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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. My other Valkyrie is a car.
  2. That is a nice set...at a nice price too!
  3. I must see this.
  4. Though Isis is associated with cats on TV shows, Bast was the goddess of cats. http://www.touregypt.net/godsofegypt/bast.htm http://www.touregypt.net/godsofegypt/isis.htm
  5. So far, most people like Taco and Isis...on another boards, Fonzie and KOS-MOS. He's smarter than ED-209.
  6. QRIO? Still not available for the consumer yet...though some people on aby are scamming peopel as we speak.
  7. Yeah, I never could get into MASH...my grandparents love it. MY parents hate it.
  8. Glen Miyashiro? I was listening to Frank Delima a few days ago lol.
  9. Isis....Egyptian Goddess...what's the Battletech connection?
  10. The Kawamori designed Aibo, wasn't really limited...it just didn't sell as well as the others. Most people felt it was too...robotic looking. And they were $200 more than the 210's (like the one I bought). So now, since they have been discontinued, they are harder to find. People who own the 220 say it isn't really "cold and robotic" like after all... I still want the 220A (The A models were known as the Supercore Models...had a faster CPU).
  11. Get her latest album Gems now!!
  12. Hehe...that's a tough one to find. Fatal Fury Special had one of the best soundtracks. I had one a very long time ago. I shoulda kept the game and copied the tracks to a CD. Back then though, No one had CD recorders/burners. At the time, I recorded it onto a cassette...you know what happened to the tape... They pop up on ebay every once in a great while. Just keep checking.
  13. After a long time, I finally decided to get a Sony AIBO...I had wanted the Kawamori designed ERS-220A for awhile but, found a really good deal on a 210A which is the same thing except for the outside. I still plan on getting the Kawamori 220A and the new ERS-7 but for now...I need to name the little autonomous mutt...I am undecided on if it should be a boy or girl. These are the ones I keep coming back to...either vote or help me out with some names.
  14. Good job. As a law enforcement officer myself, I commend you...but yes, also admit that could have been a different outcome if it wasn't just a scared youngster. And in the US, as well as most of the world, as "right as it seems", you can't shoot someone just because they invaded your home. Even if they attacked you, you'd do what you have to do...but the laws will make you responsible for your actions, sorry to say. Not worth it. I've seen it before.
  15. It was kinda tough at times...the mission that frustrated me most was the one where you were in the canyons and those wind machines were blowing...for some reason, I would always mess up on that one...I must've played it like 20 times. Thing is, if a game keeps you coming back it must not be frustrating enough...if you say screw this...then it's frustrating enough.
  16. Looks pretty good...
  17. Lethal Skies was kinda meh compared to AFDS and Ace Combat. AFDS is about the only thing other than Ace Combat that was fun...and sometimes frustrating.
  18. This is distressing news...I loved his music.
  19. A second vote to Azusa from Yohko...she sucks.
  20. Then you'd need to have specific ones about Evangelion, Star Wars, Macross 7, The Matrix and sequels, the original Spiderman movie,etc. Bottom line...people love to say how much it is they hate something. Go figure. If I really hate something, I don't normally waste my time posting about it all the time. Though, I admit...MW does have it's share of..."less than impressed" people here. No matter what it is.
  21. Interesting. Always looking for Macross books.
  22. I've never seen Blade Runner.
  23. Those Star Wars animated shows Droids and Ewoks are coming to DVD... and a sneak pic at the possible cover arts for the sitcom everyone wants on DVD...
  24. I don't expect much from Star Wars...the names were always B sounding. It's just that today, people are more inclined to gripe about it. SW fans, give it up...he could have named it "Episode III: Anakin's ExcellenT Adventure and Bogus Journey in One" and you'd all still go see it.
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