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Sulendil Ang

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Everything posted by Sulendil Ang

  1. Yeah, that's what I think, too. But unless someone brings us a confirmed visual proof, I think it's best stick to Macross Compendium for the meantime.
  2. I guess you haven't seen Flashback 2012, because just like you, I once thought the Megaroad-01 is not really big, until I saw that particular ship in FB 2012. In comparison, Macross looks like a dwarf. To give you the hard data, Megaroad-01 is as big as, if not bigger, than the City 7 section of Macross 7. City 7 is about 5000 meter, and Megaroad-01 is approximately 5000+ meter.
  3. Just a question: YF-19 has two names, isn't it? One is Alpha One (OVA), and another is Eagle One(Movie), at least according to Gubaba. So can you put that info on your YF-19 profile? Since your profile only listed one of them.
  4. Alright, you win. Guess my memory isn't the best thing to rely with. Proof (from Macross Compendium) I don't have the video with me now, but if anyone has a visual proof to proof the point, I always welcome. Just to make sure that Gubaba the Fire Bomber Fan and everyone else will be satisfied, that's all.
  5. That's what internet dangerous: any sarcastic jokes can turned into a fact by others if someone is not careful with their posts. Emoticons is your friends. And I think you are mistaken, Gubaba, on the YF-19's name. It's called "Alpha One" consistently in both version, and "Eagle One", which also appear in both version, is actually the call sign for Isamu when he rides a VF-11 for the YF-21's test flight.
  6. And I place my bet on Basara. Loser will going to eat pineapple salad, deal?
  7. @ Gubaba Actually, it's Gubaba who inspired me to do this second edition of the poll: I really curious who would have the courage to declare their love to those, err, unique design of Sound Force's plane.
  8. Today, when I'm surfing MW site, I 'suddenly' paying attention to the banner of the main page. Or to be precise, the phrase "Unofficially serving the Macross Fan since December 1st, 1999". I'm wondering, can someone brief me of the great history that is MW, and anything interest that happens for this 9 long years? PS: Wow, MW is indeed a very old website...
  9. Hi everyone! I'm making the second edition of the favourite Valkyrie poll, but this time, there's a little twist: it's about your favourite variant of VF-19 and VF-22, both which makes appearance in M+ and M7. Again, any comment/opinion is always welcome.
  10. Kudos to Graham for the review! The 1/48 Valk really look nice, definitely a must have.
  11. By bringing Sherly into Frontier, I guess. Maybe Sherly is just a beacon that say 'Come here Vajra, here's some puny humans for you bugs to enjoy!'
  12. Yeah, besides, the stars in the galactic centre is so dense it feels like traveling in the maze. No a place where you want to fold freely.
  13. Amusingly, I'm one of those people who are glad to see lots of kanji, since most of those kanji are based on chinese characters, which I'm extremely familiar with (since Chinese is my mother tongue), so I can help. Again, I say yea to translation of Chronicles!
  14. Yeah, makes you wonder what Bilrer's big dream that he's going to tell Alto, huh? "My great wish to spread to the entire galaxy the wonder of train modeling, but those Cylon thinks playing with bugs are much more fun, so I create a paramilitary group to tell those cyborgs that bugs are lame toys, even underperformed plane can owns them big time..."
  15. Well, what can I say 'bout this episode? This is a very awesome clip show! The editing is well done, and I love the part where Sherly and Ranka have a duet. Poor Alto, forcing to choose between the two. Is that mean we gonna see 4,795,122+ Vajra ships appear around Frontier in the finale? Awesome (and very unfortunate for our friends in Frontier)
  16. Don't worry: If Shinsen did dropped MF, they will let the fans knows through their website. So far, there's no news from them yet, so it's in the "no news=good news" category.
  17. Are you sure about Gubaba not appearing on MF? Who knows, we might see him fighting Vajra in the Grand Finale!!!
  18. I'm wondering, in Macross canon, does Gorg Bodolzaa-Class Mobile Fortress replaces Fulbtzs-Berrentzs Class Fleet Flagship as the flagship of Zentradi main fleet?
  19. Well, behind-the-scene-CF-pilot-who-kicks-Vajra's-butt type of character sounds fine to me, as long as I don't suffer the fate that is Guilliam...
  20. Sorry to sound like a complete idiot, but I don't get what the point of the list of SV-51 users, or how it's being made in the first place, or its relationship with the website hangPC2 posted, or how his other posts related to this particular topic (especially the post about MB-339). Can someone enlighten me?
  21. According to the first issue of Macross Chronicles, the colony behind Battle 25 is not your average New macross class colony ship: I think it's called Island Cluster type, which can hold up to 10 million people. Thanks kresphy for that info! http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...st&p=622568
  22. Now we know who's the pilot who makes the VF-171 looks so badass in episode 14: his name is Machida. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...st&p=624533 Thanks Nexx Stalker for that awesome pic!
  23. Sharp eyes, Nexx Stalker. Thanks for the pic! Now let's salute to Machida, the pilot who makes VF-171 shine!!!
  24. Huh, what's all you guys are talking about? At far as I'm concerned, VF-171 is already good enough to make this episode more awesome than all other episodes.
  25. Well, I think the plot is already too packed to introduce such rivalry between SMS and NUNS, but yeah, I will salute to those brave VF-171 pilots in episode 14. You make VF-17 and VF-171 proud.
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