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Everything posted by Gaijin

  1. They still called the Macross PS2 game Robotech and veritech fighters too.
  2. THE BROWN....HORNET!!!!
  3. Games I literally never get tired of: Gunstar Heroes Contra III: Alien Wars Tempest /Tempest 2000 ThunderForce 3 & 4 Street Fighter 2 (esp Turbo) Streets Of Rage 2 (Bare Knuckle 2) Shin Samurai Spirits (Sam Sho 2) Fatal Fury Special (Best overall music in a fighting game ever) Combat (Atari 2600) looks like crap now but 3 helicopters versus bomber was the bomb Virtua Fighter series Top honors to SF2, Thunderforce series, and Tempest.
  4. That was kewlllll.
  5. I'd want it before the 25th. C'mon Kawamori! Make it happen...R2 with english subs won't hurt much...and while you're at it, give us M7 too. Damn that'd be expensive.... including Dynamite & everything, rough estimate would be $640....& of course I'd pay it too! Spacing them out wouldn't be too bad...similar to Animeigo's 3 disc sets of Macross. Least you wouldn't have to drop a big wad all at once.
  6. Holy Crap. Thanks! Futurama, King of The Hill, and 24 just went into my cart. Already have the rest.
  7. One of the common criticisms of the Ah! My Goddess OAVS is that, because of their compressed length, Belldandys personality is reduced to that of a doormat. A very attractive, very pleasant doormat, but a doormat nonetheless. I suspect fans are hoping that a TV series will give Belldandy a bit more room for character development ("Would you like two sugars instead of one in your tea, dear?" ) Are the smiley's working? They seem to be broken. That's 2 threads in a row.
  8. I think what's funniest was the fact that you think we think that Chun Li from the article is the Street Fighter Character. It's a joke playing on the name is all. Yes we know...we're just having fun of the guy's name. Like if a girl named Buffy Summers became the next president of NBC or something. Or a man who discovered the cure for cancer was named James Bond. Sheesh. The smiley's don't work...they must be broken...I coulda sworn I used them.
  9. Hehe...Chinese Scientists apparently led by....(wait for it)...Chun Li...have made an interesting discovery. http://cnn.netscape.cnn.com/news/package.j...ster/seamonster Spinning Bird Kick!
  10. Admittedly...I still don't get the whole cosplay thing...but for those who enjoy it, go for it.
  11. Well.. he HAS made like 4 or 5 comebacks to MW. It wouldn't surprise me. Guess I wasn't the only one thinking that.
  12. I don't get it.
  13. Let it go. Macross will go on...when they want it to...not when we do apparently.
  14. I haven't seen it yet but...even based on these pre-lim reports, I still say they (Gainax) could hit a homerun with us.
  15. RIP..he truly was a Superman.
  16. For some reason, SVC feels....off for me at least. Maybe I'm getting used to Capcom's version, though I still enjoy KOF and Samurai...maybe it's just me...
  17. Amen.
  18. Got my preview DVD from Gamestop but they didn't get the patches in yet. They say another week...guess the offer stands for the in-store pre-orders too. DVD has the 3 Trailers Screeenshots Radio chatter samples Making of Cinematics and some artwork...cool Haven't run everything yet but the third "trailer" looks like the opening movie to the game... looks awesome and a nice companion piece for a title.
  19. That was classic!
  20. *Peeks in* Preordered the game and flightstick from local GameStop. Forgot to ask if it includes patches and DVD...if not, I may just go online.
  21. The overhead works well here...nothing like Appaloosa's PS1 and Saturn Contras. Takes a bit getting used to but basically is Shattered Soldier from overhead with more weapons and (from the demo at least) much easier. As for MGS3...I'm enjoying the demo much.
  22. Not HALO(the game) styled. He does a HALO( High Altitude Low Opening Jump).
  23. How come no one has mentioned that the latest OPM has a PLAYABLE MGS3 DEMO? Picked it up today and popped it in for a quick look. Magazine has a foil wrap and the cover is a slew of the MGS style "!" all over it. So far so good...We see "Snake" perform the HALO jump and into the jungle...playing in the more open areas rather than indoors is nice. The camo feature is kinda fun...switching to the "old" codec takes awhile (hope this is just because it's the demo). I've only played for about 10 mins so I'll be back with more later. Ona side note...the demo disc also has Neo Contra (awesome), Area 51, Ghost in The Shell SAC(demo was great), Robotech Invasion(sucked BIG time), and a slew of other great playable titles...best demo disc in awhile. !
  24. Deja Vu....I coulda sworn I read this thread somewhere before.
  25. Wow this thread is still geting replies? All you deck swabbers and lackeys and armor waxers have too much to talk about.
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