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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. Hardness and way out-ness aside, I enjoyed it. Hope they continue the series. It's a nice alternative to AC.
  2. I saw it last night. I enjoyed it. Not anything to write home about but, it was entertaining in it's own way. Better than AVP for sure.
  3. Because true classics rarely get respect. Special Edition DVD remastered with 5.1 DTS or DD please. Manga actually releasing it...I'll believe it when I see it. In Feb, I emailed Manga and got a quick...it's coming this year...yeah, yeah.
  4. Damn straight. And Gai says "Aye" makes 3.
  5. Just went to see it. Liked it. Glad it was subbed. Can't wait to hear the horrendous dub that will likely come with the US DVD.
  6. Got the issue today. I must say, the demo was fun...no more super easy missions like 4 if the demo was any indication. Did you notice that your wingmen when told to attack front seem to instantly get a super speed dose even when they were supposedly way behind you? one sec after you issue the order, and they whiz past you and you can't catch up.
  7. Hmmmmm...well....*still prays for a Gainax miracle* *Takes heart in knowing that even if GB2 bombs, he still has Noriko and co.*
  8. Go watch Firefly for a good change of sci-fi pace. Best. Sci-Fi. Ever.
  9. This thread made me dig out my old US Rendition tapes. They are beginning to slowly rot. Fuzzy they have become. I need this on DVD. And, that bootleg is not the answer.
  10. There is more likely to be a R1 release of Aim for the Top! 2 on DVD before there is one of the original Gunbuster. I really want to see how 2 will turn out. On one hand, the atrocious designs and characters displayed thus far. On the other...a lil faith in Gainax.
  11. I'll just wait for the R1...whoever winds up releasing it. Looks like my US Renditions VHS tapes are the last survivors of my VHS tape days...
  12. no it doesnt have the deleted scenes re-added i myself would have wanted to see the supposed scene where luke is on dagobah training and slices up trees, etc. You're kidding, right? What's the matter, George too stingy about us seeing those lost treasures? Actually, most of that stuff was missing and presumed lost until just this summer. Word is that they found tons (and I mean TONS) of this stuff, but it won't be in this set. All of this footage is (supposedly) going to be cleaned up and will likely appear in a future DVD release. Could it be the mythical 2007 uberboxset? Cash in the bank for Lucas and co. Cha--chiing!!!
  13. I especially liked the knife fight between mr. and future mrs. potato head.
  14. Hmmmmm...I guess smilies no longer convey sarcasm or jokes.
  15. As far as the Jedi being ancient in IV.... can we not say the same for Member's Only Jackets, an '84 Camaro, and the original Macintosh computer? All are about 20 years old in our time. I've no problem with it.
  16. Supah...bit!! for me.
  17. Does the Conan and pulls the Walker Texas Ranger Lever!
  18. I have the Red vs Blue DVD's. Funniest web show after Homestar and Foamy The Squirrel.
  19. I liked the last 2 films...what's interesting about this set is the commentaries with critics who hated the trilogy ripping on it...never thought I'd see that in a release.
  20. They are? I sure hope so...I want my Gunbuster.
  21. Interesting.
  22. I wonder if this could somehow be used in swords. Think of the possibilities.
  23. I think this film will be funny.
  24. You guys......
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