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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. That show was before Highlander TV series? Or do you mean Post Highlander?
  2. I couldn't wait for the upcoming releases whatever they may be. I guess I'll have to settle for these R1's for now. I'd pick up the Japanese limited boxes if I had an R2 player now. Anyone have any guesses as to what they might do for the R1 special/limited ones?
  3. Well, that one does have the "Changed" voice that they used after and also, he does apparently slip and hit his head. On a side note, the opening credits on that one is the original longer one with his hand trying to get the pie in the fridge... The buzz so far is that Mr. Fusco is NOT pleased, especially since he did the menus so well. Lions Gate is apparently doing the major backpaddle and is quiet...the last statement they gave was that the syndicated episodes were already digitized and so...there ya go...then they retracted that and now the statement is they're finding out what happened. TV shows on DVD with syndiacted cut episodes is just wrong. I still like the show, but oddly, the scenes that are missing are the quotes I remembered most. That really bites.
  4. The uber crappy movie is an extra in the 1st season det of KR.
  5. Will you tell us what to buy then? Seriously, I liked them. And no, it's not nostalgia...I like them as much today as 20 years ago. Nostalgia was Transformers and GI Joe....watching them now makes me laugh.
  6. OK, I picked up the season one DVD set of ALF...and was shocked when I found out they epsidoes were cut...like they were syndicated....missing music...certain jokes gone...most episodes are cut by about 2 mins. Each episode runs maybe 21 mins...most 80's sitcoms were 24 mins...I thought it was my imagination at first, but I clearly remember certain scenes which are not here...the christmas one is missing ALF reading Willie the instructions about the fake tree...Willie playing the keyboard in the rock video one...Lynn telling the family "I just serve it Buster" when practicing her waitressing...sadly another TV on DVD release arrives that is not uncut. Plus...the Scanavo case they use have overlapping discs...many a floater around. Lion's Gate get s a thumbs down on the cut episodes and the packaging. Other than that....the set would have been nice because what IS there is good. Great menus...semi decent extras for an old show too.
  7. Though I prefer the subs, the dub was one of the better ones....except for Voices...song made no sense...sounded ok...just made no frickin' sense.
  8. ...boom boom boom Nerf Boomerang.... couldn't resist.
  9. bye thread.
  10. I'll reserve judgement until after I see it as well. Since I don't read comics, what was the Dark Horse comics story like? Was it based on the novels? Or were the novels based on the comic? I liked the books ok enough. And since it's somewehat related...I wish Capcom would port the AVP Arcade game to one of the current consoles...I loved that game. It'd be a great way to sell an olld arcade game...bundle it with Final Fight and Area 88 and then you could sell it on PS2.
  11. Hello George? The Kettle called...said you're black.
  12. You want bad movie? Watch Ishtar!! While I don't think AVP will be great, it may be some great mindless action...I hope. Sometimes I need movies with substance...sometimes I want mindless entertainment. On a side note...wasn't there at one point an Aliens: Colonial Marines movie idea being tossed around? I think that'd be very cool.
  13. It's as if NO film made now days will be right in the eyes here.
  14. I've seen that b4. There are a lot like that.
  15. Glenn Miyashiro....or Mr. Okada. Only funny if you live Hawaii.
  16. Myriad replying in a Mospeada thread? What are the odds...like Keith replying in a Mac 7 thread, or AgentOne replying in an Arnold movie thread! And I just got the 2 CD soundtrack a couple months ago. Long live Mospeada!
  17. I already have a Japanese and Chinese name.
  18. Be careful on ebay...lotsa scams with AIBO's.
  19. Looking for 220A now...the Kawamori AIBO will be mine. Oh yes...it will be mine. Then a 7. NERV, have you got the bug?
  20. I went to visit the Macross and all I got was this stupid plane!
  21. Thanks for all the suggestions. Between this and other boards, Taco and Fonzie were the actual favorites, with Isis close behind. I went with Taco.
  22. Well, the dog is already an ERS-210A so...
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