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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. After I saw the Van Damme Street Fighter movie, I wanted to hang my head in shame. For me, the only saving grace was Ming Na,, and even then they gave her some crappy lines. A lot of it had to do with the technological limitations at the time, but even now, with a CG Blanka or something, would that help the super duper lame ass story? SF2 Animated movie please.
  2. Damn. Damn, damn, damn. Like I could go and check anyways.
  3. Cool. Question though...didn't Whistler say in the first one that Vamps killed his whole family? Or was it my imagination? **too lazy to check DVD** Figured he'd know about a daughter like that no?
  4. A good deal since it includes 3rd strike...just was wishing they offered that limited edition here too is all.
  5. The ncsx site is wrong in the interactive sense. All people who imported it say it is the movie.
  6. The bundled movie is the Street Fighter 2 Animated movie which was only released edited and dubbed in the US. Not the Alpha movie, SF2V series or any others...just the original SF2 movie. As for those pads...for those interested, they do have a website Streetfighter Controller If they have better D-pads than the Ascii ones (which were great, just apparantly not able to stand up well)...I guess it'd be a good investment.[
  7. A lot of films and TV shows used Iron Eagle and Top Gun footage...I remember an episode of Macguyver having Top Gun footage... And going OT, remember that popular Pepsi commercial at the beginning of the Top Gun VHS when it was first released where he inverts his A-4 to pour his Pepsi?
  8. I'd like to see the Knights of The Round GF as a scene in this movie. That was the coolest summon ever!
  9. Actually, they look like the ASCII fighting pads for the Dreamcast (ironically based on the Saturn pad) which were great...save for the fact that the D Pads often wore out very quickly. And since Nuby isn't exactly a quality name, I'd try one out for a bit first. ...looks like I'm importing this year...
  10. It's always been the policy of the Armed Forces to back movies/shows that show them in a good light (free recruiting), and shun ones that don't (Iron Eagle with the planes being stolen...the Air Force didn't like it). I remember when they pulled the support from that show...lotsa reused footage!!! And about 10 years ago I trashed the tapes (moldy moldy moldy)...sorry. I'd give 'em to ya if I had 'em.
  11. I remember that show. I taped every episode.
  12. I know special editions don't sell well. Just that since they only ever released a dubbed and edited version of the movie here, I hoped. I know getting 3rd Strike is a good deal and the price is right...guess it's because I have 3rd Strike on DC. Though Capcom Japan is offering: http://www.capcom.co.jp/sf3_3rd/ Just check out the limited edition SF3 third strike package...second bar from the left. Taking out the movie in the US version, they replaced it with 3rd Strike. I liked the SF2 movie...I don't know why they took the music out and replaced it in the US release. The SF2 V series was good, and all the other SF movies and shows sucked. Especially that Alpha movie...I was really disapointed with that one. And in Japan, there are 2 versions...the limited and the regular no frills game only for much cheaper. For the 15th anniversary (which was a long time ago), you'd hope they'd do something better...even though SF2 is not as popular... Yes I love SF. Sue me. And I know this post is jumbled.
  13. Was hoping that the special release of Street Fighter 2 Anniversary in the US would be like the Japan release which included the SF2 movie (among a host of other things). Instead we get...controllers that you can buy...from Nuby!! I knew that it would wind up this way, but still....ordinary release Street Fighter 2 Anniversary comapred to Limited Edition Japan Release Hyper Street Fighter 2 Anniversary
  14. Congrats! Enjoy 'em both...main thing you know the truth.
  15. Especially if you have the special 2 disc dvd...interviews with them as well.
  16. I was gonna say something...but I changed my mind.
  17. Always loved that site.
  18. And one for good luck.
  19. One more...
  20. new pics
  21. New pics.
  22. Nope...it's a Toynami Super Poseable.
  23. AGH! he beat me to it!!! Maybe Jessica Alba could be her RIO.....the possibilities are endless!!! The two could be piloting a Sopwith Camel and I'd be there.
  24. It's on the first movie soundtrack CD...twice...one the original, and the other with Aerosmith singing it. Still a classic.
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