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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Cool...I can't read Japanese and there are no pics. Translation?
  2. The Power Rangers shows are just baddly dubbed Sentai shows from Japan, yes.
  3. I'd consider it. I liked the movies (no, not as much as the first but that was expected), and didn't bother playing through the game for the Reloaded footage. And I loved Jingle All The Way...a classic holiday movie with Arnold...what more can you ask?
  4. Hehe, pretty good.
  5. *yawn* Yeah, that made me want to stop one of my hobbies...oooohhh, two doesn't like it.
  6. I doubt that Yamatos nowadays would sell for 2-3 times less than what we pay now...even if they could sell them here.
  7. If people complain, then people have to act. If no one cared, they'd let him run free. But make no mistake...if I saw that I'd act. Or complain if I couldn't act.
  8. The more I look at 'em...the more I want 'em.
  9. Those were pretty good.
  10. 10 bucks says this thread will turn into a pumpkin soon.
  11. Keep the info comin...
  12. You ain't seen Godzilla 'till you get this: Godzilla Final Box
  13. Nothing online this morning...no CC where I live to go in-store.
  14. Why did I click on that? *Slaps own head*
  15. Shadow.....kick!!!!! If you ever put the closed captions on while playing the US VHS version of the SF2 Animated movie....that's what the captions read whenever Ken or Ryu perform a Hadoken or Shoryuken. How lame sounding is that. Especially the way it was spaced out to match the voice acting....Shadooooow....Kick!!" Sorry, the Name just reminded me of that is all...Shadow Force. Maybe Shadow Squad would have been a bit less cheesy sounding. Then again, we're used to it but Sound Force in english would sound cheesy too.
  16. What did he say about Gunbuster?
  17. I want to see the pic of you sticking your head up the exhaust. Seriously, you are lucky...
  18. This weekend will either clear things up for the good, or enrage fanboys everywhere.
  19. No Target where I am.
  20. It's a great game...the 3D is done very well, much improved over the N64 ones. The music is excellent too. I liked it.
  21. I totally agree with the decent actor. It's just that the SF movie was so awful and SF movie game was even worse. Right. Even the greatest actor can't help a bad movie. Totally true. I mean Universal Soldier was the best, but The Return, was just crap. I just bought the first one at Wal-Mart not too long ago! Wish I could say the same for the SF2 Animated movie. Why Capcom, why? Why allow only the crap dub in the US?
  22. I totally agree with the decent actor. It's just that the SF movie was so awful and SF movie game was even worse.
  23. I sold my SOP Yamato to another member on this board a couple years ago...I can't recall who. I still have the Arcadia...no one wanted it.
  24. Yopu make a compelling argument... Oddly, I ,must concur!!
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