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Sulendil Ang

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Everything posted by Sulendil Ang

  1. Well, in this case, the word rumored in my post actually means "fan speculation". Sorry for the confusion.
  2. Yeah, me too: Shinsen always dropped their subs if a show get licensed, so please, let Shinsen finished their jobs first! BTW, I do doubt that news is truth, since even now, no major sites (like ANN) reports anything regarding the license.
  3. Isamu test pilot: It's rumored to be a 30 minutes show, although so far we only get 2 two-minute clips. And I think you can get both clips from iMacross Server.
  4. SV-51 for me, although VF-27 is a close second.
  5. Like I said in News thread, I have no idea at all, since not websites except the one you mentioned says anything about the license of Macross Frontier.
  6. No idea at all. Most major websites didn't report about it. It maybe just a false news. I think we should wait first before making any conclusion.
  7. That, or just upgrade your computer, as in adding more memory, use a more powerful graphic card, upgrade your CPU, etc. (Although judging from your computer's spec, I think it should be more than enough to run mkv smoothly. What's your CPU and OS?) Don't run any program that consume lots of CPU when watching mkv also helps, too.
  8. whispo: Yup, it is the Macross Frontier. Also agree with you about VF-171. That's one awesome grunt unit, even if it's piloted by our main character.
  9. anime52k8: Actually, the Chinese text said: Incorrect modification Illegal Modification With a big, red cross over the car. In other words, the picture suggested that any cars with incorrect or illegal modification is not welcomed/allowed/recommended, depending how you interpret that cross.
  10. We already have one, Vifam7: remember Macross 2? I think your idea works better if it's just an artbook in the format similiar to MSV (Mobile Suit Variation).
  11. Agreed. I'm not too big a fan for a sequel, too. If there's going to have a Macross show next year, I hope it will be something new. And again, regarding Macross Galaxy, I think patience is the key. Let's wait for at least next episode before we all scream 'what about Galaxy!!!!'
  12. Then I demand my VF-25 option!
  13. Why there's no option for VF-25? My personal view: judging from Alto's personality, I think he may end up choosing no one. He isn't really interested romantically to both of them, and until the future episodes give us more concrete proof, I don't think we can make a final call on this love triangle.
  14. ... Besides the Holy Froating Head had already declared that Max is indeed in a different class than anyone else, so trying to argue that Max is lousier than Hikaru is probably getting you to nowhere. After all, how can fight someone whose surname is Jenius?
  15. Yeah, at least three people in Frontier who are interested with fold quartz. Grace, who wants Vajra-Frontier conflicts, Leo, who wants to be President, and Bilrer who I'm not going to guess his motive until at least the next episode.
  16. An advice to you: don't just think that Gundam or Macross is THE only mecha show. There are plenty of mecha shows that are actually quite good, so be bold and try to see some others. BTW, nice to see another converted Macross fan.
  17. I partially disagree. I think at least some of her objectives are in lines with Leon's ambitions, or Leon wouldn't have interested to work together with her. Conspirators must have somethings to hold them together. Seen your updated post. Yeah, gaining control of Vajra is one of their objectives, and I have a deep suspicion that Grace would likes Leon to sit on President's chair. Which bring me to this question: why Grace wanted a shift of power in UNG political structure? How does replacing Leon with Howard will benefit her plans? Another mystery of Grace and co.
  18. Errr... Last time I check, this thread is about Grace's plan, not Grace's boobs... Back to topic: I think the problem of deducing Grace's plan is that we knows so little of Grace and her plan. We know that it involves conflicts between Vajra and Frontier, and she wished that Macross Frontier to reach Vajra homeland safely, judging from her comment about Vajra can't takes down Frontier yet in the recent episodes. We also knows she wants to use Sherly and Ranka for unknown means (yes, we know Ranka can control Vajra with her song, but why she even wanted to use the ability at the first place?), that she is one of the members who, together with Mao and Ranshe, are trying to research about the V-type infection. She has a partnership with Leon, although I think the partnership only started when Grace and Leon's "date" on episode 10. So here's the problem: what's the ultimate objective of Grace's plan? To eliminate Vajra? But why she wanted to do so? And how Galaxy is related to her plans, if such connection exists? I hope Episode 23 will at least answer some of our questions, since we knows too little about this 'queen b*tch of the galaxy'. (no pun intended)
  19. Do you think I have one? (Dirty) jokes asides, my key point of my previous post is that the OP is interested of what evil plans are Grace hatching.
  20. Bad in what way? Bad as in "I am the queen b*tch of the galaxy!', or as in "I love to fondle my breast, and then some..."?
  21. d3v: Well, Dragonauts is a quite recent anime, which is famous for its excess use of fanservice, which of course including big boobs female characters. (Yeah, more than one. In fact, I think all of its female character has bust size that can make Nanase looks normal. )
  22. Alright, find the thread in question, you can read it here on this link: (note that the discussion spread at least 2 pages, so be sure to read the next page!) http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...4673&st=900 Summary: The grey ship that get owned by Vajra is called Stealth Frigate, according to the scan.
  23. Like I said in the Mecha thread, I think we have seen that scan a long time ago in the previous incarnation of this thread.
  24. Hey, I think I have seen that scan a long time ago, RedWolf, in the previous incarnation of the News Thread. And yeah, guys, lets translate those info!
  25. @ Agent ONE's post. Agent ONE: You know, I couldn't help but wonder if her origin about being a quarter Zentrandi is just another makeup memory, told by Ozma to hidden her true origin. After all, she did have a memory block during her young age, and I think her real origin might be a major revelation during the final episodes of MF. (I suspect that will got to do with Grace and that fishy Macross Galaxy...)
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