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Sulendil Ang

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Everything posted by Sulendil Ang

  1. Both television and DYRL? version of SDF-1 has the same armaments, I think.
  2. Hah, my favourite topic. Do remember that NMC, at the end of day, function more like an aircraft carrier: they never meant to be fighting without proper escorts and wings. Even with its BFG, I don't think that NMC can win any ship-to-ship battles with their own armaments. (Ok, there is the infamous twin Macross attacks on Macross Galaxy, but the key word here is twin. ) On the other hand, Macross class is a well built destroyer, designed to escort other bigger ships (such as NMC) and to destroy enemy fleets using more complex maneuvers. Look at the armaments of Macross itself, and you will understand why: with its BFG, beam cannons, rail cannons, and missiles launchers, they are much suited to do ship-to-ship battle than NMC.
  3. Recently, I'm interested in this anime, but I have no idea where to download it. Any suggestions? BTW, what do you guys think about the anime? How about all those prequel OVAs and Movie?
  4. You, This and That. What an original naming.
  5. Only one so far: Lunar. Although you can place your bet on Shinsen too, given that if the series didn't get licensed during their long way to subbing the series. (They're currently at Episode 14) Menclave also another candidate, although with their speed (slower than Shinsen: release episode 14 later than Shinsen), I don't know when they going to finish them, the same goes to Shinsen too. EDIT: Ninja'd.
  6. Wow, you're so lucky. Mine takes another 6 hours to complete, assuming nothing bad happens...
  7. Don't complain, man: in my case, it takes almost a whole day, and the connection is so lousy, it keeps broke up during download. And without able to use download manager, I almost cry when that happens.
  8. Yeah, I agree. The video aren't really great. In fact, my one got a faulty scene at 11:03. Do you have one?
  10. Is it just me, or the video seems to be faulty at 11:03? Mellow Yellow: Does it? Didn't notice that. Which version you're referring to? I'm using AVI version.
  11. Nay, I'm talking about the my Macross Mecha Manual dream, not that kind of dream. And I'm pretty sure you wouldn't meet me anytime soon, given of where we actually live.
  12. Well, it's a little tad to big for me. That, and the download speed is slow as snail (average 5-10 kB), thanks for my lousy ISP...
  13. What, that thing is just a prototype for something that's WAAYYYYYY AWESOME!!!???? You're so cool and talented, man. Can't wait to see you do the Movie version of Macross.
  14. What, don't tell me that long lost vessel is Megaroad-01? BTW, don't really trust the lists: Kawamori has already stated that the movie will be the retelling of the TV series a la DYRL?.
  15. Dear Mr March: Well, it wasn't really a long list, but my wish list did include a lot of hard work from your part. But since you want to know, so here it is: My Macross Mecha Manual wish list! 1. MOAR animated diagrams!!! I love those diagrams, so I wish that you could do the same to EVERY Valks: from SV-51 to the recent VF-25. And there's ships like Macross and ARMD... 2. Mechanical colour code for transformation Do you still remember this picture from the VF-25S profile? I kinda like the idea behind it, so why don't we try to do the same with other variable fighters? After all, I do saw occasional questions about which part of fighter mode go to which part of Battroid mode, something that is not easy to explain using words. Let's start with the simpler one like Macross, and then we move up to more complex transformation like YF-19 and YF-21. I'm sure the fans would be glad to see those. 3. MOAR Macross Zero profiles!!! Yeah, I know that we are severely limited by the lack of good line arts, but I would like to see the day when the Macross Zero section is completed. Macross Chronicles, you are my only hope... 4. MOAR G&A profiles!!! Just like above, I wish to see more profiles in that section. More importantly, I want my VF-5000 Super Pack!!! I think Macross Chronicles has a nice picture of it, so why don't you upload it for this VF-5000 fan? 5. MOAR line arts!!! Speaking of line arts, I wish Macross Mecha Manual will feature more improved line arts. Case in point: http://www.new-un-spacy.com/macrossdyrl/ma...yrl-cruiser.gif. I like that! Hope to see more in the future! 6. Add 'For Fans Only' button on the navigation bar Because it would help me to navigate your site more easily. 7. MOAR Comparison line art!!! Speaking of the For Fans Only section, I would love to see more of those comparison line art, starting for that line art that compares the height of Macross, Macross 25 and Macross Frontier. That's... That's all, I think. Can you grant my (wet) dreams? I have been a good boy for a whole year, you know. Your truly, Sulendil Ang
  16. Yeah, that was what I think, too. But still didn't stop me for worrying and yearning for those lovely AVI.
  17. I'm pretty sure Lunar haven't drop the series yet, although I admit I was a little bit worry when they haven't even release their subs for more than a week. Where art thou, my beloved AVI?
  18. Speaking of Lunar, what's happening to them? It's a week already, but yet the 25 episode sub is not coming out yet. I miss my AVI.
  19. May I ask which designation is for which Ghost? I know about AIF-7S and V-9, but I knows nothing about AIF-9B. I presume that AIF-9B is the Ghost used by Luca?
  20. Err, you forget about Gamlin and his miracle survival story in M7. But I agree with March on this case. In Macross, dead people stays dead, no matter if his name is Micheal, Kamjin or even Kakikazi.
  21. Hey, March, I really like the Animated Diagrams of the For Fans Only section. It helps me clear a lot of confusion about the position of various armaments. Since you did a nice picture already for SDF-01's beam cannon in Newbie Thread, is it too much for me to ask for at least an animated version of that ship's line art? Of course, I do have a big wish list for Macross Mecha Manual, but I don't want to really bother you on this.
  22. Can't answer the first part yet, as I haven't finish watching the finale (where are you, Lunar?), but I can answer the second part: Battle 13 didn't turn rogue, it was stolen by a terrorist group called Vindirance.
  23. Well, I find a very interesting line in MAHQ's summary of SDFM Episode 1: Maybe Chris (ChrisG in MacrossWorld), the webmaster of the MAHQ, make a mistake here. Can someone confirm this, as I don't have the clips with me now?
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