toshiba 500GB external USB that I used to backup my PS3 before I swapped it. Now when you back up, and restore to the same machine, EVERYTHING will copy over, including downloaded protected games and videos so no more re-downloading.
  18. Loco Roco 2 MGS Portable Ops Ace Combat X Super Stardust Portable (PSN) Little Big Planet Final Fantasy Tactics War of the Lions Killzone Liberation Lumines 1 or 2 Crisis Core FFVII Patapon 2 Resistance Retribution Dissidia: Final Fantasy Gran Turismo Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles Wipeout Pulse The Ratchet/Clank titles and of course, God of War All the downloadable PS One titles you fancy from PSN...while still slim in choices, there are some gems on there.
  19. I haven't had any problems. I've upgraded my 60 gig twice, once to a 160 gb seagate 5200 rpm a couple years ago, and a 5200 rpm 500 gb WD one more recently. No problems.
  20. "Form Blazing Sword!"
  21. I know there are some people that do care, but I never had any plans or desire to install Linux on a game console. I know the principle bothers some people, but honestly most that grumble would have never used it anyways. I do agree that removing something AFTER you've had it is bogus, but again, 99.44 percent of people won't care.
  22. Way too many honestly, but here's a few I can think of at the top of my head. This generation: Wet Clive Barker's Jericho Ridge Racer 7 King of Fighters XII Last generation: Neo Contra The Xenosaga series 24: The Game ( I love the interrogation parts...you can make Jack calmly talk to people and then make him scream at them. It's hilarious!) Black Ghost in the Shell :SAC Older than last gen: World Championship Wrestling NES = I hate wrestling. I hated the NES. I LOVED this game. My brother and I played it for hours and hours. I don't know why, the graphics were bad, the moves pitiful, yet we loved it. I don't know why, because I'm told it was a "crappy" wrestling game compared what as I dunno what other wrestling games there were at the time. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles NES: Not the arcade game, the side scrolling one where you controlled one turtle at a time side scrolling platformer. I think I liked it because it was one of the few games my brother bought. Atari 2600 Pac-Man. Let's face it. It was a crappy port. But my family played it for hours and hours. Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun. GI Joe Cobra Strike Atari 2600. It was GI Joe. I was young. You didn't get to play as any of the Joes, just a shield and a cannon shooting at a giant Cobra head. You couldn't even use the joysticks, you used the paddle and then "flung" your shots towards the Cobra. Hard to describe, but it sucked and we loved it. E.T. Atari 2600: I got it for Christmas or my Birthday, or Easter or something, I don't recall. I liked it. But I was again, young. At least my parents saved one cartridge from a landfill. I remember my cousin got the Indiana Jones game and I didn't like it, I preferred the E.T. one. Hey, I was young.
  23. They turn into Nimbletoe boots in which you lose the ATB charge, but gain the evasion skill, plus it will still stack as an ATB rate increase. One ATB item will give you 10%+ faster charging, 15% for 3, 20% for 4, and I think 30% for 5. I have Light with 4 ATB items...Axis Blade, one Whistlewind one Aurora, one Nimble-boots...it's as if haste is permanent..if you cast haste on her then, the gauge charges ultra fast....
  24. They are upgraded Whistlewinds.
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