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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. I'd want it before the 25th. C'mon Kawamori! Make it happen...R2 with english subs won't hurt much...and while you're at it, give us M7 too.
  2. Skull & Crossbones. Pirates. Jolly Rogers. If they named the shoe the Focker or something, then I'd believe the Macross influence. Cool nonetheless.
  3. The "original" special editions had the blue door too. The laser disc rips have that same blue door...it's just a LOT more noticable now with the cleaned up picture.,..either that...they made it even more noticable, but the same blue oval on the pod is there in the "first" special editions".
  4. Which is why I decided to avoid the thread for the next few weeks. Did it with Kill Bill, the Matrix sequels, and the Spiderman 2 threads too.
  5. Pressed Start....demo began for me. On a side note...my wireless Fountech Air Style controller would not work with the demo...had to break out the Sony pad.
  6. The keyboards from an iMac will work in the PS2..at least the first USB iMac keyboard and the first PS2's. As for the Saitek flight stick...not a chance. The price on the Hori stick with AC5 is very reasonable. The same stick in Japan averaged $120 when it came out.
  7. Amen. Long live the Tomcat. Top Gun games don't count.
  8. It's the same Flightstick 2 Hori released a few months back: Hori Flightstick
  9. No word on what the new box will look like with the set. The DVD slip covers do appear to be the same though, with some minor changes. How much is the R2 boxset? (Too lazy to search around )
  10. Uhhh...is there supposed to be a punchline on this pic as related to the topic? Whenever you have Adam West running down a crowded pier to ditch a bomb, c'mon that's funny. I agree. That is the funniest thing I have seen today.
  11. I've heard 12/7 at first, but now most sites report 12/14. Still no one online allowing pre-orders though.
  12. Nothing new. There have been guns with blades before Final Fantasy.
  13. The super box set which is butt ugly: The regular 10 disc set:
  14. Decemberish was the supposed date for Extended ROTK and Yes.
  15. My pet cat could take them all out in a couple swipes.
  16. Well, it seems a bit more serious than the tv cartoon. It's cheap too. $13 at wal-mart.
  17. I recall Paul Champagne DVD boxes being touted a couple years ago...everyone said it sucked and it was stupid...now look at what's happening...
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