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Everything posted by Murphy

  1. The hell? That guy is using my picture in the auction. I posted it a page back.
  2. here are some comparison pics, i did have a factory defect though but not a huge problem but on one of the metal pins in the inner shoulder joint was missing or fell out, so the right part of the back was separated from the chest but took some pliers and snapped it back in.
  3. look what just came in today from AmiAmi!! its like christmas all over again!! that was fast. shipped on friday came on tuesday to Los Angeles, i wonder if it would of came yesterday if it wasn't a holiday.
  4. Macross Ace Frontier, Macross Ultimate Frontier and Macross Trail Frontier are 10000000000000x better than battlecry, and you can play them online, did with Ultimate Frontier with a MW member awhile back. -edit-...to bad i wore-out my psp playing these games need to buy a replacement
  5. Can't wait you know in in!
  6. Where's nano when you need him;), 140 us? What's up with the price raise last price quote was about 100-110 I think
  7. Are you talking about the kneecap covers? if you look at the line art from macross mecha manual, altos knees are painted black/dark grey on the bottom half. Ozmas are not suppose to be like altos so the are the correct color.
  8. lol if you scroll down really fast it looks like the 17s actually transforming.
  9. sweet..is the whole visor clear plastic with green in back?
  10. Maybe the armor comes with 2 pairs of launch doors one with pegs that open out wards and others you can open inwards. If you look closely at the edges of the chest launcher bays it looks like there is room for pegs. Maybe its Bandai's way of addressing the issue, or i'm totally imagining a solution. who knows. Anyways just sent my payment to AmiAmi!!! still to bad it didn't include a 1/60 ex-gear Ozma.I guess a mini Ranka is ok.
  11. i hope the include the sniper rifle with altos armored parts
  12. Wow, I thought that the 30th anniversary logo was fan made because I saw it first on the MW main page. Pretty cool. Is the vf-25s just comming with the ranka figure that sits in the back seat? I hope they include a mini-ex gear ozma with a wings extended! So I can put it next to the mini alto.
  13. sweet cant wait to get mine!, btw what are these issues with wrong colors people are talking about?
  14. got mine today and i have to say it impressed me alot. I never liked the vf-17's originally because it looked to cartoony in macross7 but after getting the toy my mind is changing.
  15. Wow I just paid 25480yen including shipping for this thing, I'm going to be kickin myself if this thing goes on sale later
  16. I put no since I'm not a fan of busts. When I think of busts I think of those useless robotech ones that where made. But if it was really detailed and had LEDs all over the place that would make it look like the opening bridge scene in DYRL then I would give it a shot.
  17. Did Bandai say they are re-releasing this? What proof do you have? I'm just wondering
  18. Wow 287.48 from hlj maybey I should switch back to them, usual when I used to shop at hlj the quoted price was usually lower than the actual price paid. If you don't mind could you post the final cost u paid because I might switch back to hlj if it's cheaper.
  19. Pre-order e-mails are going out for amiami customers, so check your mailboxes....ouch this excaliber is $302 including shipping to the states. Well I hopes it worth it, Im glad valks are somewhat comming out once a month.
  20. Im glad it's a wonderful model(yes I call it a model bc it's detailed like a model rather than a toy) but I'm sorry you have to pay mrsp, should of jumped on the pre-order bandwagon!!!!
  21. You know I've have been thinking about doing this. srsy
  22. Yea, even though I have mixed fellings about MW3 multiplayer , it's single player campaign was frigging awsome. As for battlefield 3 campaign I have yet to complete it yet it's mutiplayer is IMHO is better than MW3 .
  23. Great toy, this thing looks like a Yamato rather than Bandai! I'm just in aw of it. But can someone explain the head/neck/ back plate transformation, I think I'm doing it wrong.
  24. U know i had no ideal Gilliams vf-25f was a different color than altos, i always thought they were the same color, i guess i didn't look closely, can someone post pics of the differences. i would definitly buy a Gilliam version if bandai made one.
  25. How would one get a imported game on the Vita? correct me if i'm wrong isn't the vita using digital download only(like the PSPGO)? I would hate to jump through hoops just to get a macross game on the vita rather than just importing a physical copy.
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