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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. I voted for the first choice...as afar as I'm concerned Predator took the monster movie and Sci-Fi and blended it well enough not to be just another me too movie...even though it was. While it didn't "define" sci fi for me, it certainly added quite a bit to the genre as a whole.
  2. T2 has had 3 releases...the Live one, the Extreme, and Ultimate. I have the original snap case Live one and the Metal Ultimate. Spiderman new 3 disc one is the same as the original except for the 3rd extras disc. The Superbit Spiderman is just the film but with commentary from Tobey. If you have the original release, I'd go for the Superbit. Robocop: Criterion and MGM new release Trilogy...The new Trilogy RC is the director's cut but with a better transfer and Dolby 5.1. Same commentaries. New release is worth it, plus you get 2 & 3 as bonuses. Some people do enjoy special editions over regular releases...it just depends on what extras or enhanced features are present over older or standard ones. The Final Countdown special DVD had a bonus disc featuring interviews with the Jolly Rogers. It all depends on you...what do you want...bare bones release...extras up the wazoo...do you love the film? Underworld: The double dipped one has more extras...if you really lik ethe film, I guess I'd get it over the standard...the prices are very identical...if you liked the film.
  3. And the plot thickens... More FF VII
  4. Gaijin


    yeah that's much shorter.
  5. Do you know which one they had? I always liked the AIBO's.
  6. It's been out for awhile though. The new one is the ERS-7 The specs are impressive. I may even get one.
  7. Last I heard the US release date was 10/25/04.
  8. Huh? Ditto.
  9. Now this deserves some ripping on. I don't know Green Lantern but, I don't recall him being some portly dude.
  10. Tried it with choosing PC and GC and wound up with Snake. Tried exact same answers in entire quiz 3 times in a row: Master Chief, Jill, and Snake. Random perhaps?
  11. And no doubt cost quite a bit.
  12. Tested the survey with exact same answers twice...and got different results. Perhaps it's just totally random. Jill first time...Snake second. Cool, but not as funny as the SF one.
  13. So it was released...I believe the original music got the axe though...for me, the show isn't Tour of Duty without "Paint it Black" and other 60's music...that's part of why I liked the show...same as the Wonder Years. Do you know what music they replaced all the original songs with? I'm sure quite a few were probably changed.
  14. I actually liked Super Force back then... but just remembering it now... whoa... Pity they cancelled the whole thing after like one season, ended with one helluva big cliffhanger... mm.... I'm suprised that with all the "Sliders" fans, not a lot of people talk about "My Secret Identity"... One 80s/early 90s series I never got the name of.... this guy and his female sidekick flying around in this futuristic flying wing, saving people, yadda yadda... the guy had a machine that could make masks, a la Mission: Impossible.... can't for the life of me find any information about it though... Doesn't ring a bell. And wasn't Tour of Duty having problems with the music rights? Same like the Wonder Years.
  15. Not anime but both GI Joe and Cobra couldn't hit squat while running towards each other everyday.
  16. Miami Vice is in the works...
  17. I actually liked Blue Thunder better than Airwolf. And Buck Rogers: The Complete Series is coming. Bede bede bede bede!!!
  18. OK, finally got around to picking this up...The first one is indeed the Criterion version Director's cut albeit anamorphic with a better transfer...and 5.1 sound. The commentary found on the Criterion is still here, along with some really good surprising featurettes. If you never got the Criterion version, this is a great alternative. It even includes the deleted scenes like the original extended ending and the topless pizza place. Since this is about the same price or LESS than a Criterion version, it's a good deal...you can consider the other 2 movies as free extras. Not bad for $29. I now have this set and Criterion...wonder if those Prime Directive shows are worth it.
  19. StreetHawk? I think that's what it was called...I can't remember ever watching it.
  20. Afraid to admit that I remember that...
  21. May as well not even paint the thing on...can't see the thing anyways.
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